Wingnut Wrapup
A little taste of the crazy, as usual, courtesy of our conservative friends:
Andrew Taylor, Town Hall: "House Democrats muzzle GOP on sensitive issues"
Well, judging from what I've heard lately, at least you can't claim that they've muzzled the GOP on stupid issues. So, be happy, Andrew- at least they haven't taken away your forte.
Mark Sherman, Town Hall: "Firefighter says Sotomayor's ruling divides people"
Really? Our exterminator thinks she's great. Maybe they could go head to head on Fox News. Joe the Plumber could be the timekeeper or something.
William Yeatman, Town Hall: "A Real Choice on Climate Change: Do Nothing"
The Republican choice. Just like their choice on health care, the economy, Wall Street crooks and just about everything else.
All I want to know is, why couldn't that have been their choice on Iraq?
Little Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs:
The day would just not be complete without something from Pammy, the most tasteful right wing blogger there is, so here's a cartoon she published today:
You go on keeping it classy there, Pammy.
Michael Reagan, Town Hall: "The Upcoming Fight for Life"
Ah, abortion. Well, conservatives, every other issue you have has pretty well gone down the drain. You might as well give abortion one more whirl. It's either that, or show up in congress and jabber like monkeys.
On second thought, the monkey thing might just work for you.
Emmett Tyrell, Town Hall: "Consequences of the Liberals' Death Wish "
Emmett, I don't know what the hell you are talking about (as usual,) but maybe you should think a little more about the conservative's death wish, seeing as how they are so much closer to bringing it off.
Dan Perrin, Red State: "House Dems Bill will make Individual Health Insurance Illegal"
Ah, the Republican master strategy to surge back into power. Yesterday, it was, Vote Democratic and Die. Today, it's evolved to Vote Democratic and get sick and die. Well, at least you guys are moving forward.
Andersen and Guerra, Pajamas Media: "Does Obama Resemble Lincoln or Lincoln's Adversaries?"
What, like Jefferson Davis or something? Yeah, Obama is for secession and slavery. Right, brother. You work hard to convince people of that. Even after your involuntary psychiatric hold.
Adam Graham, Pajamas Media: "Yes, Minorities Could Vote Republican"
I so agree. In case you didn't notice, a minority already voted Republican last November.
Selwyn Duke, Renew America: "Can Obama spell "failure"?"
Yeah, but not the way you spell it, Selwyn. Obama spells it "Republican."
And finally, this item:
George Will, Town Hall: "A Ploy to Clip Some Wings"
Listen, George: Green Eagle resents that smart remark very much. You'd better watch out or you are going to wake up with a huge beak mark on your ear. You've been warned, buster.
Andrew Taylor, Town Hall: "House Democrats muzzle GOP on sensitive issues"
Well, judging from what I've heard lately, at least you can't claim that they've muzzled the GOP on stupid issues. So, be happy, Andrew- at least they haven't taken away your forte.
Mark Sherman, Town Hall: "Firefighter says Sotomayor's ruling divides people"
Really? Our exterminator thinks she's great. Maybe they could go head to head on Fox News. Joe the Plumber could be the timekeeper or something.
William Yeatman, Town Hall: "A Real Choice on Climate Change: Do Nothing"
The Republican choice. Just like their choice on health care, the economy, Wall Street crooks and just about everything else.
All I want to know is, why couldn't that have been their choice on Iraq?
Little Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs:
The day would just not be complete without something from Pammy, the most tasteful right wing blogger there is, so here's a cartoon she published today:

You go on keeping it classy there, Pammy.
Michael Reagan, Town Hall: "The Upcoming Fight for Life"
Ah, abortion. Well, conservatives, every other issue you have has pretty well gone down the drain. You might as well give abortion one more whirl. It's either that, or show up in congress and jabber like monkeys.
On second thought, the monkey thing might just work for you.
Emmett Tyrell, Town Hall: "Consequences of the Liberals' Death Wish "
Emmett, I don't know what the hell you are talking about (as usual,) but maybe you should think a little more about the conservative's death wish, seeing as how they are so much closer to bringing it off.
Dan Perrin, Red State: "House Dems Bill will make Individual Health Insurance Illegal"
Ah, the Republican master strategy to surge back into power. Yesterday, it was, Vote Democratic and Die. Today, it's evolved to Vote Democratic and get sick and die. Well, at least you guys are moving forward.
Andersen and Guerra, Pajamas Media: "Does Obama Resemble Lincoln or Lincoln's Adversaries?"
What, like Jefferson Davis or something? Yeah, Obama is for secession and slavery. Right, brother. You work hard to convince people of that. Even after your involuntary psychiatric hold.
Adam Graham, Pajamas Media: "Yes, Minorities Could Vote Republican"
I so agree. In case you didn't notice, a minority already voted Republican last November.
Selwyn Duke, Renew America: "Can Obama spell "failure"?"
Yeah, but not the way you spell it, Selwyn. Obama spells it "Republican."
And finally, this item:
George Will, Town Hall: "A Ploy to Clip Some Wings"
Listen, George: Green Eagle resents that smart remark very much. You'd better watch out or you are going to wake up with a huge beak mark on your ear. You've been warned, buster.
Well last night I had CNN on (briefly) and they introduced a new segment, which I believe they called "Wingnut Roundup".
They had their talking heads looking at their laptops saying that they will highlight both far left and right sides of the political spectrum focusing on people who are divisive.
The single story they did last night was about the birther soldier 'refusing to deploy' to Afghanistan.
I guess "Wingnut Wrapup" is an idea who's time has come.
This refers to Ricci v. Destefano. It was a racism lawsuit brought on by a firefighter who was denied promotion because his state didn't like that a certain group of people didn't do better than him. Did i mention that the test was checked by multiple outside agencies to ensure that it wasn't biased. Sotomayor sided with the state, not because she disagreed with his legal arguments (she ignored those), but because she simply didn't "feel" it applied. It'd do you some good to look up her legal history, GE.
My take on Ricci v Destefano. The Supreme Court case ruled in favor of the firefighters by the way, overruling Sotomayor.
"The Republican choice. Just like their choice on health care, the economy, Wall Street crooks and just about everything else."
Actually, the Republicans in Congress put forth a plan for the economy, but Democrats ignored it. Republicans also have good ideas for healthcare. Just because you don't know what they are because you haven't taken the time to figure them out does not mean they don't exist GE.
You go on keeping it classy there, Pammy"
The whole question with Obama's birth certificate isn't why should he release it, but why not release it? Granted, those who think he isn't a U.S. citizens are fairly ignorant, but Obama receives a failcard for not taking the easy route and shutting them up. Why he is so hesitant to release any info about his life, I have no idea.
"You might as well give abortion one more whirl."
Abortion is something Republicans can easily win with, as more Americans are prolife than proabortion.
"Yeah, Obama is for secession and slavery. Right, brother. You work hard to convince people of that."
I almost stopped writing Wingnut Wrapup until your encouragement a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for the encouragement.
Yes, but Green Eagle has real wings, and a much sharper beak.
Now, on to Derek:
I know what it refers to, Derek. I read the news too, in case you didn't notice. Let me ask you something: will you claim that the Republicans bringing this guy to testify in these hearings was anything but a cheap stunt? Or are you claiming that he actually is one of the most qualified constitutional experts in the country, with vital insight about what it takes to be a good Supreme Court Justice.
The issue is not about the ruling. It is about whether Senate Republicans are acting responsibly by using one of their most important duties as an occasion for sleazy political posturing.
Next: You say, "The whole question with Obama's birth certificate isn't why should he release it, but why not release it?"
Maybe because by Hawaii State law, original birth certificates are kept in state vaults and cannot be legally released. What's more, Derek, this fact has been public knowledge since last Summer, when the Hawaii Secretary of State personally examined the original and declared that Obama was born in Hawaii. In fact, this information is so public that I know you are aware of it. So why do you keep circulating information which you know to be false?
And, Derek, the secession and slavery thing was not a straw man, it was a joke. As you know, I have often confessed to a propensity for the cheap shot, so please, when I'm talking aobut something unimportant, don't take it so seriously.
I think he has a better understanding of the Constitution than Sotomayor, if that counts for anything. I don't know him, but I doubt he is an expert. However, he was right in this case over Sotomayor, which shows her ineptness in ruling Constitutionally and straying away from sticking her feelings into rulings. The court is about law, not feelings.
Do I think it was a stunt? No, I think his testimony was used to show how Sotomayor is both out of touch with the American people and doesn't understand the Constitution. I mean, if a firefighter can beat a Supreme Court pick, what does that say about the Supreme Court pick? Unless you are assuming the firefighter is incredibly well educated.
"It is about whether Senate Republicans are acting responsibly by using one of their most important duties as an occasion for sleazy political posturing."
Only you GE. No, they are clearly attacking Sotomayor, not because she is Obama's pick, but because she is a certified idiot. Someone who disregards a plaintiff's main Constitutional argument in her report has no place in the Supreme Court. She rules from the bench, that is why we don't like her.
"Maybe because by Hawaii State law, original birth certificates are kept in state vaults and cannot be legally released."
You can apply for a certified copy, however. Why not put it up on the web, or better yet, mail a few to conservative deniers?
"In fact, this information is so public that I know you are aware of it."
Oh I know, but I am talking about those whom you hate so much: those who deny Obama is a citizen. You complain about them, but I can see why they would question. Obama allows it to go on, even though he is fully capable of putting 99% of it to rest. He is the one fueling the doubt. He has a website, why not put up a certified copy there?
"So why do you keep circulating information which you know to be false?"
What? I never even made a statement other than Obama should publicly release he birth certificate to shut up the deniers. That is an opinion, one that does not have a false base.
"it was a joke."
Keep your day job lol.
"don't take it so seriously."
I won't if it is actually witty or funny.
And I know you will send me the pdf. of his certification of birth, but as many birthers pointed out, there are some problems with it. Granted, most of them are stupid (the color is wrong! That is because you don't live in Hawaii idiot.), but the seal, signature, and no fold raise eyebrows. Either way, Obama shouldn't live this to Gibby, rather should tell the birthers to stfu by giving them each a certified copy. Ok, maybe not all of them. They can share some.
This is what you have to say about the fireman? "I think he has a better understanding of the Constitution than Sotomayor, if that counts for anything."
Come on. Derek. Where did he get his law degree? From Yale like Sotomayor, or Princeton, or maybe Stanford? How long has he sat on the federal bench? Or, maybe it's his empathy and personal life experience that gives him this understanding- in which case he is a communist left wing racist as we well know.
Derek, you have to show more sense than this, and actually more decency toward your audience here. Maybe you would like to tell us that Sonya Sotomayor knows more about firefighting than Ricci, huh?
This kind of juvenile response is beneath you, or at least I hope it is.
And Derek, the birther thing is just a pack of ignorant, malicious lies, and you know it full well.
By the way, you are a photoshop user. Any person with the least real knowledge of photoshop could look at those idiotic analyses of the birth certificate's appearance and know that they are total nonsense.
A single example and then I've had enough of this: The supposed photoshop experts made a huge deal out of artifacts which can be seen in online versions of the birth certificate. Anyone who has even the most rudimentary knowledge of image manipulation knows that these are phenomena of JPG compression resulting from the process of putting the image on line, and have nothing to do with the original document. Anyone who doesn't know this doesn't know as much about Photoshop as the average 16 year old. Some expert.