It Can't Happen Here

Trump has made his repeated promise to deport 20,000,000 minorities and foreigners a central feature of his campaign.  What does Trump intend to do with them?  History provides the key.

And what history? The history of Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, when another great power, seeking a cheap way to victimize a large part of its population to benefit the majority race, also started a program of mass "deportation" of minorities, in order to provide its majority race with more land, more money, more of everything, at the expense of the others.  There was a word for this: lebensraum, or "living space,"  the notion that the majority race deserved what it craved so much that it justified any abuse of those considered to be lesser humans.  

Hitler proposed to "deport" Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and eventually all other non "Aryan" residents of the Third Reich.  The Nazis soon discovered that deportation was impossible; it was too expensive for Germany, and other countries were not willing to take in millions of ethnically cleansed refugees.  So, on January 20th, 1942, in the city of Wannsee, a new plan was hatched:  Instead of costly, messy deportations, all minorites in Germany would just be killed.  This plan eventually took the lives of perhaps ten million people.

Well, here is the ugly truth.  Trump is as morally bankrupt as Hitler ever was, and he will take the same path.  If re-elected, his promises are going to end in an American Auschwitz.  It is the only way he can deliver the lebensraum he has promised, exactly as it was the only way for Hitler to make good on his promises. So far, the true implication of this plan is so monstrous that nobody in the corporate press has been willing to understand it for what it really means, or see it in its historic context. Avert your heads all you want, Americans, this is what lies ahead if Trump seizes power again. 


Anonymous said…
You alright, homes?
Burr Deming said…
Any chance you'll be back with what typically turns out to be words of wisdom?

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