Wingnut Wrapup

More of the usual. They never stop, do they?

Meredith Jessup, Town Hall: "Health Care Debate: Reagan Spoke Against Socialized Medicine"

Oh, I'm so impressed.

Burt "Mr. Stupid" Prelutzky, Town Hall: "Nobody has to tell me things are going from bad to worse in America. The question that preys on my mind is when it was that we began our descent. Some would say it started when Jimmy Carter turned his back on the Shah of Iran, thus providing an impetus for latter-day Islamic terrorism. Others might say it was the first time Bill Clinton dropped his pants in the Oval Office, while still others might contend it began when the Supreme Court determined that the Pursuit of Happiness was a rationale for 80 million abortions on demand."

Here are my choices: When Ronald Reagan made it possible for the entire wealth of the country to fall into the hands of a few criminals, or maybe when George Bush lied us into an illegal aggression, and then botched it totally. Actually, I think either one of those did more harm to the country than Bill Clinton's pants. You know what, guy, it's time for you to stop your stupid tantrum and face reality.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "It is laughably outrageous that Barack Obama would dare say health insurance is driving Americans to bankruptcy"

Medical expenses figure in 62% of personal bankruptcies, you lying heap of excrement. Who pays you to spout this crap?

Warner Todd Huston, Red State: "Congress is Taxation Without Representation"

No, actually, Warner, Congress is taxation with representation. Slight difference there. Think about it, why don't you.

Jennifer Rubin, Pajamas Media: "Six months into the Obama administration, “No” is looking like a winning Republican message."

You'd better hope it is. It's the only message you've got.

Oh, except for "get the blacks out of our government," and "I don't want to pay my taxes."

Mike McNally, Pajamas Media: "Virtually all political violence over the past century has demonstrably come from the "far-left."

That is, if you agree with Mike there, that Hitler, Mussolini, all South American dictators, the Holocaust museum shooter and the abortion doctor killer are all liberals. What an idiot.

Ruben Navarette, Pajamas Media: "Sotomayor's Senate Critics Give a Dreadful Performance"

Well, I agree with you there, Ruben.

WHAT? You think they weren't obnoxious and belligerent enough? Oh. I should have seen that one coming.

John L. Perry, Newsmax: "You’re Not Stupid — It’s Not the Economy"

What in God's name is that supposed to mean? Oh here, this explains it:

"The United States, believe it or not, is at war with radical Islamists who are obsessed with obliterating its culture and its people, hard as that may be to ken."

I see now. We need to be so afraid of some guys in a cave halfway around the world, that we don't notice the Republicans bleeding the country dry. No thanks, guy.

And by the way, John- If you are talking about Renew America readers, wrong again. They are stupid.

World Net Daily Exclusive: "'Birth certificate' seller vanishes into thin air"

How surprising.

World Net Daily: "Michael Savage: Pack your bags for England!"

And keep going, you disgusting pig.

World Net Daily: "a small group of officials working mostly from the White House are tightly controlling U.S. foreign policy"

Apparently this is some sort of outrage. Ignorant me. I kind of thought that's how government works. What, should they turn foreign policy over to the Arabian Horse Breeders or Joe the Plumber or something?

Oh, here's why it's so bad:

"A senior U.S. official referred to the group as a "politburo," using the term for the executive committee of communist political parties."

Aha! Communists! I should have known.

Bruce Walker, American Thinker: "Legislators, quite literally, vote for legislation not yet written (which rather sounds like Hitler's Enabling Act.) Judicial nominees make only the vaguest pretense of adhering to ideals of impartial administration of justice (Hispanic Justice and Aryan Justice may sound different to some people, but they are not.) Now commissars are replacing cabinet secretaries"

Bruce: a couple of points here that you might like to think about:

First, Legislators voting for legislation not yet written (which hasn't happened, by the way) is not like the Enabling act. That was just a lie you told to fool the ignorant (i.e. your base.)

Second, no one ever talked about "Hispanic Justice." That's just something you made up. And there you go again, comparing the Obama administration to Hitler. That's another disgusting lie.

And Third, YOU are the only one using the term Commissars. So how about if you just shut up and go away, since you have nothing to contribute but a pack of pathetic lies.

Jack Kemp, American Thinker: "NY Times reaches a new low- Catty rumor-mongering about Sarah Palin's hair thinning? "

Really? Like, lower than when Judy Miller repeated without question all of Bush and Cheney's lies that got us into a war with the wrong country? Are you really convinced that Sarah Palin's hair is more important than that? Jack, I thought you were supposed to be one of the right's big thinkers, not a slimy gossip monger.

Kyle Bristow, American Renaissance: "Hollywood is the vanguard of the anti-white movement, and several of this year’s summer movies are only the latest proof. On a recent visit to a theater I found warnings that the theater discriminates against non-humans."

It's a movie, you moron. Grow up.

American Renaissance: "Lawsuit Cost Could Overwhelm Valley Club, Philadelphia Inquirer- Swim club could be shut down because of “discrimination.”

"Discrimination." I love the quotes. After all, the only thing they did was invite a bunch of kids to their pool and then throw them out when they found out they were black. What's wrong with that? There go those liberal whiners again, trying to construe a little thing like that as discrimination. The nerve!


Derek said…
"When Ronald Reagan made it possible for the entire wealth of the country to fall into the hands of a few criminals"

Actually, the poor benefitted greatly from Reagan's policies. Who benefitted the most from Bush's policies? The poor. Again, you are blathering about nothing. Sure the rich got richer, but the poor became more prosperous as well. It is a novel concept to lift all boats, not sink one in hopes that others will somehow rise because of it.

Also, Bush didn't lie. You have yet to refute my links showing that the intelligence did in fact state there were WMD in Iraq. The only person you are lying to is yourself.

"It's the only message you've got"

Not if you take your head out of your . . . Nevermind.

"That is, if you agree with Mike there, that Hitler, Mussolini, all South American dictators, the Holocaust museum shooter and the abortion doctor killer are all liberals. What an idiot."

Hitler was a liberal (socialist to be specific), Mussolini was as well, Lenin and Stalin were liberals obviously, the same for Mao, and Pol Pot, and Castro, and Chavez, and Milosevic, and the holocaust museum shooter was a liberal and outspoken socialist.

Epic fail on your part.

"that we don't notice the Republicans bleeding the country dry"

Who's in power? Who is spending all of our money that doesn't even exist yet? Who is passing unconstitutional pieces of legislation? Who is rapidly expanding the government and smothering the free market?

"Apparently this is some sort of outrage. Ignorant me. I kind of thought that's how government works."

Weren't you upset about Bush and his officials controlling our foreign policy? PSSssst. Hey, GE, your hypocrisy is showing.

First, Legislators voting for legislation not yet written (which hasn't happened, by the way) is not like the Enabling act. That was just a lie you told to fool the ignorant (i.e. your base.)"

It was physically impossible to have read the entire stimulus bill before it was voted on. Even if you were a champion speed reader, you still would have fallen a couple hundred pages short. So no, it isn't a lie, it is Obama politics. He knows that the more people who read and understand his policies, the fewer the number who will support them.

"no one ever talked about "Hispanic Justice.""

"Hispanic groups and even members of Congress had pushed hard for representation on the court, suggesting that the community would be let down if Obama passed over a qualified Latino."

Lies, all lies.

"And Third, YOU are the only one using the term Commissars. So how about if you just shut up and go away,"

It is called being original, you should give it a try.


You are again, following my theory on liberal arguing tactics to the tee.

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