Wingnut Wrapup

Another load of idiocy, on schedule, from our intellectually challenged friends:

Phyllis Schlafly, Town Hall: "What happened in Guadelajara?"

Phyllis, I don't want to know. I suspect it involved Phyllis, a bottle of Tequila and a donkey.

Chuck Norris, Town Hall: "Dirty Secret in Obamacare"

Listen, Chuck: If you know about it, just how secret could it be?

Town Hall Editorial: "Robert Novak: A Principled and First-Rate Journalist "

Sorry. I know about De Mortuis and all that, but the guy was a malicious, lying asshole.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Is Glenn Beck TV’s Obi Wan Kenobi?"

No, Erick, he isn't. Admittedly, as deluded as he is, you might suspect he lives all by himself on another planet. But, give him a light saber and the first thing he would do would be to cut his foot off.

And by the way, Erick, do you know how stupid that question of yours sounds? No, I guess not.

Powerline: (Oswald) Mosley would no doubt be gratified by the extent to which his party's socialist vision of government control over the health care industry has become the policy of the current administration here in the U.S.

Oswald Mosley, for those of you who don't know, was Britain's foremost supporter of the Nazis during the thirties, and World War II. Did the National Front (the organization he headed, and the home of the original skinheads) really believe in the same sort of medical care program as Obama? Of course not. Still, if you are going to claim that Obama is a Nazi, you are going to have to tell a few lies along the way, right?

What a pathetic bunch of fools conservatives are.

Brent Littlefield, Pajamas Media: "Liberalism: Because We Know What's Best For You"

Conservatism: Because we know what's best for US. To hell with you.

Frank J. Fleming, Pajamas Media; "Aren't They Getting Tired of Calling Obama Opponents Racist?"

Actually we're pretty tired of Obama opponents being racists. That's really what we're tired of. Just to answer your question.

Gateway Pundit: "Leftist Organization AARP Loses 60,000 Members Over Obamacare"

AARP. Leftist. Someone left their political compass out of their pockets this morning.

Cary Roberts, Renew America: "Does feminism portend the rise of a new master race?"

Oh God. What an idiot. No, Cary, Feminism does not portend the rise of a new master race. Is this another pathetic attempt to call Democrats Nazis, or is it simple garden variety psychosis? I guess we'll never know.

Wes Vernon, Renew America: "The Palin pile-on regarding the "death panel" issue was overwhelming and all out of proportion to whatever "offense" the former Alaska governor had inflicted by the mere statement of her analysis following a careful reading of a House bill on health "reform."

Her "analysis following a careful reading of a House bill." You're joking, right? You mean her preposterous lies, based on not reading the bill at all, and her compulsive desire to out-demoagogue anyone on earth. You mean her obvious belief that her own political career is more important than trying to act rationally about one of the greatest problems facing our country. You mean her decision that profits for insurance companies are far more important than millions of real American lives that are in danger because of inadequate health care.

You see, Wes. that kind of behavior deserves a "pile-on." As for "analysis following a careful reading," don't make me laugh.

World Net Daily: "Exclusive: Hilmar von Campe compares his experience under Hitler to today's America"

Should be a short article. Here we go again with the Nazi nonsense.

By the way, who is this Hilmar von Campe? He is an ex- Hitler Jugund member who is now a sort of captive pet of World Net Daily. Here is a single sample of Hilmar's sage political wisdom. Talking about Augusto Pinochet, he said: "(Pinochet) shows that "being a ruthless military dictator who liquidated opponents is not necessarily a bad thing."

Of course not. Actually, I would think that Hilmar would be very happy with the idea that Obama is just like Hitler, wouldn't you?

World Net Daily: "Huckabee supports Israeli settlements Says Jews should live wherever they want in own country"

Huck, I know you are a Republican and therefore have a very limited knowledge of the mideast, but maybe you should check into this: The settlements are not in Israel. That's why they call them settlements, instead of towns or cities. So here's an idea: in the future, keep your stupid, malicious thoughts to yourself.

Linda Chavez, Human Events: "Who's un-American?"

Guess who? Democrats. Surprised? No, I didn't think you would be.

Carrie Lukas, Town Hall: " Government-Run Health Care Is the Antithesis of Real Feminism"

Oh, can it, Carrie. Some kinds of stupidity are just too deep to be worth wasting your time on. By the way, as if you gave a damn about feminism.

Rachel Marsden, Town Hall: " What Obama's Vacation Tells Us"

Apparently, the fact that he didn't spend it pretending to clear brush on a pig farm/bogus ranch paid for by the Republican party, and pretending that he is a cowboy, proves that there is something deeply wrong with him. No comment, I notice, on how much time he spends on vacation. Wonder why that might be?

Ted Nugent, in an e-mail to the Texas Monthly: "The editor is wrong to try and muzzle my opinions."

Yeah, Ted, but he could make a pretty good case for muzzling your ignorant, violent right wing ravings. When you have anything that could be dignified with the description "opinion," maybe we could take thie issue up again.

And that's it for today, except to note that I am getting damned sick of hearing about Democrats being Nazis.


Poll P. said…
What's with the sudden onrush of people named Carrie/Carey uptight about Feminism. Is there a new meme a-birthing (naturally, at home, of course, with a midwife.)

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