Change We Can Believe In, continuing

In the most important news you will hear today (although so much less newsworthy that Sarah Palin's latest lunacy,) this story:

"MOSCOW - President Barack Obama said he and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev are countering "a sense of drift" in relations between their nations with preliminary agreement Monday to reduce the world's two largest nuclear stockpiles to as few as 1,500 warheads each.

"We must lead by example, and that's what we are doing here today," Obama said as he and his Russian host pointed their arsenals toward the lowest levels of any U.S.-Russia arms control agreement.

"We resolve to reset U.S.-Russian relations so that we can cooperate more effectively in areas of common interest," Obama said."

Surprise! Belligerence and threats don't accomplish as much as intelligent cooperation. Who would have ever expected that?


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