Joe Lieberman, still a Pig

Joe Lieberman on CNN today:

"LIEBERMAN: Morally, everyone of us would like to cover every American with health insurance but that’s where you spend most of the trillion dollars plus, or a little less that is estimated, the estimate said this health care plan will cost. And I’m afraid we’ve got to think about putting a lot of that off until the economy is out of recession. There’s no reason we have to do it all now."

And, talking about action with no Republican support:

“I think it’s a real mistake to try to jam through the total health insurance reform,” Lieberman said, adding, “It’s just not good for the system. Frankly, it won’t be good for the Obama presidency.”

And Joe parades around pretending to be a religious man. Did i mention that this guy is a pig? Oops, I meant a Republican.


Derek said…
I like how you post perfectly acceptable quotes from a guy, while i disagree with him, who has a set ideological system of beliefs that he sticks to, then just call him a pig.

I love how you continually say that to be socialist is to be religious (maybe more pointedly, Christian?). Only someone with absolutely no understanding of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ would make that claim.

Christianity is about having the choice to give, not being forced to give. There's a reason why liberty is considered a God-given inalienable right.
Green Eagle said…
I never said that to be socialist is to be religious. I would never say such a thing because I believe no such thing. No left of center person would believe something so stupid.

Christianity may be about having the choice to give; we as a people are about to democratically choose to give health care to everyone, like all of the Christian countries in Europe chose long ago. And while we are on the subject of religion, liberty may be an inalienable right, but you added the God-given part yourself. I guess you don't have much concern for the founding fathers either, when it interferes with your preconceived notions.
Derek said…
" we as a people are about to democratically choose to give health care to everyone, like all of the Christian countries in Europe chose long ago. "

No, our representatives are going to go against the public opinion and give us socialized healthcare. We already have universal care via the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act. Walk into a public ER and you will be treated, regardless of if you have insurance or not. If you are in serious need of treatment, public or private, and you will be treated. If you are unable to pay the bill, Uncle Sam picks up the bill.

"but you added the God-given part yourself."

Our founding father's considered the rights to be God-given, and therefore inalienable. Apparently you have never read the Declaration of Independence.

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