Wingnut Wrapup
Let's just dive right in, shall we:
Kathleen Parker, Town Hall: "A Crude Reality- The greener we are, the less secure we're likely to be."
A new slant on "vote Democratic and Die!" This time, it's "Your environment or your life!"
Red State: "The long, slow death spiral of the Democrats’ statist agenda has begun, and the crash to earth will play out over the next year in sickeningly slow motion.We can’t formally and officially take charge until we make our net 80 gain in the House and they’re sworn in the first working day of January, 2011. Yes I said net +80."
Please, please, guys- keep saying this, and keep believing it! And act accordingly!
"Remember where you heard that, kids."
Don't worry, we will! This is the sort of thing Green Eagle never forgets.
Jeff Emmanuel, Red State: "Democrats Reject Two Measures to Create Parity Between Congress’ Health Coverage and the Public’s"
I.e. (in plain English) Democrats refuse to play along with two more sleazy Republican attempts to posture on bogus issues.
Pam "Braindead" Geller, Atlas Shrugs: " Gives Obama's Administration Complete Access to Your Computer"
It's a lie, but what did you expect from Pammy? She's hardly the only one saying this, either. At least she didn't say "link to and DIE!" That'll probably be coming in a day or two.
Confederate Yankee: "Obama Booed In Raleigh"
Remember when it was an act of unforgivable treason to boo the President? When was that? Oh yeah, before January 20th.
Power Line: "Obama administration has been given a pass for....stocking Justice with ultra-left leaning partisans."
You've just gotta laugh, don't you? At least they went to real law schools, not right wing Christian lie factories.
"Any demarcation between the Obama administration's political agenda and the impartial administration of justice is being eradicated. "Holder is the most political, partisan attorney general I can remember," says (Republican Congressman) Frank Wolf."
Ha Ha. Remember that lying, corrupt Gonzales guy? No, I guess you don't. You've really got to admire the chutzpah of these people, huh? Obama is the one who is perverting the Justice department. What a bunch of wankers.
John Hawkins, Pajamas Media: "Why Sarah Palin Fans Feel Betrayed "
Not because she turned out to be a lying, corrupt, self-serving quitter. No, that's fine with them. It's because a couple of Republicans dared to criticize her. That really is a betrayal.
David Rusin, Pajamas Media: "The Islamist Who Served on the Electoral College"
Oh God, one of the 535 people who cast the purely ceremonial vote to make Obama's election official was a Muslim! Here comes the end of Democracy!
Gateway Pundit: "Tea Party: Bristol Style! Didn't see any of these protesters in the MSM yesterday did you? "

Actually, I can't see more than a few in the photograph either. And this showed the most people of any of the photos on this post.
A hint from an expert, guys: twenty people with signs is just not a national story. Except at Green Eagle.
By the way, how's the whole tea party thing going these days? Really growing, huh?
Newsmax: "GOP Blasts Democrats' Healthcare Legislation"
Surprised? Must be a slow news day over there at Newsmax.
Curtis Dahlgren, Renew America: "About 80 percent of the American people right now think that the Administration is "full of it" on reforming our medical system; nearly 3/4 of the people think that man-made global warming is a hoax..."
Where did they take that poll, at the summer picnic of the White Aryan Resistance? By the way, did 80% of the American people actually use the phrase "full of it?" Inquiring minds want to know.
Warner Todd Huston, Renew America: "UN putting education in government's hands"
Unbelievable. Who ever heard of education in the government's hands? What misery will they inflict on us next?
Ken Connor, Renew America: "Senators Sam Brownback (R-KS) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) are making headlines for introducing controversial legislation that would ban the American scientific community from developing embryos that contain both human and animal material.... Dubbed the Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act of 2009...."
Just a question here: The Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act...If this passes, does that mean I can't take my corgi for a ride in my Prius any more? Just wondering.
World Net Daily (Yes, they're still at it): "Majority of GOP, Southerners question president's birthplace"
And they seem to think this is good news. Go figure.
World Net Daily EXCLUSIVE: "Pelosi-district sex party XXX-rated"
Because Nancy Pelosi is responsible for every party in her district. Shame on her!
Benny Avni, New York Post: "Obama hails from intellectual circles that discourage looking at reality as a series of undisputed facts....The obvious contrast is President Ronald Reagan, who believed his country -- "a shining city on the hill"
Ah yes. The undisputed fact that WE are the BEST PEOPLE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! THAT is the reality! SHUT YOUR MOUTH if you dare to think anything else! RONALD REAGAN! RONALD REAGAN! RONALD REAGAN!!!!! There, I guess I told you!
Laurie B. Regan, American Thinker: "Liberalism and the Dumbing Down of America. At some point, liberals must be held accountable for their willful ignorance."
You gotta laugh. Give it up, Laurie.
American Power: "Did Obama's Secret Service Draw Guns on Conservative Protesters?"
No, but here is a grainy, blurry photo that somehow is supposed to show that they did:

Talk about willful ignorance.
Kathleen Parker, Town Hall: "A Crude Reality- The greener we are, the less secure we're likely to be."
A new slant on "vote Democratic and Die!" This time, it's "Your environment or your life!"
Red State: "The long, slow death spiral of the Democrats’ statist agenda has begun, and the crash to earth will play out over the next year in sickeningly slow motion.We can’t formally and officially take charge until we make our net 80 gain in the House and they’re sworn in the first working day of January, 2011. Yes I said net +80."
Please, please, guys- keep saying this, and keep believing it! And act accordingly!
"Remember where you heard that, kids."
Don't worry, we will! This is the sort of thing Green Eagle never forgets.
Jeff Emmanuel, Red State: "Democrats Reject Two Measures to Create Parity Between Congress’ Health Coverage and the Public’s"
I.e. (in plain English) Democrats refuse to play along with two more sleazy Republican attempts to posture on bogus issues.
Pam "Braindead" Geller, Atlas Shrugs: " Gives Obama's Administration Complete Access to Your Computer"
It's a lie, but what did you expect from Pammy? She's hardly the only one saying this, either. At least she didn't say "link to and DIE!" That'll probably be coming in a day or two.
Confederate Yankee: "Obama Booed In Raleigh"
Remember when it was an act of unforgivable treason to boo the President? When was that? Oh yeah, before January 20th.
Power Line: "Obama administration has been given a pass for....stocking Justice with ultra-left leaning partisans."
You've just gotta laugh, don't you? At least they went to real law schools, not right wing Christian lie factories.
"Any demarcation between the Obama administration's political agenda and the impartial administration of justice is being eradicated. "Holder is the most political, partisan attorney general I can remember," says (Republican Congressman) Frank Wolf."
Ha Ha. Remember that lying, corrupt Gonzales guy? No, I guess you don't. You've really got to admire the chutzpah of these people, huh? Obama is the one who is perverting the Justice department. What a bunch of wankers.
John Hawkins, Pajamas Media: "Why Sarah Palin Fans Feel Betrayed "
Not because she turned out to be a lying, corrupt, self-serving quitter. No, that's fine with them. It's because a couple of Republicans dared to criticize her. That really is a betrayal.
David Rusin, Pajamas Media: "The Islamist Who Served on the Electoral College"
Oh God, one of the 535 people who cast the purely ceremonial vote to make Obama's election official was a Muslim! Here comes the end of Democracy!
Gateway Pundit: "Tea Party: Bristol Style! Didn't see any of these protesters in the MSM yesterday did you? "
Actually, I can't see more than a few in the photograph either. And this showed the most people of any of the photos on this post.
A hint from an expert, guys: twenty people with signs is just not a national story. Except at Green Eagle.
By the way, how's the whole tea party thing going these days? Really growing, huh?
Newsmax: "GOP Blasts Democrats' Healthcare Legislation"
Surprised? Must be a slow news day over there at Newsmax.
Curtis Dahlgren, Renew America: "About 80 percent of the American people right now think that the Administration is "full of it" on reforming our medical system; nearly 3/4 of the people think that man-made global warming is a hoax..."
Where did they take that poll, at the summer picnic of the White Aryan Resistance? By the way, did 80% of the American people actually use the phrase "full of it?" Inquiring minds want to know.
Warner Todd Huston, Renew America: "UN putting education in government's hands"
Unbelievable. Who ever heard of education in the government's hands? What misery will they inflict on us next?
Ken Connor, Renew America: "Senators Sam Brownback (R-KS) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) are making headlines for introducing controversial legislation that would ban the American scientific community from developing embryos that contain both human and animal material.... Dubbed the Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act of 2009...."
Just a question here: The Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act...If this passes, does that mean I can't take my corgi for a ride in my Prius any more? Just wondering.
World Net Daily (Yes, they're still at it): "Majority of GOP, Southerners question president's birthplace"
And they seem to think this is good news. Go figure.
World Net Daily EXCLUSIVE: "Pelosi-district sex party XXX-rated"
Because Nancy Pelosi is responsible for every party in her district. Shame on her!
Benny Avni, New York Post: "Obama hails from intellectual circles that discourage looking at reality as a series of undisputed facts....The obvious contrast is President Ronald Reagan, who believed his country -- "a shining city on the hill"
Ah yes. The undisputed fact that WE are the BEST PEOPLE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! THAT is the reality! SHUT YOUR MOUTH if you dare to think anything else! RONALD REAGAN! RONALD REAGAN! RONALD REAGAN!!!!! There, I guess I told you!
Laurie B. Regan, American Thinker: "Liberalism and the Dumbing Down of America. At some point, liberals must be held accountable for their willful ignorance."
You gotta laugh. Give it up, Laurie.
American Power: "Did Obama's Secret Service Draw Guns on Conservative Protesters?"
No, but here is a grainy, blurry photo that somehow is supposed to show that they did:

Talk about willful ignorance.
Tea party in Columbus, Ohio, this afternoon.
I helped plan the tax day tea party, which drew seven to eight-thousand people. The tax day tea party was a national event so it was quite large.
And things are winding down because we have moved underground. Hard to protest when you are going paramilitary, ya know?
Deek, the last people who I heard talking that way were the Weathermen. And you see where it got them.
Sarcasm is hard to notice via comments, I understand. But seriously, totes going to bomb some biaches, days of rage part duex!
Again, hard to notice the sarcasm.
" mastercynic said...
BRING IT ON, DEREK! I'm betting your paramilitary fantasies involve you getting tea bagged."
watch NBC all day to come up with that joke? Note how the tea party protesters "tea bag" liberals by sending them tea bags, not the other way around. And honestly? bring it? What are you going to do, kill me with fallacies? Remember that when the second revolution occurs, if it ends up being violent (I doubt it will be), that Conservatives have guns for a reason.
I wasn't being sarcastic. I meant it. I saw the weatherman idiots go through this same sort of macho posturing. It got them nowhere (except some of my friends ended up in prison, if that's getting somewhere.)
Now, on to your next comment: "when the second revolution occurs, if it ends up being violent (I doubt it will be), that Conservatives have guns for a reason."
Yeah, Derek, let me tell you something: when you get your RAHOWA, the crips and bloods will have guns too, and they will have them for a reason too. Their reason is to kill other drug dealers, which means when the big fight comes they will already have lots of experience. So then they are going to put a cap up your ass.
Beware what you wish for.
Well I am not as dumb as your Weathermen friends. There are better ways to support your cause than to bomb police stations and instigate riots.
", Derek, let me tell you something: when you get your RAHOWA,"
What is with you and your obsession with race? We are all the same race you dunce. This is about rights. The same way King George proved himself to be unfit for rule, the liberals are as well. Inalienable rights are called such for a reason. As soon as a government starts infringing on those rights, they just gave up their right to rule.
"the crips and bloods will have guns too"
Crips and bloods do not outnumber those of us who care about our country. Gangs don't scare me, nor does the Federal government. Again, you keep going back to race. This isn't white pride, black pride, asian pride, stir-fried nonsense. This about the rights of the PEOPLE and how their government is encroaching on those rights. There are plenty of black conservatives, you should meet a few and hear what they have to say about your beloved Democrats.
"So then they are going to put a cap up your ass."
Ever see video footage of a gang war or drive by? Their tactics are infantile. No sense of planning or terrain. I could probably take care of most of the crips and bloods myself if I had to. They wouldn't even see me, I'd be 600 yards out.
Again, they wouldn't even probably get involved. If it did go violent, it would be a civil war. Nation guard troops would fight for their respective states, and the vast majority of troops in the army, air force, navy, marines, and coast guard would disobey the liberals and fight for the conservative cause.
That is why it most likely wouldn't be violent. Wars only happen when both sides think they can win, or one side has no choice. Or when one side is really really stupid, so maybe the chances of it being violent are better than I thought.
"Then go back to DC or their state legislatures and do the same crap. "
Commas. Use them. Totes. No, the politicians that spoke at our tea parties shared our views of Federalism. We reviewed their statements, votes, and decisions, and made sure they matched up with ours. Note how at the Chicago tea party, no politicians spoke, the citizens did. They guy who planned it said that this was a time for the people to speak, and the politicians to listen. That is the tea party movement at its core. We only had a few politicians, most were average citizens, soldiers, or planners.
"In your heart, you know I'm right."
Ever even been to a tea party?
"I could probably take care of most of the crips and bloods myself if I had to. They wouldn't even see me, I'd be 600 yards out."
This is the kind of infantile fantasy that gets people killed. These guys are experienced, professional killers, and they know more about murder than you and your buddies will ever dream of. And they understand urban combat. They are going to fight you on their turf, not up in the woods in Idaho.
"Nation guard troops would fight for their respective states,"
You're dreaming if you think that will ever happen.
"and the vast majority of troops in the army, air force, navy, marines, and coast guard would disobey the liberals and fight for the conservative cause."
Yeah, except for the black ones and the Latino ones, and the sane white ones. I repeat, this is a grotesque, infantile fantasy from a child who has not yet grown up (you) and its only possible conclusion is to get a lot of people killed- mostly ones on your side.
And Derek, yes, I have been to five tea parties, as well as having been to and led countless demonstrations during the Vietnam war era. I've seen people attacked and beaten without cause by the police. I've faced down rows of uniformed people with drawn guns. I've been tear gassed more times than I can count. I've seen demonstrations break down into riots. I've seen real citizen action. The tea party people are a bunch of pathetic buffoons.
So, Derek, tell me about the times you have been part of a public demonstration that involved more than just talk. Tell me about the times you have been part of something that induced enough fear in the authorities that they responded with violence. Then, maybe we can talk, based on some sort of real understanding about what citizen action really means.
What gives you the prudence to make such a claim? I have been to multiple tea parties and not once have I heard anything about race. I haven't even heard anything from Birthers at tea parties. These are about liberty (liber-TEA, ha). That liberty extends to everyone as a God given inalienable right. Say they are about race all you want, but that doesn't do anything except make you seem like someone who sees nothing but race. If anyone is a bigot, it's you.
That tea party is sooooo racist.
"These guys are experienced, professional killers, and they know more about murder than you and your buddies will ever dream of."
Not murder if it is a lawful act of war. And pros? Not so much. Anyone who is stupid enough to drive by someones house, shoot it up, then peel out is not a pro. If these were the hitmen you see in movies, then yes, prokillers, but they are gang members. Drugged up, stupid, gang members. Apparently you've never talked to any of them because they tend to not me all that bright. Sometimes their leaders are, but they aren't so much.
"And they understand urban combat. They are going to fight you on their turf, not up in the woods in Idaho."
And get owned by Apaches and mortars. They are no match for the military. Besides, they wont see me. The woods aren't all that wonderful for sniping, by the way. You don't get the proper line of sight. If I wanted, I could perch myself on a hill outside a city, or in a tall building, hit them from there, and be gone before they could figure out where the round came from. You underestimate my shot.
"Yeah, except for the black ones and the Latino ones, and the sane white ones."
When will you get it through your head that this has nothing to do with race? Note how I said conservative cause, not white cause. The skinheads and neo-nazis in this country form what party? THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY. Look at John Taylor Bowles' platform. Besides a lot of the race stuff, it is on par with Obama, maybe even further left. I'd be the guy fighting him, he has no place on my side. This is about ideology and rights, not race. Again, we are all the same race.
"its only possible conclusion is to get a lot of people killed"
I doubt it will turn violent, but if it does, many people probably will die. I'm ok with dying for liberty. More than ok.
"I've seen people attacked and beaten without cause by the police."
Without cause: Idiot cops. With cause (which happens a lot then the people who caused it say they did nothing): stupid people.
"The tea party people are a bunch of pathetic buffoons. "
Conservatives protest, liberals riot. We exercise our rights, not destroy public property.
"Tell me about the times you have been part of something that induced enough fear in the authorities that they responded with violence."
The authorities? You mean the police. They were on our side. I spoke with them and they told me that they agreed with our protest, and were glad they could be there. They also said that they weren't there for us as they knew we wouldn't cause trouble. My favorite line "If anything goes down, we've got your backs." That was the sheriff, and I'm sure not all of the police officers were on our side.
"based on some sort of real understanding about what citizen action really means."
Rioting doesn't do any good. Note how the weathermen hurt the cause more than helped it.
I repeat: when I see you out there doing more than just talking, I'll take you more seriously. If you think the tea parties are any kind of real protest, you just don't have a clue.
The police are people too. The same way the military would disobey orders, the police would too. At least many of them will. Of course, our main opposition would be Obama's "civilian national security force" (read: brownshirts). This is an ideological overthrow of the the government who has been far too powerful and far too oppressive for far too long.
"If you think the tea parties are any kind of real protest, you just don't have a clue."
Distinction. Riots are not protests. Tea parties are protests. Nonviolent resistance is protesting. Bombing buildings is domestic terrorism, not protesting.
Again, this will most likely be a nonviolent revolution. All in a matter of time GE, all in a matter of time.
I googled "civilian national security force barack obama" and looked at the first five pages of hits, after which I got bored and gave up. There was nothing there but endless right wing lunatic posts. Not one legitimate news story anywhere to be seen.
"Riots are not protests. Tea parties are protests. Nonviolent resistance is protesting."
Kiddo, you've never been in a real protest. You don't have a clue about what happens when several thousand really angry people show up, instead of a few hundred cranky codgers.
You just don't know, because you have never felt what it's like to be there.
That took me a total of 5 seconds.
"You don't have a clue about what happens when several thousand really angry people show up,"
Ever see the OSU riots? I know what happens. Again, that isn't protesting, that is throwing a temper tantrum and does not advance your objective.
Maybe that is because I am not dumb enough to start something violent or beyond what the Constitution entitles me.