Wingnut Wrapup
Let's just get it over with today:
Frank Luntz on Glenn Beck's show: "But what's coming out of the White House, the language that they are using, and that you see also occasionally from L.A., is pure hate."
Can you find any humor anymore in someone on Glenn Beck's show accusing Democrats of spreading Hate? I guess I can't, either. You can only hear a joke so many times.
And this news: "A federal judge has cleared the way for the government's seizure of a creationism theme park in Pensacola owned by a couple convicted of tax fraud."
Wacko "Christianity and "I don't want to pay taxes." Like that famous horse and carriage.
Carlson: "How are we supposed to get the girls home, though, Dick? And I only have 30 seconds. How are we supposed to get them home?
Morris: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they don't come home. Maybe they go to North Korea and live with the consequences of their decision to go there. "
Good idea there, Dick. Better to send some innocent girls to concentration camps than let the American people see that Democrats can actually solve problems through diplomacy.
Ken Blackwell, Town Hall: "Kim Jong Il wanted to capture Clinton for “a thin slice of legitimacy that has long eluded him,” the Post says. Well, has this given it to him?"
Ken, let me try to explain this to you. You see, whatever kind of idiotic, belligerent bozo Kim may be, this time he did the right thing. It may have only been a thin sliver of the right thing, but he earned a thin sliver of legitimacy for doing it. Would you rather that we beat him up even when he does the right thing? That will give him a real incentive to do the right thing next time, won't it?
Kevin McCulloch, Town Hall: "Welcome to Gestapo-care"
I.e. medical care for everyone. Just like a bunch of fascist thugs. Right on there, Kevin.
Little Pammy, Atlas Shrugs: "Another Day, Another Protest Against Obama's Policies"
Here are some pictures of two more mighty tea parties that Pammy is covering this week:

As usual, I have done Pammy the favor of selecting the picture of each demonstration which shows the largest number of people.
Way to go there, Pammy. You teabaggers are putting together one hell of a popular movement.
Confederate Yankee: "Shock: Pennsylvania Gym Shooter A Sexually Frustrated Loser"
And a wacko right wing Christian, who believed that God intended for women to be the property of men. You forgot to mention that part, Yankee guy.
Power Line: "Why, it is fair to ask, does it matter whether the Sotomayor nomination garners 66 votes as opposed to, say, 76? I think it matters because of the signal the final count sends to President Obama. If he understands that Republicans are no longer granting much deference to the president's selection..."
As opposed to that glorious time when they did grant deference to the president's selection? When, in God's name was that? Oh, up until January 20th, huh? I get it.
Claudia Rosett, Pajamas Media: "Kim Jong Il Extracts Ransom From U.S., Wins a Clinton Visit"
The "ransom" for the freeing of two kidnap victims? A photograph. Kim, I don't think you really get the whole kidnapping thing. Or maybe you are just the world's worst negotiator. At least since George Bush traded away Sammy Sosa.
Eric Florack, Pajamas Media: "Liberal Bloggers Crash and Burn on Bogus Palin Divorce Rumor"
By ignoring it, which is what most of them did? Or by ridiculing the whole story, like Green Eagle. Nope, we're still here, Eric. No crashing and burning to be seen. Now, about that Kenyan birth certificate thing. Plenty of crashing and burning there. Maybe you should write about that.
Gateway Pundit: "Pennsylvania Mass Murderer an Obama Supporter"
"November 5, 2008:
Planned to do this in the summer but figure to stick around to see the election outcome. This particular one got so much attention and I was just curious. Not like I give a flying fcuk who won, since this exit plan was already planned. Good luck to Obama! He will be successful. The liberal media LOVES him. Amerika has chosen The Black Man. Good!"
"Amerika has chosen the Black Man." The words of a true Obama supporter. Oh, Mr. Pundit, have you ever heard the word "sarcasm?" Try reading Green Eagle more often. You'll get the idea. And then you'll realize what everyone else in America knows: The mass murderer was one of you, not us. Sorry to have to let you know that.
World Net Daily: "Blackwater accused of 'killing Iraqis for fun'
Which would be a horrible sin. They were paid to kill Iraquis for oil Get back to work, you slackers.
World Net Daily: "Imagine lying in some government-run hospital, hospice or nursing home many years from now. Imagine languishing unattended for days in soiled sheets, suffering from hunger and thirst, covered with bed sores, your flesh aboil with untreated infections. Imagine living in fear of resentful, underpaid health aides who take out their anger on you and abuse you. And imagine spending your final moments on earth in the company of a government health care worker with a syringe, who injects you with a lethal cocktail. "
That's what you are going to get from Obama. Really. If you can't trust World Net Daily, who can you trust? Get ready to die with boils, and people being really mean to you! You asked for it, Democrat!
Andrea Shea King, World Net Daily: "Setting 'The Bloviator' straight"
That's Bill O'Reilly. They lapped up his vicious lies for years; but as soon as he questioned the Kenyan birth certificate, he became "the bloviator." Oh well, welcome to the party, guys. Better late than never.
Robin of Berkeley (wasn't that someone from a Monty Python movie?), American Thinker: "How I became so conservative so fast"
Early onset Altzheimers?
And while we're on the subject of Sonya Sotomayor, this from the ever helpful Henry Makow: "Is Sotomayor a Latina or an Illuminati Jewess?"
Oh, I don't know. Maybe she's a Rumanian clog dancer. What do you think?
And, the lie of all Republican lies, from Ann Coulter. I usually don't bother with that pathetic excuse for a human being, but this is too good to pass up:
"Tardy though they are, we welcome MSNBC to finally joining every major conservative news outlet -- including Fox News, The American Spectator, Human Events, National Review and Sweetness & Light -- in discrediting the idea that President Obama wasn't born in this country and, therefore, is ineligible to be president."
It's the liberals that believed that Obama was born in Kenya. The right wingers never believed it for a second.
The mind boggles.
Frank Luntz on Glenn Beck's show: "But what's coming out of the White House, the language that they are using, and that you see also occasionally from L.A., is pure hate."
Can you find any humor anymore in someone on Glenn Beck's show accusing Democrats of spreading Hate? I guess I can't, either. You can only hear a joke so many times.
And this news: "A federal judge has cleared the way for the government's seizure of a creationism theme park in Pensacola owned by a couple convicted of tax fraud."
Wacko "Christianity and "I don't want to pay taxes." Like that famous horse and carriage.
Carlson: "How are we supposed to get the girls home, though, Dick? And I only have 30 seconds. How are we supposed to get them home?
Morris: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they don't come home. Maybe they go to North Korea and live with the consequences of their decision to go there. "
Good idea there, Dick. Better to send some innocent girls to concentration camps than let the American people see that Democrats can actually solve problems through diplomacy.
Ken Blackwell, Town Hall: "Kim Jong Il wanted to capture Clinton for “a thin slice of legitimacy that has long eluded him,” the Post says. Well, has this given it to him?"
Ken, let me try to explain this to you. You see, whatever kind of idiotic, belligerent bozo Kim may be, this time he did the right thing. It may have only been a thin sliver of the right thing, but he earned a thin sliver of legitimacy for doing it. Would you rather that we beat him up even when he does the right thing? That will give him a real incentive to do the right thing next time, won't it?
Kevin McCulloch, Town Hall: "Welcome to Gestapo-care"
I.e. medical care for everyone. Just like a bunch of fascist thugs. Right on there, Kevin.
Little Pammy, Atlas Shrugs: "Another Day, Another Protest Against Obama's Policies"
Here are some pictures of two more mighty tea parties that Pammy is covering this week:

As usual, I have done Pammy the favor of selecting the picture of each demonstration which shows the largest number of people.
Way to go there, Pammy. You teabaggers are putting together one hell of a popular movement.
Confederate Yankee: "Shock: Pennsylvania Gym Shooter A Sexually Frustrated Loser"
And a wacko right wing Christian, who believed that God intended for women to be the property of men. You forgot to mention that part, Yankee guy.
Power Line: "Why, it is fair to ask, does it matter whether the Sotomayor nomination garners 66 votes as opposed to, say, 76? I think it matters because of the signal the final count sends to President Obama. If he understands that Republicans are no longer granting much deference to the president's selection..."
As opposed to that glorious time when they did grant deference to the president's selection? When, in God's name was that? Oh, up until January 20th, huh? I get it.
Claudia Rosett, Pajamas Media: "Kim Jong Il Extracts Ransom From U.S., Wins a Clinton Visit"
The "ransom" for the freeing of two kidnap victims? A photograph. Kim, I don't think you really get the whole kidnapping thing. Or maybe you are just the world's worst negotiator. At least since George Bush traded away Sammy Sosa.
Eric Florack, Pajamas Media: "Liberal Bloggers Crash and Burn on Bogus Palin Divorce Rumor"
By ignoring it, which is what most of them did? Or by ridiculing the whole story, like Green Eagle. Nope, we're still here, Eric. No crashing and burning to be seen. Now, about that Kenyan birth certificate thing. Plenty of crashing and burning there. Maybe you should write about that.
Gateway Pundit: "Pennsylvania Mass Murderer an Obama Supporter"
"November 5, 2008:
Planned to do this in the summer but figure to stick around to see the election outcome. This particular one got so much attention and I was just curious. Not like I give a flying fcuk who won, since this exit plan was already planned. Good luck to Obama! He will be successful. The liberal media LOVES him. Amerika has chosen The Black Man. Good!"
"Amerika has chosen the Black Man." The words of a true Obama supporter. Oh, Mr. Pundit, have you ever heard the word "sarcasm?" Try reading Green Eagle more often. You'll get the idea. And then you'll realize what everyone else in America knows: The mass murderer was one of you, not us. Sorry to have to let you know that.
World Net Daily: "Blackwater accused of 'killing Iraqis for fun'
Which would be a horrible sin. They were paid to kill Iraquis for oil Get back to work, you slackers.
World Net Daily: "Imagine lying in some government-run hospital, hospice or nursing home many years from now. Imagine languishing unattended for days in soiled sheets, suffering from hunger and thirst, covered with bed sores, your flesh aboil with untreated infections. Imagine living in fear of resentful, underpaid health aides who take out their anger on you and abuse you. And imagine spending your final moments on earth in the company of a government health care worker with a syringe, who injects you with a lethal cocktail. "
That's what you are going to get from Obama. Really. If you can't trust World Net Daily, who can you trust? Get ready to die with boils, and people being really mean to you! You asked for it, Democrat!
Andrea Shea King, World Net Daily: "Setting 'The Bloviator' straight"
That's Bill O'Reilly. They lapped up his vicious lies for years; but as soon as he questioned the Kenyan birth certificate, he became "the bloviator." Oh well, welcome to the party, guys. Better late than never.
Robin of Berkeley (wasn't that someone from a Monty Python movie?), American Thinker: "How I became so conservative so fast"
Early onset Altzheimers?
And while we're on the subject of Sonya Sotomayor, this from the ever helpful Henry Makow: "Is Sotomayor a Latina or an Illuminati Jewess?"
Oh, I don't know. Maybe she's a Rumanian clog dancer. What do you think?
And, the lie of all Republican lies, from Ann Coulter. I usually don't bother with that pathetic excuse for a human being, but this is too good to pass up:
"Tardy though they are, we welcome MSNBC to finally joining every major conservative news outlet -- including Fox News, The American Spectator, Human Events, National Review and Sweetness & Light -- in discrediting the idea that President Obama wasn't born in this country and, therefore, is ineligible to be president."
It's the liberals that believed that Obama was born in Kenya. The right wingers never believed it for a second.
The mind boggles.
Mind searching for it in the spam file, GE? I posted a good number of pics and vids from the Columbus tea parties that you might enjoy.
Those are photos from the tea party. Enjoy.
Oh, and it was a cold rainy day, and we still had 8000 people come out.
Some tea parties seem to have done well. However, I went to a bunch, and I stand by my impression that the July 4th round was both smaller and less enthusiastic than the tax day round. That's what I saw at the ones I attended, and it's all I can comment on.
I think that was because it was the 4th of July. Here in Columbus, the organizer decided that the day should be spent with family and friends, so they pushed it back to August 1st, which had 8000, just like the tax day tea party.
If you look at who is jumping ship, it's not the tea party protesters, but rather the Obama supporters.
I am very experienced at counting people at demonstrations. I stand by my impression.