What, No Wingnut Wrapup?

There may actually be a couple of people out there who will miss my usual Wingnut Wrapup today. Well, I just don't have the heart to carry on with it right now. As you know if you have read it, Wingnut Wrapup usually consists of ridiculing the stupidity behind most conservative positions. Well, they are still just as stupid, but there's nothing funny about it these days.

The ugly, hate filled, race baiting monsters that are all that remains of the Republican party, are really showing their true colors. And it is possibly the most disgusting display I have ever witnessed in my life.

Their so-called ideology of conservatism, in reality never anything but a rationale for greed, has descended from pseudo-civilized economic arguments to vicious lies which they as well as we know to be completely false: lies like the claim that Obama isn't the President because he's an illegal immigrant, the preposterous distortion that the Nazis are anything other than these conservatives' own beloved fellow travellers, the claim that Obama is going to kill children and the elderly if he gets the chance, that he is at once a Nazi, a communist, a Muslim terrorist and a Chicago gangster.

Not one of them believes a word of this. But they just don't care. Like the most depraved junkies, they have become addicted- hooked on hate and violence and greed, and they won't let go, I am afraid, until they have purged their blood lust in whatever orgy of destruction they can summon.

Like any addict, they will not stop until they hit bottom. The problem is that we may hit bottom with them. I have been saying since long before I started this blog that we are staring into the face of some really ugly times. I hope the future proves me wrong, but the way things are, I don't see how it can.


"The ugly, hate filled, race baiting monsters that are all that remains of the Republican party"

Republicans are always more attractive then Democrats. Republican girls are wayyyyy more attractive. Hate filled? I don't hate anyone. The only hate I read from someone involved in politics is from GE. Race baiting? Never have I mentioned the color of someone's skin while discussion politics. If I do recall, that is usually what GE uses in his defense. Calling you a hypocrite is getting old.

"Their so-called ideology of conservatism,"

Because having an ideology of small government, liberty, and a strict interpretation of the constitution, isn't really an ideology. Saying "NUH UH!" however, now THAT is an ideology.

"a rationale for greed, has descended from pseudo-civilized economic arguments to vicious lies which they as well as we know to be completely false:"

Rationale for economic prosperity. Keynesian economics has never worked, and capitalism has been proven to help economies grow.

"lies like the claim that Obama isn't the President because he's an illegal immigrant, the preposterous distortion that the Nazis are anything other than these conservatives' own beloved fellow travellers, the claim that Obama is going to kill children and the elderly if he gets the chance, that he is at once a Nazi, a communist, a Muslim terrorist and a Chicago gangster."

Only the crazies think Obama is from Kenya. This is similar to the Dems who thought that Bush planned 9/11. The Nazi's were socialist, anti-zion, and were big government, they are everything the Democrats love and everything the Republicans despise. Obama is allowing the murder of a million babies every year. He isn't fully a communist, he is a socialist. He isn't a Muslim, but I doubt he is a Christian either. He is an atheist. He is a sort of Chicago gangster, as most liberal politicians from Chicago are.
Anonymous said…
Green Eagle, I totally share your fear -and loathing! Have you any suggestions for actions rational, peaceable, well-intentioned folk can take?
Poll P. said…
Racism, Xenophobia and Greed--with guns. A recipe for disaster.
(O)CT(O)PUS said…
Wingnut Wrapup? Perhaps I could say something sarcastic about using pita bread, pronouncing it as "pity." But I wouldn't want to be accused of cannibalizing the grandmothers and disabled children of the nuttery. So I won't.

But I did lose friends this week ... conservative friends caught in the adrenalin rush of Town Hall Hooliganism, and this experience has shown me how polarizing this astroturf stuff has made us.

One of our blogging friends, Rockync, is actually reading the bill and reporting her findings. Thus far, no nefarious underhanded conspiracies to eat one's grandmother or cause a toilet paper shortage. So I am very sad for what we have lost ... a potentially good reform effort and some friends on the right who have gone over the edge. Very sad state of our country, these days.
Jean Valjean said…
Dear God, I hope your correspondent is wrong is lamenting the loss of meaningful reform. I still have faith in Obama. I still have Hope in the American People's intelligence. I still have the Courage to man the barricades against Rabid Radical Righists. Bring it on!
I.P. Crusader said…
Town Hall Hooliganism (c) 2009 (O)ct(O)pus

Rabid Radical Rightists (c) 2009
Jean Valjean. All rights Reserved.
Green Eagle said…
M. Valjean,

I have hope for the legislation too. Obama has outsmarted these idiots at every turn, and I believe he will do it again.

What I am worried about is not Obama or health care legislation. It is that large numbers of people are being manipulated to lose all contact with reality, and to embrace violence as an appropriate remedy for their imaginary grievances. I will be very surprised if we don't see something with a death toll approaching Waco before this is over, and I will not be surprised to see something much worse. I hope I am wrong.

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