Wingnut Wrapup

I haven't been doing as much with Wingnut Wrapup lately. Partly, it's because I've been really busy, but in large part it's because there isn't that much to laugh about in the mean spirited turn that the right has taken these days.

Thankfully, there are still a few laughs out there, while we wait for some Godforsaken militia lunatics to go around somewhere shooting things up, and telling themselves what great patriots they are. Here's a little idiocy for you:

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Obama "wants us to have the same health care and plan that he had in Kenya" and "wants to be the black FDR"

I usually don't bother with this drug addled pervert, but I liked this. Being as how Obama never lived in Kenya, as we all know, he never had any health plan there. So actually, it's the Republicans who want us to have the same health care that Obama had in Kenya: none.

And by the way, I hope Obama does want to be the black FDR. It's a better goal than Bush, who seemed to want to be Herbert Hoover. I just hope Obama succeeds in his goal as well as Bush did- after a Hoover, we need an FDR.

Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: "Uphill Battle for New Young Republican Leader "

Boy you've got that one right. Farther down in the article, Jillian mentions this:

“Young Republican Leader Audra Shay Is Crazy, Illiterate, Racist,” read Gawker."

Not a good start, you'd think, until you remember that those qualifications are all Sarah Palin needed.

Carol Platt Liebau , Town Hall: ObamaCare: No Dream For My Father
Under the “reformed” medical system that the President seeks, it’s not pleasant to speculate about what the past few years would have meant for Dad.

Apparently it's not that unpleasant to speculate either, given as how your conjectures are totally fact free.

And given as how he already died under your beloved free-market medical care system, it couldn't have been that much worse, huh? What do you think?

Of course, her total lack of facts doesn't stop Carol from spewing out several hundred words of utterly groundless, sadistic fantasy about the hell that would have awaited her father if he hadn't already been killed off.

Bob Weir, American Thinker: "How about corruption reform first?"

A.k.a. the end of the Republican party? I'm all for that. Then we can finally get things done.

P.S. In case you're wondering, this jerk is definitely NOT that Bobby Weir, thank heaven.

James Baker, American Thinker: "A Birther Compromise"

This is a really good idea, James. All the birthers should get together and decide exactly what lunatic delusion can most likely be crammed down people's throats. That's really thinking.

Drew Zahn, World Net Daily: "A man who had claimed to have a copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, attempted to sell it on eBay and then disappeared from contact has reappeared, this time with a video of the document he claims proves Obama's foreign birth."

Great! Proof at last! The article goes on:

"Smith, whose background includes a lengthy criminal record... nonetheless insists that his motives are above board"

Oh, of course they are. And we thought Orly Taitz was as low as the birthers could get.

Joe Kovacs, World Net Daily: "Fed-up Marine has guns blazing to oust Democrats
'They're destroying this nation, and while I'm still breathing, I will not let it happen"

You know what? Let your guns blaze, asshole. Then the time when you are still breathing will be refreshingly short, and the rest of us will have one less childish jerk throwing a tantrum in public while we try to run our country.

World Net Daily: "'Islamic Antichrist' No. 1 e-book in America"

And they wonder why there are so many deluded idiots running around.

World Net Daily: "President Hannity? Talker drops hint"

I laughed at Sarah Palin; I laughed at Joe the Plumber. But this is too much. Now I feel sick to my stomach.

Ruben Navarette, Pajamas Media: "Republicans would do well to avoid feeding the narrative that they are anti-Hispanic."

And it's so easy to do. All they have to do is stop being anti-Hispanic. Go for it, guys! No? I didn't think you'd like the idea.

Todd Bensman, Pajamas Media: "Immigration Reform Is About Stopping Terror, Remember?"

Actually, Todd, I don't remember that. I seem to remember that immigration reform is about keeping illegals from entering the country. Silly me. I must be getting senile.

Erick Erickson: "Democrats Organizing to Actively Disrupt Rep. Paul Ryan’s Townhalls"

The horror! Those evil scoundrels! I knew they would sink to something like that. And how exactly are they going to actively disrupt Paul Ryan's town halls? Are they going to stride around with assault rifles like some six year old assholes? Are they going to shout him down en masse every time he tries to say something? Are they going to scream that he's a Nazi? No, those are Republican strategies. The Dems have something far more sinister in mind:

"....the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Organizing for America, and Community for Change are wroking together to promote attendance at these sessions.”

They are "promoting attendance" at these public meetings! The shame! How dare they attend these meetings? Will Democratic subversion of our democracy never end?


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