Wingnut Wrapup

Let's hop right into the muck:

Erick Erickson, Red State: "....the administration claims Dick Cheney refused to disclose a CIA program and the Democrats will investigate."

"The administration claims" being in this case, of course, Republican for "it's true, but I won't admit it to save my life."

Moe Lane, Red State: "Freshman GOP Rep John Fleming of Louisiana recently called for the Democrat-ruled Congress to live by the rules that they want to saddle on the rest of us"

You mean like rules against adultery, and having sex with teenage boys, and having enough personal responsibility to finish your job, and not having kids out of wedlock, and not telling the world you were out hiking when you were screwing your mistress, and stuff like that, Moe?

Power Line: "I'm not sure which is worse: the priority that the Obama administration places on politics over policy, or the lack of basic competence that the administration continues to manifest."

Boy, have you guys got short memories. Isn't this a perfect example of Republicans blaming Democrats for their own failings? I can't tell if it's projection, or just some kind of really stupid strategy.

Hans A. VanSpakovsky: "Conservative? Ethical? There’s No Room for You in Government"
"The absolute fury and unrelenting hostility that I encountered as an openly conservative career lawyer at the Justice Department was something that had to be seen to be believed."

Listen, Hans: You are the king of Republican vote suppression. You have spent your career doing everything you can to keep Black people and other minorities from having the right to vote. Do you know what that makes you? A vicious, racist career criminal, without a shred of respect for what this country is about.

Maybe that's why you encountered hostility in a department that is supposed to be about Justice. What do you think about that, you dick?

Alan Caruba, Renew America: A "crisis" of governors...This once-esteemed office, a platform from which some launched campaigns to become President, has become a sinkhole of sexual misconduct and corruption...."

All the Democrats' fault, of course.

World Net Daily: "Bin Laden's son: Dad gassed my pet dogs"

How terrible. Well, I'll never vote for him if he runs for president. Thanks for the tip, World Net Daily. Up to now, I thought he was a nice guy. But, dogs? I'm through with him now. And all of us liberals had hopes that he would be the one who could defeat Sarah Palin.

Peter Ferrara, American Spectator: "The Bush Doctrine Is Still Working"

Don't even kid about that, Peter. That's the kind of thing that gets you put on 72 hour psychiatric hold.

Jack Cashill, American Thinker: "Who Wrote Audacity of Hope? Not the same person who wrote Dreams from my Father."

Not this again. Who wrote it this time, Genghis Khan?

You guys must be so frustrated that you can't find anything real to smear Obama with.

Ken Russell, American Thinker: "Why I'm Thankful for George Bush"

Because you're mentally ill.

I mentioned this sort of thing a few days ago. Here it comes: George Bush, the Pearl of the Ages, striding across the globe as the Great Conqueror. If you have anything for nausea in the medicine cabinet, I'd keep it in plain sight.

Donald Douglas, American Power, "Democrats Renew Push for Show Trials Prosecutions"

"Show trials" being the official term for whenever Republicans are held responsible for breaking the law. When, however, a Democratic president is impeached for a blow job, that is a vital defense of our nation.

Now, here is a picture I thought you might like:
Here is some inspired comment by the Black Republican who raised the money for this billboard:

"I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard good conservatives and Republicans ask the question, “How can we begin sharing with the African-American community the true history of the GOP? We’re the party that freed the slaves! The party that always wanted to keep them down was the Democratic Party. The party that really shares their values is the Republican Party."

Of course, the thing about MLK being a Republican is a total lie. I didn't need to tell you that, did I?

And finally, this vital piece of information, from someone apparently named Clifylg:

"So, there you have it. The Judeo/Marxist “Democratic” liberal system has confiscated YOU as debt redemption property (Maritime Booty,)
You have now been introduced to the NEW KNOWLEDGE, or the dreadful 'Good News' that is sweeping the Nation over the Internet."

God, I hate being maritime booty.


Poll P. said…
Hard to pick a favorite, here. I guess I'll have to go with gassing the dogs....'cause at least Sarah Palin wasn't involved (or invoked).
Derek said…
Dr. MLK Jr registered to be a Republican in 1956.

The Republican party is the party of civil rights. From freeing the slaves, to women's suffrage, to desegregation, it was all supported primarily by Republicans. The only piece of legislation not passed by a Republican president was the Civil Rights Act of 1969 under LBJ, but by ratio more Republicans supported it than Democrats.

How this is wingnut or a lie I don't know, but you might want to double check on your facts GE. Rocky Mountain News ran something on how it is false, but they neglected the bountiful amount of evidence showing he was a Republican. There are countless interviews, and his support of Nixon in the 50s shows his conservative ties.

A Phillip Randolf was a Republican as well.

What have the Democrats ever done?

Well they started the KKK, made Jim Crow Laws, opposed almost every piece of civil rights legislation, and now try to perpetuate the lie that republicans are the racist party. The old I'm rubber you're glue trick. No, democrats, you are racist, I am not.

Oh, and a Republican appointed the first latino to the SCOTUS.
Green Eagle said…

First of all, King's relatives deny that he was a Republican or that he ever voted Republican. He certainly never did after he rose to prominence.

Now, maybe the Republican party was the "party of civil rights" in 1865, or even up to the 1950's. But, since Nixon and the Southern strategy, they have been the party of white racists. This is such an unquestioned historical fact that you do not reflect well on yourself to propagate your absurd claim. Come on, you are better than that.
Derek said…
"First of all, King's relatives deny that he was a Republican or that he ever voted Republican"

His niece doesn't deny it and a number of interviews with him show his support for Nixon in the 1950s. His father is also said to be a Republican. I would love to see one issue where he would agree with Obama and not the conservative side. Abortion? Conservative. Gay marriage? Conservative. Hate crimes? Conservative. Affirmative action? Conservative. Taxes and fiscal responsibility? Conservative. Constitutional interpretation? Conservative.

"or that he ever voted Republican."

King voted Republican in 1956 and we know this for a fact.

"But, since Nixon and the Southern strategy, they have been the party of white racists."

And you fail to explain how. Never did they promote any racist policies (the dems still do to this day), nor do they try to cut out minorities. The whole "republicans are racists" faux pas was just part of their lie constructed as an attempt to obtain votes.

Besides, Nixon was a huge civil rights supporter. It was Nixon that issued the executive order to initially put into place the practice of affirmative action. Of course, that practice is no longer necessary but at the time it was the right step. Nixon was friends with a number of civil rights leaders including MLK Jr and Rosa Parks.

"This is such an unquestioned historical fact that you do not reflect well on yourself to propagate your absurd claim. "

Yet you provide no evidence! I gave numerous examples and still continue to do so and you do not acknowledge any of them. Why deny the truth? All you have to say is that your party no longer holds those values. If you are going to make a statement and call my statements "absurd", you should probably at least post a few facts to back it up. When I post a buttload of facts and you just go "Pmphhhhh!", it makes you look dumb.

And no, I will not shut up.
Green Eagle said…
Nixon created the "southern strategy," which was nothing but a blatant attempt to pander to the racist instincts of white voters.

Actions speak louder than words, Derek.

Now, as to MLK, you say:

"Hate crimes? Conservative. Affirmative action? Conservative. Taxes and fiscal responsibility? Conservative. Constitutional interpretation? Conservative."

Don't make me laugh. Come on, show some respect for the truth.
Derek said…
"Nixon created the "southern strategy," which was nothing but a blatant attempt to pander to the racist instincts of white voters."

You mean not bring up the whole civil rights thing? How racist of them to keep their accomplishments quiet in the South.

You liberals love the NYT right? I provided a source. I would love for you to name ONE racist action committed by the Republican party. Just one. I can name over five done by the Democratic party.

I find it funny that you claim Nixon's "Southern Strategy" was racist, when Nixon was a huge supporter of civil rights, going back even to the Fifties when MLK supported him openly. Nixon was also the president to order affirmative action. How is his plan racist again? Present me with some facts, something I can work with, not liberal lies.

"Don't make me laugh. Come on, show some respect for the truth."

GE can't argue with it so he scoffs. Like I said before:

"If you are going to make a statement and call my statements "absurd", you should probably at least post a few facts to back it up. When I post a buttload of facts and you just go "Pmphhhhh!", it makes you look dumb."
Derek said…
Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity.

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