The Apologizer

Just to add to the fun, here's another perpetual lie about Obama which hasn't received as much attention as some of the other lies. This version from the Wall Street Journal:

"It took this battle over health care to reveal the bloom coming off this rose, but that was coming. It began with the spectacle of the president, impelled to go abroad to apologize for his nation—repeatedly."

Needless to say, the claim that Obama is going around the world apologizing for America has as much substance as the claim that John Kerry gave himself his medals in Vietnam; i.e. it is a total lie, designed to play into the now utterly discredited Republican talking point that Democrats are weak, because their first response to every problem isn't to kill a lot of people. A lie. But then, what else do we ever get from Republicans?


Derek said…
"it is a total lie, "

Why don't you ever provide evidence? There are plenty of videos of him going around the world, apologizing to leaders for things the US has done in the past. Not to mention he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.

"that Democrats are weak, because their first response to every problem isn't to kill a lot of people."

That isn't the Republican response either, it just shows that Obama loves to pander more than he does deliberate. He avoids confrontation at all costs, even if it means apologizing or lying.
Anonymous said…
Bush used to kiss the kings of Saudi Arabia, and their kin. Not sure which additional parts of their anatomy he kissed, but I've certainly seem pictures of him kissing Arabian faces.

Only very immature nations (and people) think appropriate apologies are a sign of weakness, instead of a sign of good breeding.
Green Eagle said…

We have a lot to apologize for. It's time to get it over with.
Derek said…
"Bush used to kiss the kings of Saudi Arabia, and their kin."

That is a typical greeting of peers in other parts of the world. A bow is something of subservience, literally showing "I am below you", exalting the person being bowed to. Don't try to equate the two. One is being polite and cultured, the other is being weak.

Only very immature nations (and people) think appropriate apologies are a sign of weakness, "

If apologies are in order, sure, but to apologize for America not exalting Europe is ludicrous. Europe owes America big time, but instead he apologizes to them. We saved the Brits, French and Dutch, twice. We brought down the Iron Curtain, thus making much of Eastern Europe free. We helped the Greeks fight the Soviets, we freed Poland, and we have advanced their culture and economy more than any other area of the world. But, instead of Obama touching on some of the areas where America has been very generous to Europe, he apologizes. Apologies can be immature.

We have a lot to apologize for. It's time to get it over with."

Examples, GE, I've said this before.

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