Wingnut Wrapup

Time to get back to the hard work of unending cheap shots- Green Eagle's specialty:

Newt Gingrich on This Week: "“You are asking us to trust turning power over to the government, when there are clearly people in American who believe in establishing euthanasia...”

Yeah sure. Grow up, Newt. Or not. Actually, we sort of like you just the way you are. You're so cute when you're angry.

Whistleblower Magazine: "PROOF: Obamacare will lead to 'Medical Murder"

No more than we deserve for voting for the Negro, I'm sure.

Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "CNN-Your network is going to be left in the dust on one of the biggest stories in the history of the country."

The birth certificate, what else? Joseph, forget it. The birth certificate was so last week.

World Net Daily Exclusive: "PREMEDITATED MERGER Obama warned at summit: No North American Union"

Luckily, he never had any intention to do this, so it won't be a problem for him. And who warned him? Howard Phillips, chairman of the Conservative Caucus. I'm sure Mr. Phillips had nothing but the best of intentions.

World Net Daily: "THIS AIN'T NO TEA PARTY Home front getting ugly for recessed Congress"

And you're proud of that? Sheesh.

World Net Daily Poll: "Is America on the verge of revolution?"


Wall Street Journal: "Lawmakers fly to South Pole to study global warming 11-day junket with spouses 'more valuable than 100 hearings"

"Junket." Just the place I would choose to go for a politically useless free vacation.

World Net Daily: "FAITH UNDER FIRE: Witnesses describe Muslim beheadings of Christians"

Of course, we don't behead Muslims. That would be so one at a time. We fly over in F-15s and blow them to smithereens a hundred at a time. That way, we don't even have to worry about what to do with the heads. Neat, huh?

World Net Daily Exclusive: "Obama spies monitoring Jews house-to-house"

Talk about a fantasy. Listen, Mr. Farah, will your stupid, ignorant readers believe anything?

Austin Hill, Town Hall: "Could you be on President Obama’s “enemies list” and not even know it?"

Maybe. I doubt it though, because he doesn't have an enemies list. That's sort of a Republican thing.

Video: "A National Energy Tax: Not the "Change" America Needs"

Brought to you by our nation's energy industry. Bet that surprised you

Skanderberg, Red State: "what is the real agenda of Mr. Gore and his fellow-traveling greenshirts?"

Good work there, Skanderberg, or whatever your real name is. You managed to call Gore a Nazi and a communist in one sentence

Alan Caruba, Renew America: "I accuse the United Nations environmental program in general and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in particular of creating a huge hoax, "global warming,"

Who, you may well ask, is Alan Caruba?
Alan Caruba "is an adjunct scholar at the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise."
I wonder which side those guys are on.

Lloyd Marcus, Renew America: "As a black conservative, should I be afraid?"

No, Lloyd. You should be ashamed.

Little Pammy (she's so cute) Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "The Democrat's 50 State Strategy to Destroy America"

By getting the most votes. What a cynical fascist plot, huh?

National Review Online: " So the American people are “the mob” now, Mr. President?"

Yes. Sad to say.

National Review Online: "No on Sotomayor"

Too late.

American Thinker: "Remember when protest was patriotic?"

It must have been before 2000 sometime.

James Lewis, American Thinker: "Had Hitler not gone mad and invaded Stalin's Soviet Union, the Nazis and Soviets would have gone to war against the West together"

And we end with one more example there, of the colossal ignorance of the Nazis that is necessary to support the right wing claim that Obama is a Nazi too. What a bunch of dicks.


Poll P. said…
Skandervagen deserves a bit of applause for his coinage (if it's his) of "Greenshirts". His name makes me wonder if he's from one of those Nordic countries that are melting because of climate change?
Derek said…

I beg to differ.

"Maybe. I doubt it though, because he doesn't have an enemies list. That's sort of a Republican thing."

The whole "rat out your neighbors!" deal is illegal in itself anyway. Either they are recording the information and taking names, thus severely being a big brother, or they are disobeying the law.

Brought to you by our nation's energy industry. Bet that surprised you"

Brought to you by my uncommon sense. We don't want nor do we need an energy tax. If you want the recession to be prolonged and hurt more, go ahead and tax the crap out of energy.

"No, Lloyd. You should be ashamed."

Another racist comment from GE.

"Yes. Sad to say."

Lol, I actually laughed at this one. Hope you are joking.
Green Eagle said…
"We don't want nor do we need an energy tax. "

What you mean "we," Kimosabe?

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