Wingnut Wrapup
They never give up:
WORLD NET DAILY EXCLUSIVE: "Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth? Attorney files motion for authentication of alleged 1960s certificate from Africa"

That would be Orly Taitz, "attorney"/dentist/real estate agent, and World's Greatest Birther Loon. Well, what do you think? My guess, given her history, is that it won't be the smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth, it will only be the smoking gun of another heaping portion of humiliation for Orly. Not that she'll notice.
"Taitz told WND that the document came from an anonymous source who doesn't want his name known"
As opposed, say, directly from the state of Hawaii, with its authenticity affirmed by Hawaii's Republican governor and Hawaii's director of public affairs. That would be the other birth certificate- the "phony" one.
"Note: Members of the news media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, Jerome Corsi, Drew Zahn, Joe Kovacs, Chelsea Schilling, Les Kinsolving or Bob Unruh on this issue, please contact WND."
We'll keep that in mind, guys.
Bill O'Reilly, Town Hall: "President Obama Versus Benjamin Franklin"
Better not be in basketball, Bill. Benjamin Franklin has no jump shot.
Austin Hill, Town Hall: "Question For The President: “Do You Feel Like I Do?”
Thank the lord, no, given your right wing ravings in this post.
Red State: "A Time to Kill: Unfortunately, doctors may be forced to do so."
Vote Democratic and Die! The message that never grows old!
Mike DeVane, Red State: "What Blue Dog Dems on recess should hear from conservatives"
NeoKong, Red State: "We are birthers hear us roar"
Or whine, anyway.
Now, on to the very cream of the crop of serious right wing analysis today:
Our Little Pammy, Atlas Shrugs: "So why not tell the truth about Obama and his reported strange sexual predilections? My question is, it is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth. Very seedy stuff. Why aren't they pursuing that story? Find the ho, give her a show! Obama trafficked in some very deviant practices. Where's the investigation? Why isn't CNN pursuing the nude pornographic photos of Obama's mom?"
Nude photos of Obama's mom. Isn't she sweet? No matter what the issue, Pammy always manages to be the first to dive right to the bottom of the muck barrel. You go, girl.
I wonder why no one ever wanted to see nude photos of George Bush's mom? Oh wait a minute, I think I figured it out.
Pammy continues:
"They know we won't play dirty, so it's time to play dirty."
Outstanding logic there, Pammy. Because no one would ever expect you to play dirty, right?
Carol Gould, Pajamas Media: "Are Parochial Schools 'Racist'?"
Yeah, Carol, most of them probably are. That's why they support you guys.
World Net Daily: "Did Jesus actually reveal name of the 'antichrist'?"
Oh no, you can see it coming, can't you? And what does the name of the antichrist turn out to be? We've been waiting two thousand years to find out. Please, tell us!
Hint: His Name is B***** H****** O****. Hope I didn't give too much away there and spoil the surprise.
World Net Daily, "Promise Keepers conference invites women for first time"
What a thrill! Finally, women can directly participate in their own oppression.
Rick Moran, Human Events: "Dems considering the 'Armageddon option' on health care...By considering the use of the budget device known as "reconciliation" - which would prevent the GOP from filibustering the reform bill - the Democrats are threatening to unleash a Republican jihad in response that would make doing business in the senate a nightmare."
A Republican Jihad. That's nice. You mean a Republican temper tantrum like nothing we've ever seen? I'll tell you what, assholes: We'll take the medical care and put up with the tantrum. So get down on the floor and start kicking your feet in the air- we're doing it regardless of what orders you get from the insurance companies.
Have a nice day.
Rich Lowry, National Review Online: "Wanted: A Modest Obama"
I.e. an Obama that does what you tell him to. No thanks.
WORLD NET DAILY EXCLUSIVE: "Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth? Attorney files motion for authentication of alleged 1960s certificate from Africa"

That would be Orly Taitz, "attorney"/dentist/real estate agent, and World's Greatest Birther Loon. Well, what do you think? My guess, given her history, is that it won't be the smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth, it will only be the smoking gun of another heaping portion of humiliation for Orly. Not that she'll notice.
"Taitz told WND that the document came from an anonymous source who doesn't want his name known"
As opposed, say, directly from the state of Hawaii, with its authenticity affirmed by Hawaii's Republican governor and Hawaii's director of public affairs. That would be the other birth certificate- the "phony" one.
"Note: Members of the news media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, Jerome Corsi, Drew Zahn, Joe Kovacs, Chelsea Schilling, Les Kinsolving or Bob Unruh on this issue, please contact WND."
We'll keep that in mind, guys.
Bill O'Reilly, Town Hall: "President Obama Versus Benjamin Franklin"
Better not be in basketball, Bill. Benjamin Franklin has no jump shot.
Austin Hill, Town Hall: "Question For The President: “Do You Feel Like I Do?”
Thank the lord, no, given your right wing ravings in this post.
Red State: "A Time to Kill: Unfortunately, doctors may be forced to do so."
Vote Democratic and Die! The message that never grows old!
Mike DeVane, Red State: "What Blue Dog Dems on recess should hear from conservatives"
NeoKong, Red State: "We are birthers hear us roar"
Or whine, anyway.
Now, on to the very cream of the crop of serious right wing analysis today:
Our Little Pammy, Atlas Shrugs: "So why not tell the truth about Obama and his reported strange sexual predilections? My question is, it is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth. Very seedy stuff. Why aren't they pursuing that story? Find the ho, give her a show! Obama trafficked in some very deviant practices. Where's the investigation? Why isn't CNN pursuing the nude pornographic photos of Obama's mom?"
Nude photos of Obama's mom. Isn't she sweet? No matter what the issue, Pammy always manages to be the first to dive right to the bottom of the muck barrel. You go, girl.
I wonder why no one ever wanted to see nude photos of George Bush's mom? Oh wait a minute, I think I figured it out.
Pammy continues:
"They know we won't play dirty, so it's time to play dirty."
Outstanding logic there, Pammy. Because no one would ever expect you to play dirty, right?
Carol Gould, Pajamas Media: "Are Parochial Schools 'Racist'?"
Yeah, Carol, most of them probably are. That's why they support you guys.
World Net Daily: "Did Jesus actually reveal name of the 'antichrist'?"
Oh no, you can see it coming, can't you? And what does the name of the antichrist turn out to be? We've been waiting two thousand years to find out. Please, tell us!
Hint: His Name is B***** H****** O****. Hope I didn't give too much away there and spoil the surprise.
World Net Daily, "Promise Keepers conference invites women for first time"
What a thrill! Finally, women can directly participate in their own oppression.
Rick Moran, Human Events: "Dems considering the 'Armageddon option' on health care...By considering the use of the budget device known as "reconciliation" - which would prevent the GOP from filibustering the reform bill - the Democrats are threatening to unleash a Republican jihad in response that would make doing business in the senate a nightmare."
A Republican Jihad. That's nice. You mean a Republican temper tantrum like nothing we've ever seen? I'll tell you what, assholes: We'll take the medical care and put up with the tantrum. So get down on the floor and start kicking your feet in the air- we're doing it regardless of what orders you get from the insurance companies.
Have a nice day.
Rich Lowry, National Review Online: "Wanted: A Modest Obama"
I.e. an Obama that does what you tell him to. No thanks.
Those would just be disappointing PP. Thank goodness they aren't true.
George W. Bush deserted the military during wartime- a crime that carries a potential death penalty. No proof of this is needed beyond the fact that no paychecks were issued to him for five months of his legal term of enlistment. The military doesn't do that- ask any soldier or ex soldier you can find if they ever heard of someone not being paid. I asked a bunch, and none had ever heard of such a thing.
John McCain, by his own admission told the Vietnamese all sorts of things in captivity, and he did desert his wife after her severe injury in a car crash.
I guess, in the immortal words of Col Nathan R. Jessup, "you just can't handle the truth."
I'm bored with everything but Lagavulin and Manny Ramirez. Still, you've got to do something to get through the day.
"John McCain, by his own admission told the Vietnamese all sorts of things in captivity, and he did desert his wife after her severe injury in a car crash."
Not as much as you apparently think he did. Just because she was in a car crash doesn't mean that is the reason why he left her. From my understanding, they had always had trouble.
I'm bored with proving you guys wrong all the time just to have you go *crickets*
You just invented that lie. He dumped her when she lost her looks, and he found a younger, prettier and richer wife- whose fortune and family connections bought him his political career.
This is a deeply contemptible man.
You just invented that lie. He dumped her when she lost her looks, and he found a younger, prettier and richer wife- whose fortune and family connections bought him his political career."
McCain and her had been separated for 9 months before he had even met Cindy. The divorce papers will not final so nothing was legal yet. And no, I did not invent it. His family, he, and others all say the same thing. They would argue and argue, which ended with a separation, and a divorce.
Of course, from a Christian standpoint, I am disappointed. Until death, that was a vow.
Remember that "Death do us part" thing, Derek. He dumped her for a younger, richer, better looking woman. That's the truth, Derek, however you try to twist it.
You are calling McCain, his ex-wife, his friends, numerous historians, and me, all liars. So really, you have no evidence on your side and I have all the evidence on my side. Again.
"He dumped her for a younger, richer, better looking woman. That's the truth, Derek, however you try to twist it."
He didn't even know Cindy until after their divorce was started and their separation 9 months old.
If it is the truth, then prove it.
Let me guess "I shouldn't have to prove the truth to you, aka I don't have any integrity snicker snicker"
A single quote, from the right wing Daily Mail: "In 1979 – while still married to Carol – he met Cindy at a cocktail party in Hawaii. Over the next six months he pursued her, flying around the country to see her. Then he began to push to end his marriage.
Carol and her children were devastated. ‘It was a complete surprise,’ says Nancy Reynolds, a former Reagan aide."
And that is why you are a moron.
"In 1979 – while still married to Carol – he met Cindy at a cocktail party in Hawaii. Over the next six months he pursued her, flying around the country to see her. Then he began to push to end his marriage."
Married, but divorce was already filed, just not finalized.
"‘It was a complete surprise,’ says Nancy Reynolds, a former Reagan aide.""
To nancy reynolds, but not McCain's family or friends.