Is the U. S. on the Brink of Fascism?

This is a tremendous article:

"These people are as serious as a lynch mob, and have already taken the first steps toward becoming one. And they're going to walk taller and louder and prouder now that their bumbling efforts at civil disobedience are being committed with the full sanction and support of the country's most powerful people, who are cynically using them in a last-ditch effort to save their own places of profit and prestige."

It's rather long, but I urge you to give it a try. I'ts a bleak view, but unfortunately, it could be all too real.


Derek said…
Of course! It all makes sense now! The conservatives, the ones pissed off about big government, are actually trying to make the biggest government of them all! Facism!

GE, you're a genius!*

*laying it on thick.
Who would benefit from less regulation and the ridiculous Ragan term, voluntary compliance? It would be the wealthiest among us. The powerful oil and gas companies. Imagine your local utility company with the freedom to raise rates whenever it fely like it. Or dump waste from coal mines wherever it wanted. Oil companies setting up drilling platforms off any stretch of beach it wanted because a deluded throng bought into the lie of shrinking government and deregulation.

I've said this many times but you need to hear this also Derek in case you haven't. Before the week is through, even you will say "government needs to do something about this!" It might be an intersection that needs a stop sign. It might be a door to door peddler pissing you off. It could be a million things. You are a pawn my friend. Realize that. Come to grips with it. Then free yourself.
Derek said…
"It would be the wealthiest among us."

As shown by every 3rd world country that is now a super power and the 2003 tax cuts, that's not true. EVERYONE benefits. Who cares if the rich get richer if you get richer as well? Unless you have something against people who have been successful through hard work, you should be perfectly ok with less regulation. How does this have anything to do with GE calling Republicans facists?

"Imagine your local utility company with the freedom to raise rates whenever it fely like it. "

They could, but they'd be put out of business. That is why the free market is so wonderful, because it keeps the prices as low as possible. Now imagine your government with the ability to raise rates whenever they feel like it. Now THAT'S scary. Thank goodness they don't have that power.

"Or dump waste from coal mines wherever it wanted. "

We aren't talking about anarchy. They would still have to own and manage the land, and if it effected anyone else land that person could sue. Again, free market and the justice system handles everything.

"Oil companies setting up drilling platforms off any stretch of beach it wanted because a deluded throng bought into the lie of shrinking government and deregulation."

They'd have to buy it first, and how is this a bad thing? It'd stimulate the economy and keep us from funding people who don't like us. It gives us time to find viable alternatives, and the tax money from the growth can be used to rework the grid to make it able to facilitate electric cars.

"You are a pawn my friend. Realize that. Come to grips with it. Then free yourself."

Lol, I want government to do the things it is supposed to do: Roads, security, mail, justice, dealing with the French, protecting my rights, and to run prisons. That is about it. Do I want them running my healthcare? No. Do I want them telling private industries what to do? No. Do I want them to dampen my free speech? No. Do I want them involved in religious doctrines? No. Do I want them to take my money and give it someone "more deserving"? No.

Government is, in its best form,a necessary evil.
Joe Kelly said…
Where do you live that theres more than one utility? If I could go to Sams Club and get electric srvice I would. But I can't. Im stuck with whats here.
Derek said…
"Where do you live that theres more than one utility? If I could go to Sams Club and get electric srvice I would. But I can't. Im stuck with whats here."

Maybe that is because you have a public utility, but usually when home builders build a development, they contract with one utility provider. There isn't only one electric/gas provider in the US, or even your state. This is no monopoly. If it were, they'd be able to charge us whatever they pleased, and I'd bet my bottom dollar that they would charge more than triple what they do now, at least.

The free market keeps prices low, not high. Government regulations, spending, and taxes increase prices, meaning a whole world of hurt for everyone, but more-so from the bottom up. Yep, an energy tax would be a regressive tax. If GE weren't so ok with being a hypocrite then this might phase him.
Green Eagle said…

"Who cares if the rich get richer if you get richer as well?"

Too bad only the first part of that sentence happened. Otherwise we might be just thrilled with it.

By the way, Derek, have you ever heard of Ivar Kreuger? You might find his story interesting.

And the rest of you guys, thanks for the help. It gets depressing out there sometimes.
Derek said…
Too bad only the first part of that sentence happened."

Apparently you don't read much on economic stats. that or you don't remember. I'm going with both. Unemployment was at its lowest levels in ages, not to mention that the middle and lower class households were getting a cut of 3 to 5% of their income, resulting in a reduction of their tax burden by 40%. That is a far greater reduction than that of the rich.

Besides, the richer were paying more of the tax burden than ever after the tax cuts.

Kreugar tricked people into monopolies, and that doesn't mean that the energy industry is a monopoly.

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