Bye, Teddy

Teddy Kennedy has died. It is certainly the end of an era. I voted for Ted Kennedy when I was a graduate student at Harvard in the early eighties. He fought all his life for average people, earning an unending string of the vilest abuse from Republicans as his reward. He was one of the few rich people on earth who really cared about the rest of us. The other rich people, and their toadies, could never stand the betrayal.
Much of what was best from congress during his lifetime bore his name. If his passing becomes an opportunity for another round of Republican smears, it will be one more sin on their souls.
Update: In the words of our President:
"Senator Edward M. Kennedy was not only one of the greatest senators of our time, but one of the most accomplished Americans ever to serve our democracy. Over the past half-century, nearly every major piece of legislation that has advanced the civil rights, health, and economic well-being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his efforts. With his passing, an important chapter in our American story has come to an end."