Can People Possibly Be This Oblivious?

I want to devote a post to something in a comment on one of my earlier posts. I know this is a little unfair, but I think this is such a perfect demonstration of the sort of thinking that lies behind American conservatism, that I think it is worth it. The comment is from our friend Derek:

"Were the Pharoahs and Nebuchadnezzar liberals"
Well they most certainly were big government, so in many ways, yes, they were.

"Was the Spanish Inquisition liberal"
Actually yes.

"Were the crusaders, who did horrible things to Jews on the way to the Mideast liberal"
Most likely, seeing as how they were big government.

"Were the czars and the cossacks liberal"

Wow, three for three. Yes they were.

Well, there you have it. Two biblical tyrants, the most notorious of medieval religious zealots, the perpetrators of the most infamous religious war in history, the unbelievably Repressive Russian monarchs and a legendary bloodthirsty tribe: all liberals.

Can any of the rest of us even conceive of the mental contortion that would be necessary to convince ourselves that the Pharoahs were liberals? Or are we dealing with a lethal contempt for truth in any form?

There is no possible rational discussion with people who are willing to espouse such lunacy in order to maintain their ugly beliefs. Unfortunately, Derek is not a lone lunatic. He has a thought process, if it can be called that, which is totally in line with the twenty percent of the populace which still considers itself to be Republicans.

These people have moved themselves so far into their malignant fantasy world that there is absolutely no possibility of constructive engagement with them. Hopefully, some of them will eventually realize how self-destructive this behavior is. The rest of them? Do we just have to make up our minds to tolerate a segment of the populace that is going to break out in periodic episodes of hatred and violence directed toward the rest of us? Or will they manage to coalesce to the point where they force use to deal with them in a more direct manner?

Only time will tell how much of our energy, which is so urgently needed for more constructive matters, will have to be diverted to deal with this nearly unprecedented outbreak of hatred, racism and utter contempt for reality. The next couple of years are going to be interesting, to say the least.


Derek said…
Wow, the liberals love to post on me. I feel so . . . loved.

"all liberals."

Here is a simple rule of thumb when determining whether someone is liberal or conservative. Conservative rulers give the freedom of rule back to the people, decentralizing the power and dispersing it closer to the people. They are small government proponents that respect the inalienable rights of the people: Life, liberty, and property.

All of your examples aren't in that category, but instead are in the category of liberal. Liberal rulers prefer a more centralized government that has more power rather than less. They believe the responsibility and right to rule lies with the governmnet, not the people.

I like how your response wasn't an educated and tactful destruction of my claim, but rather a big "nuh uh!" Maybe you should make an argument as to why they are conservative? I've given my reasons why they are liberal.

Just because they are religious zealots doesn't mean they are conservative. While many religious persons tend to be on the right, it is because of moral and integrity reasons rather than ideological ones.

Oh, and if you are going to write a post on me, at least make it one that I can read without laughing.
Green Eagle said…

You claim to believe that the pharaohs were liberals. A person that makes that kind of statement deserves no respect, and you will get none from me until you recant.

All the best,
Green Eagle
Derek said…
"A person that makes that kind of statement deserves no respect, and you will get none from me until you recant."

Translation: I can't argue with you because I know you are right, so I am going to flee with my tail between my legs.
Green Eagle said…
"A person that makes that kind of statement deserves no respect, and you will get none from me until you recant."


"A person that makes that kind of statement deserves no respect, and you will get none from me until you recant."
Derek said…
I like my translation better. Hey, at least I have a little thing called integrity. Why would anyone who reads this trust you, as you've given no support for your claims, while I have proven mine clearly and honestly?

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