Wingnut Wrapup

Here's another load of vicious, lying garbage, just like always, from the right. I believe it's vital that we keep our eyes on this growing menace. I do what I can to make it as humorous as possible, but some times it just gets you down:

World Net Daily: "Evidence challenges claim over Obama's birth address"

Sure it does, you lying dick. You stuck your necks out on this issue and now, if you admit the obvious truth, you are all going to look like the biggest bunch of morons in world history. So, you're going to stick to your stupid story no matter what. Thanks for that.

Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon"

Then how come you guys keep buying guns? Actually, here's a tip: Growing up is man's most potent weapon. Try it, why don't you.

World Net Daily: "Don't believe everything you read"

Particularly if you read it at World Net Daily

Washington Times: "Polls show growing rejection of Obamacare"

Well, they don't. But who is going to believe a bunch of Moonies anyway?

Red State: "Republicans answer the challenge, take on Capone with video and fearlessness"

Let's see: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe, Satan, and now Capone?
Really, guys, I don't think Capone adds that much. I think Obama will pretty well survive that one too. Bye now.

Red State: "Deeds Stakes Campaign on Killing Babies"

That's a Democrat running for Governor in Virginia. It's a common Democratic campaign strategy: "Vote for me and I'll kill your baby." He's got Susan Smith's vote already.

Bruce Bialoski, Town Hall: "Clunker Program Shows Economic Ignorance"

Other than the fact that it was unbelievably popular, and pumped massive amounts of money into the economy. No, a tax cut for the rich would have been so much smarter.

Allen Hunt, Town Hall: "There Is No Health Care Crisis"

On Mars. Allen, you need to grow up too.

Ken Klukowski, Town Hall: "Sotomayor's Confirmation Isn't a Win for the White House"

Of course not:

"The confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday will.... backfire on Barack Obama to the benefit of the Republican Party."

Sure it will. Everything is good for the Republicans. It's so lucky for them that they lost last November.

Little Pammy, at it again: "Obama's "Green" Czar: Underground Terrorist and Communist"

Sounds like a good resume to me.

Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Obama trains minions how to silence and destroy the American people"

Is that one of those easy A's like basket weaving and History of Comic Books? Anyway, as usual, Sher has more to offer us:

"ObamaCare provides Americans healthcare in the same way that Hitler's ovens provided the German people fresh bread."

God knows how we are supposed to respond to that. Talk about a pathetic comparison.

Warner Todd Huston, Renew America: "Journo asks why can't 'progressives' win?"

Warner, when did this "Journo" write this? 2004? Because, in case you didn't notice, the progressives win just about everything these days.

Phill Kline, Renew America: "Marx in the operating room: The death panels were formed long ago"

Whew. I just hope they make the Death Panels scrub down before they go in- we don't want their murder victims to get infected. In case you are interested:

"Phill Kline is the former Attorney General of Kansas who is, to date, the only Attorney General / prosecutor ever to obtain abortion records and formally charge both George Tiller and Planned Parenthood"

Funny, they didn't bother to mention that Phill's "formal charges" were thrown out of court accompanied by hooting derision from the judge, and made such a fool out of Phill that he got defeated by a Dem in this heavily Republican state. That's why he's a former attorney general.

By the way, Phill, what's with the extra l?

Kevin Price, Renew America: "A shrinking world requires shrinking tax rates"

EVERYTHING requires shrinking tax rates, right, Kevin?

Jonah "Mr. Stupid" Goldberg, National Review Online, "What Every Conservative Parent Needs"

A brain transplant.

Peter Daou, Huffington Post: "Are Democrats Determined to Become What They Most Despised About Bush?"

No, Peter, they are not about to drill holes in their skulls so all of their brains can drain out, leaving them a bunch of ignorant, drooling idiots.

It's a sick world when people from Huffington Post get on here.

A final question: I found some jackass on Renew America who cited the following alleged quote:

"Democracy is the road to socialism. — Karl Marx"

I googled this and found a lot of mainly right wing sights which mentioned this remark, but I found absolutely nothing citing a source for it. Does anyone know if this is a real remark of Marx, and if so, where it comes from?


Derek said…
"Well, they don't. But who is going to believe a bunch of Moonies anyway?"

If NPR says that the plurality oppose Obama's plan, you know that it has to be true. 47-42 by their count.

The only one lying here is GE.

"Other than the fact that it was unbelievably popular, and pumped massive amounts of money into the economy. No, a tax cut for the rich would have been so much smarter.

A tax cut for everyone would be better. The reason why $4C is so stupid is that they destroy perfectly good, usable cars. They are destroying something that has value, effectively nullifying its ability to break anywhere close to even.

On Mars. Allen, you need to grow up too."

I've yet to see or hear of any "crisis". There are problems, sure, but not nearly as many as in countries with socialized healthcare.

"A brain transplant."

I'm surprised you didn't say lobotomy, as it would be truthier.

Isn't that quote from Capital? That or one of his Criticisms. It is his however, as I have never heard it attributed to anyone else.

My favorite quote on socialism:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism”, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”

Norman Mattoon Thomas- 1944, Socialist Party of America Presidential candidate.
Green Eagle said…
"A tax cut for everyone would be better."

Talk about someone who has no response to anything except squawking out the Republican talking points.

"I've yet to see or hear of any "crisis".

That's because you are an ignorant, emotional child that has never had to confront the reality of real illness. Someday, Derek, you will be really ashamed of remarks like this.

"A brain transplant"

Funny, Derek, I wrote lobotomy first. But these people need a better brain, not a worse one.

"It is his however, as I have never heard it attributed to anyone else."

Well, consider this quote: "I am a pathetic baboon with my head stuck in the rectum of a goat."

I am asserting that Derek said that, since I have never heard it attributed to anyone else.

I want to know if it is a real quote. So far, I have no reason to believe it is. And here's my favorite quote on socialism:

"I can't help it if reality is Marxist."

-Che Guevara
Green Eagle said…
Derek, this just in from Gallup:

"Sixty-three percent of respondents approve of Obama's performance, results released Monday indicate.

Gallup tracks Obama's overall job approval ratings each day as part of Gallup Poll Daily tracking. Since June, Obama's approval rating slipped into the 50s, sinking to 52 percent in late July..."
Derek said…
"Talk about someone who has no response to anything except squawking out the Republican talking points."

If you'd like me to explain how it would be better then I will. nice dodge on the healthcare polls by the way.

"That's because you are an ignorant, emotional child that has never had to confront the reality of real illness."

I've had problems with my knees for 6 years now (speaking of which, I'll be walking with a limp for the next few days because I turned my right knee incorrectly) and have had other medical ailments for a very long time. 70% of Americans are happy with their healthcare, and that is the lowball number. There is no crisis, quit spewing Democrat malarkey.

"Funny, Derek, I wrote lobotomy first."

Predictable! I'm getting to know you GE, how sweet. So you'd be making them more conservative? Or just giving them more knowledge? The only way to get a liberal from a conservative is to give that conservative a lobotomy.

"I am asserting that Derek said that, since I have never heard it attributed to anyone else."

But no one has ever said that I said that except for you just now. If you are disagreeing with most quote websites online, I think you have another thing coming. Again, the sense of how many people repeat a claim escapes you.

"So far, I have no reason to believe it is."

Except for a number of credible websites saying it is, and nothing refuting that claim. Of course, you have no reason to believe that it isn't either. What motive would you have? Does it bother you that socialism has taken hold of countries through Democracy? It is true, and this is one of the few times I will say that Marx was right.

"I can't help it if reality is Marxist.""

Che's reality was his observation, which is what he was limited to as he refused to understand history or anything else for that matter. Actual reality, that of truth, isn't marxist. Marxism has caused more death and destruction in the past 100 years than any other philosophy. Che took part in the killing of thousands of innocent people, all in the name of big government. Why pot heads where t-shirts with his face emblazoned on the front is beyond me.

What? Today is at 54%, yesterday was 55%. Maybe you received that stat from thinkprogress but Obama's approval rating hasn't been in the 60s since mid to late june. Go to, it is on the top ticker.
Green Eagle said…
Derek, how many people think Voltaire said "I may disagree with you, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it?" How many people think George Washington chopped down the cherry tree? How many people think the world is 6000 years old?

I just want to know if this alleged quote has a source. I couldn't find an attribution at any website I looked at.
Derek said…
"How many people think the world is 6000 years old?"

Not the majority and not the experts. If SCIAM was reporting that the earth was X number of years old, I am sure that you would agree they are a credible source and would respect their expertise. However, you are saying that basically all of the largest quote sites on the web got the quote wrong? That would be just as delusional as saying the earth is 6000 years old.

Keep looking, soon enough you'll find it. I'm fairly certain that it is from one of his criticisms. I swear I have seen it before.

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