Wingnut Wrapup

They're out in force today. It must be wingnut Walpurgisnacht or something.

Brian Faughnan, Red State: "Cash For Clunkers: EPIC FAIL"

This is because some auto dealers are unhappy with the Government being slow to send them their money. And that happened because the program was successful beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Success = Failure, at least when Democrats do it. Of course, we learned long ago from George W. Bush that when Republicans do it, Failure = Success. Remember Iraq?

Streiff, Red State: "Henry Waxman Goes Ballistic On Health Insurers"

And what was this emotional breakdown that Henry Waxman suffered?

"Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Bart Stupak (D-MI) have issued a letter to fifty of the nations largest health insurance providers asking for all manner of financial data."

He issued a letter. Sorry, Streiff, that isn't really what most people think of when they hear about someone "going ballistic." You've really got to put more effort into your lies. Maybe you just can't concentrate these days. After all, you don't even seem to be able to remember your other name.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Stop the Abortion Mandate"

That should be easy, because, as this dick knows fully well, there is no "abortion mandate." Just another little Republican lie.

Well, at least Erick isn't having any trouble remembering his other name. It's the same as the first one.

Pam "Dumbass" Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Barack "we are not a Christian nation" Obama is taking his national socialist healthcare to the churches. The man and his propaganda ministers are diabolical. How low can they go?"

How low can he go? To what despicable depths can he sink as a politician? Trying to enlist churches in furtherance of his political goals! No decent politician would ever think of such a thing!

Well, except for every single member of the Republican party, right? But, it's oka
y when they do it, they being so noble and religious and all.

Pam "even bigger dumbass" Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "O's strategy? ....attempting to ethnically cleanse Israel of the Jewish people."

He'll be bombing them with nerve gas any day now. You know what, Pammy? Jews aren't that dumb. Actually, no one is dumb enough to fall for that miserable lie, except you and your friends in the "let's see what crap we can get people to believe today" crowd.

Pam "My Dumbassness knows no limits" Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Obama/Democrats to Americans: Drop Dead"

Maybe that will be their next campaign slogan: America: Drop Dead- Vote Democratic 2010. It does have a sort of ring to it.

Michael Reagan, Newsmax: "U.S. Politics Won’t be the Same without Bob Novak"

Thank the lord above. Now, if we could just get rid of Charles Krauthammer and David Broder.

Russ J. Allen, Renew America: "Comparing modern conservatives to Founding Fathers"

I wouldn't have thought that would take long, unless you dwell on the differences. But I don't think that's what he's up to. Here's a sample of his soaring prose:

"Are we going to win this battle against the demonic, Godless communists...?

I.e. Democrats. Listen, Russ, I don't think Washington and Jefferson were really concerned about demonic communists. Really. Here's another choice sentiment:

There is no difference between Newt Gingrich, John Adams or Thomas Jefferson and Mike Huckabee"

Jefferson, Gingrich....what's the difference? Has this man gone totally mad?

Neil Bryan Goldberg, Renew America: "What would Winston Churchill Say?"

Apparently this:

"... seeing America about to be overrun by unconscionable corruption, disgusting treason in almost every high place, our revered Constitution being used as a doormat, and thugs at public meetings trying to intimidate citizens "

Apparently, he suspects that, by this time, Churchill would have sunk into deep senility.

World Net Daily: "Fawning media: 'Obama now scared of own shadow' "

Oh no! Does that mean six more weeks of winter?

World Net Daily: "Is Marxism the rule in your kid's school?"

Not mine. Mostly the rule there is goofing off and not doing your homework. As far as I can tell, anyway. And I don't think that is the same as Marxism. Unless you consider it a sort of general strike.

World Net Daily: "Obama, Congress to decide when you die?"

You know what? As slow as congress does everything else, that might not be such a bad idea. We'll all live to 150.

Center for a Just Society: "Is Education Next?"

What, after Government offers medical insurance they are going to start offering education too? Is there no end to their plans to cynically interfere in our lives?

Well, what have we learned today? We've discovered that Democrats are emotionally unstable, ethnic cleansing, America hating, corrupt, treasonous, thuggish communist demons. On the other hand, conservatives are exactly, totally, perfectly like our founding fathers, especially when they are violently shouting down anyone who dares express an opinion different than theirs.

I bet they don't teach that in those Marxist government schools.


Poll P. said…
In my kids' schools. we thought of it as "Maxism".

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