What a Team

Here's some absolutely contemptible news, from the New York Times:

"The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials. "

Yes, you read that right. For the Bush administration, it wasn't enough to be utterly incompetent. You had to be utterly incompetent and extremely expensive.

Needless to say, no one can point to any positive achievements from this marriage made in heaven. But, it was apparently worth "several million dollars."

Nice work if you can get it. And apparently all it takes is to be a lying, murderous right wing "Christian" scum.


Derek said…
"You had to be utterly incompetent and extremely expensive."

Because hiring a privately owned, well equipped, team of special ops mercenaries is always a bad idea. I mean, this would be justified if we were trying to take down some evil organization that is extremely hard to find, and that had or attempted to do harm to innocent civilians. But this is Al Qaeda we are talking about. A six year old could find their leaders faster than that same six year old could find Waldo.

"And apparently all it takes is to be a lying, murderous right wing "Christian" scum."

lying: you pointed out no lie.

murderous: if they had murdered someone and you know about it, I suggest you tell the police lest you be thrown in jail for withholding evidence to a felonious crime.

scum: because as we all know, conservatives are worthless. It's not like they freed the slaves, lead the civil rights movement, balanced the budget, and gave us the largest economic expansion in U.S. history or anything.

Wow, I'm in a sarcastic mood.
Green Eagle said…

You can be well equipped and still incompetent.

I have a pre-CBS strat and a 1970 super reverb. That's about as good as equipment gets, but if you think that makes me able to play like Jimi, forget it.

Derek, I didn't call all conservatives scum, just Erik Prince and Blackwater. and as for the lies and the murder, apparently you didn't follow the news during the Iraq war.
Derek said…
"I have a pre-CBS strat and a 1970 super reverb. That's about as good as equipment gets, but if you think that makes me able to play like Jimi, forget it."

They are perfectly competent. Note how I said they are a team of special ops mercenaries. You don't get much more competent than that, unless of course, you are 8 years old and think GI Joes is based on a real group.

"and as for the lies and the murder, apparently you didn't follow the news during the Iraq war."

You still didn't point out a lie nor a murder. The iraq war was perfectly legal, and killing in war, even collateral damage, isn't murder. If you say Bush lied about the war, go ahead and show me where he lied, and I will show you the intelligence dossiers (remember those?) that says he didn't.

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