Blue Dogs Make Trouble- For Themselves

I would like to comment on something Digby had to say (very correctly as usual) about what is likely to happen in the next congressional elections:

"...if the Democrats don't pass decent health care, it's the Blue Dogs who are going to suffer, not the liberals.

Some of these Blue Dogs are probably going to lose anyway. They were swept up in Obama's coattails and in this sour political and economic environment his coat frayed immediately."

This is absolutely correct; however, there is a further point to make about the current health care situation. If these damned blue dogs had not pandered to the Republicans and the insurance companies, and if they had not put their hunger to be the power brokers in congress ahead of a good bill, the Democrats would be united on this issue, and could present a unified front and move forward without having to worry about Republican obstruction. It is the blue dogs themselves who have woven the web which threatens to entrap them now. They are the first ones who will fall prey to their own treachery.


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