St. John has a Night Out

A tweet from St. John McCain, found by Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo:

"Late evening with Col. Qadhafi at his "ranch" in Libya - interesting meeting with an interesting man."

Considering the unending abuse that President Obama receives every time he shakes hands with Hugo Chavez or recognizes the existence of any other world leader that the American Right hates, and considering the willingness of the mainstream media to give endless time to reporting that abuse in great detail, can you imagine what would have happened if Obama met with this known, admitted terrorist, and spoke relatively approvingly of him afterwards?

The shrieking would have been endless.

But with McCain? Not so much. I wonder if this incident will get any attention at all.

McCain is a dick, and so are all of the rest of the Republican party, and the mainstream media that will just not give up playing this sick game, no matter how much damage it does to us.

Update: As I expected, the mainstream press, which has endless time to talk about the nonexistent death panels and other Republican lies, and to discuss with apparent seriousness whether Obama showed weakness when he got two hostages released in North Korea, does not seem to have any interest whatsoever in a Republican leader meeting with a terrorist responsible for the bombing of passenger planes.

Your liberal media in action.


Poll P. said…
After foisting Palin on an unsuspecting populace, and hoisting her to her present toxic eminence, I wonder he has the gall to show his face in public.
Green Eagle said…
Apparently, the only place he's showing his face is in Libya. I doubt that they've heard much about Sarah Palin there; besides, they've got plenty of lunatic extremists of their own to worry about.
Derek said…
I find it funny that you are one of the few idiots who still thinks the media is liberal. Find me a study that says it isn't and I'll vote Big O in 2012.

Challenge is on.
Green Eagle said…
Derek, I just can't reply to you. Being an idiot, I've just drooled on my keyboard, and it's about to short out.
Derek said…
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over Ursa Major.

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