Die and Go To Hell

From Daily Kos, this little gem to cheer us all up:

"Chris Broughton, the man who brought an AR-15 rifle and a handgun to an Arizona Obama rally earlier this month, says he "concurs" with his fundamentalist pastor's prayer for President Obama "to die and go to hell."

Yes sir, give me that old time religion, it's good enough for me!

I've said it before: this is not going to end well.


Kevin Williamson said…
If religion used to be the Opiate of the Masses, today I'd say it's the PCP...
Green Eagle said…
And maybe a little crystal meth thrown in, just to appease the Sarah Palin crowd.
Derek said…
Why no comment on the Obamacare supporters who brought guns?

Oh, I forgot. GE doesn't have an ounce of integrity.
Green Eagle said…

You're forgetting- Green Eagle is a parrot. He barely has room for an ounce of brain. An ounce of integrity? Forget it.

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