Wingnut Wrapup
A little less today- I wasted so much time on Photoshop and Illustrator today that I just didn't have the energy.
Bert Prelutzky, Town Hall: "Even Wide Awake, I'm Having Nightmares"
Listen, Burt, it just isn't that bad with Democrats in charge, really. They're fixing all of the screwups left from you guys just as fast as they can. So why don't you go back to sleep now?
Allen Hunt, Town Hall: "Leadership 101 for the President"
Which apparently consists of doing just what Bush and Cheney would do. No thanks, guy.
Dan Cleary, Red State: "Who will come to the tea parties? "
Judging from recent experience, virtually no one.
Little Pammy, Atlas Shrugs: "Al Qaeda No. #2 Slams Obama"
Wait, Pammy! I thought Obama was their best friend! That's what you told us!
On another subject, here's a wonderful little picture of Nancy Pelosi that Pammy thoughtfully shared with us today:

Tasteful, huh? Thanks for that, Pammy.
Power Line: "Everything you need to know about Lindsey Graham-Graham (1) backed a liberal for the vice presidency and (2) couldn't keep his mouth shut. That tells you everything you need to about Lindsey Graham."
The "liberal" is Joe Lieberman. Calling Holy Joe a liberal is so dumb that it would be like, oh, I don't know, calling Hitler a left winger. No one could be that stupid, huh? Oh wait....
One thing I do have to agree on though. It doesn't say a real lot for Lindsey that he backed the only vice presidential candidate in the country that would have been worse than Sarah Palin.
Gateway Pundit: "Thanks Barack... Tax Revenues See Biggest Drop Since Great Depression"
O wise pundit, I don't know how to break this to you, but the tax revenues collected this year are from money earned last year. When your guys were in charge. Forgot about that little detail, huh?
Newsmax: "Launching a military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities will be the “only one choice” left for the United States if new economic sanctions fail to convince Tehran to halt its bomb-making program, according to Sen. Joseph Lieberman.
Joe, go away already.
Chuck Norris, World Net Daily: "What Obama and my wife have in common "
They both think you are an idiot? Just guessing.
Senator Sam Brownback, National Review Online: "Don’t Punish Seniors for Health-Care Reform"
No, just let them die without government help. That would be much better.
American Power: "Why the Obama Birth Certificate Story Won't Go Away"
I've answered this one before. It's because there are a lot of really stupid people out there.
Bert Prelutzky, Town Hall: "Even Wide Awake, I'm Having Nightmares"
Listen, Burt, it just isn't that bad with Democrats in charge, really. They're fixing all of the screwups left from you guys just as fast as they can. So why don't you go back to sleep now?
Allen Hunt, Town Hall: "Leadership 101 for the President"
Which apparently consists of doing just what Bush and Cheney would do. No thanks, guy.
Dan Cleary, Red State: "Who will come to the tea parties? "
Judging from recent experience, virtually no one.
Little Pammy, Atlas Shrugs: "Al Qaeda No. #2 Slams Obama"
Wait, Pammy! I thought Obama was their best friend! That's what you told us!
On another subject, here's a wonderful little picture of Nancy Pelosi that Pammy thoughtfully shared with us today:

Tasteful, huh? Thanks for that, Pammy.
Power Line: "Everything you need to know about Lindsey Graham-Graham (1) backed a liberal for the vice presidency and (2) couldn't keep his mouth shut. That tells you everything you need to about Lindsey Graham."
The "liberal" is Joe Lieberman. Calling Holy Joe a liberal is so dumb that it would be like, oh, I don't know, calling Hitler a left winger. No one could be that stupid, huh? Oh wait....
One thing I do have to agree on though. It doesn't say a real lot for Lindsey that he backed the only vice presidential candidate in the country that would have been worse than Sarah Palin.
Gateway Pundit: "Thanks Barack... Tax Revenues See Biggest Drop Since Great Depression"
O wise pundit, I don't know how to break this to you, but the tax revenues collected this year are from money earned last year. When your guys were in charge. Forgot about that little detail, huh?
Newsmax: "Launching a military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities will be the “only one choice” left for the United States if new economic sanctions fail to convince Tehran to halt its bomb-making program, according to Sen. Joseph Lieberman.
Joe, go away already.
Chuck Norris, World Net Daily: "What Obama and my wife have in common "
They both think you are an idiot? Just guessing.
Senator Sam Brownback, National Review Online: "Don’t Punish Seniors for Health-Care Reform"
No, just let them die without government help. That would be much better.
American Power: "Why the Obama Birth Certificate Story Won't Go Away"
I've answered this one before. It's because there are a lot of really stupid people out there.