McCain to vote against Sotomayor


"John McCain said today he will vote against Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama's pick to be the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice. "

McCain had this to add:

"Though she attempted to walk back from her long public record of judicial activism during her confirmation hearings, Judge Sotomayor cannot change her record."

That statement is a complete, deliberate lie. And John McCain is one of the biggest dicks I have ever heard of. Thank the Lord in Heaven above that he didn't manage to slime his way into the White House. This dishonest, corrupt scum could have made George Bush look like Abraham Lincoln, by the time he was done mangling our country.


mastercynic said…
Next - McCain endorses Palin for high court.
Green Eagle said…
Hey, at least she would be fun. That puts her ahead of Clarence Thomas.

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