Wingnut Wrapup

I'm saving all the nice comments about Teddy Kennedy for later. They're just about what you would expect from these animals. However, they still have time for some other stupidity, which I have been careful to cull for your amusement:

Tom Coburn on health care: "the idea that the government is the solution to our problems is an inaccurate, a very inaccurate statement."

It sure was the solution to Wall Street's problems, though, wasn't it, Tom? Who knows, if we could just get the lying, corrupt dicks like you out of there, someday it might even solve some of our problems too.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said in a statement Tuesday that the Obama administration's decision to name a prosecutor to look into Bush-era interrogations of suspected terrorists should foster "doubts about this administration’s ability to be responsible for our nation’s security.”

They got you out of there, Dick. That was step one. Let's not forget that you spent eight years being responsible for destroying our security. You did everything you could to make people all over the world hate us. Every day Obama does nothing is an improvement on that.

Dennis Prager, Town Hall: "This Week, It Was Scotland's Turn To Shame the West"

That's nice, Dennis. Most Weeks it's your turn. Thanks for sharing the honors.

Cal Thomas, Town Hall: "National Suicide"

i.e. health care for everybody. I guess those death panels are going to kill us all.

Center for a Just Society: "Nice Guys Finish Last"

Not any more. It's a new world. From now on, Republicans finish last.

Pammy "Braindead" Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "The ominous moves by the stranger in the White House are disturbing. America is being tested in a way she has never been tested before....Enemies and radicals at the highest levels in the US government. The take down is happening so fast "

Ominous...stranger...disturbing....enemies....radicals.... God, Pammy, you have a lurid imagination. And a very limited vocabulary.

Scott Ott, Pajamas Media: "Palin Flummoxes the Elites with Common Sense"

Well, Scott, you may be right there. Any elites with common sense would be flummoxed by Palin, that's for sure.

Pat Buchanan, Human Events: "When a democracy reaches a point where the politicians cannot say no to the people, the experiment is about over."

Ah yes. When the politicians do what the people want them to, that's the end of democracy. I guess, to preserve democracy, we should just continue with politicians who do whatever they're told by whoever pays them the most. That's the Republican way, right, Pat?

Henry Makow: "Boy Scouts -- Model of Masonic Subversion? "

Maybe, Henry. Probably not, so don't lose any sleep over it. And by the way, what if they were? What do you think they'll be getting up to?

Randall Terry (Courtesy of Swash Zone:) “When I, or people like me, are running the country, you’d better flee, because we will find you, we will try you, and we’ll execute you. I mean every word of it. I will make it part of my mission to see to it that they are tried and executed.”

Oh oh. The Jesus lovers are out in force. Randall, people like you just got done running the country for eight years and you didn't do squat, except screw up everything you touched. So, bug off with your pathetic threats.

Carol Platt Liebeau, Town Hall: "Holder's Politicized Justice Department "

Remember Alberto Gonzales, Carol? No? Boy, talk about a bad case of projection.

Center for Consumer Freedom: "PETA Activists Are a Bunch of Blowholes "

Well, I'm with you there.

Pam "Here She Is, Lying Again" Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "I have long documented the close ties between the Mansourian candidate and one of the world's leading forces of evil, George Soros."

"Could Soros be behind the demonization of the CIA? This man is evil, but could he possibly have this much influence on Obama? I say, yes."

I say stuff it, Pam. I think you've worn out the part of your brain that makes up lies. This is a particularly stupid one.

Carey Roberts, Renew America: "Like a demanding and ill-mannered child, liberals are used to getting their way. Whenever they lapse into the losing side of an argument, they reflexively resort to name-calling and mud-slinging. Epithets like "neo-Nazi," "crypto-fascist," and "imperialist stooge" buzz like mosquitoes hovering over a Potomac swamp."

Crypto-fascist? Imperialist stooge? Are you kidding me? What, did you find a batch of Chinese propaganda from 1955? How about "running dog lackeys?" You left that one out.

Bonnie Alba, Renew America: "The Obama administration's strident push, along with congressional dem-libs, for their ownership of America's healthcare is not a myth. It is one more step to totalitarianism and tyranny. There are unspoken questions. Think about it. Who believes Al Gore's Global Warming is a fact?"

Think about it. I never even knew that Al Gore owned global warming. Boy, do we have a lot to blame him for.

Mary Graybar, Pajamas Media: "Obama's Civilian Troops Were Trained by Ayers"

Mary, that should be a comfort to wingnuts like you, considering what a pathetic, impotent war against the Capitalist Machine he waged during the Weatherman days. What is he training them to do, shoot their mouths off and take pictures of each other with guns? That's no secret- they can learn that from anyone at the tea parties.

World Net Daily Exclusive: "Will President Obama "seize power overnight" in a move to consolidate White House control of the U.S. government? "

No, you lunatic. Grow up, already.


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