What Happens when You Mix Antisemitism with Extreme Mental Deficiency?

I occasionally like to bring you news updates from a most interesting conservative site which does intensive historic investigations, constantly turning up information not generally known to the American people. For my own selfish reasons, this is one site I will not identify, but I am sure you will be enlightened by what they have to say:

"A stealth Jewish, Osama Bin Laden successfully created reasons for his fellow stealth Jew, G. W. Bush to invade Afghanistan, pretending to be a enemy to U.S.A. He was there, therefore, Bush could invade. He would appear in Syria next, then, Bush can invade Syria. An active CIA agent in charge of making Bush's crime excusable."

I always knew there was something funny about that Bin Laden guy. I guess they blew the timing on the Syria thing, huh? Bin Ladin is as big a screwup as Bush. I bet he's great at standup comedy, though. They should have had him in Funny People. Oh, those wacky yids.

"The king of Stealth Jewdom, David Rockefeller....conducted the whole 9-11 Operation and ordered his adjutant, G. W. Bush to pursue this war for Wall Street Jew and Zionist Jew."

And here, I never knew stealth Jews had a king. You learn something every day.

Abraham (Springstein) Lincoln
1. Abraham is a typical Jewish name. And there is some special reason why Lincoln carry such name. He was in fact a illegitimate son of A. A. Springs (Springstein), a Jewish millionaire in North Carolina. Springs was a Jewish businessman close with Rothschild.
2. Lincoln liberated African Americans after civil war. And at the same time discrimination on Jew was eliminated by Lincoln.

This is my favorite part today, and I'm sure it is yours too. Well I mean, who knew that Abraham Lincoln's real name was Abraham Springstein? This is the sort of information that changes my view of everything. Too bad, though, that he wasn't really named Springsteen- then, at least, no one would doubt that he was born in the USA.

The second part, though is the real clincher. Lincoln liberated the African Americans. I guess that proves he was a Jew. Who could argue with that?


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