Wingnut Wrapup
Some good quality lunacy today, so let's just dive right in:
Thomas Sowell, Town Hall: " After many a disappointment with someone, and especially after a disaster, we may be able to look back at numerous clues that should have warned us that the person we trusted did not deserve our trust...When that person is the President of the United States, the potential for disaster is virtually unlimited."
Talking about Bush there, I assume. No, Obama? Oh, I understand now. The disaster under Bush was not "potential," it was unfortunately real. Too bad you didn't object back then.
Debra J. Saunders, Town Hall, "All American Kooks"
The birthers. After months of encouraging them, all of a sudden, in one single day, wingnut websites all across the internet are calling them crazy. Think of this, the next time you are tempted to think that there isn't someone behind the scenes pulling these guys' strings.
Ray Walser, The Heritage Foundation: "Honduras's Conservative Awakening"
I.e. military coup. How wonderful for them to be awake, after spending all those years sleeping through democracy.
Dennis Prager, Town Hall: "10 Questions for Supporters of 'ObamaCare"
I have only one question: Who in their right mind is going to listen to a compulsive liar like Dennis Prager?
Red State: “Who are the idiots that keep re-electing Henry Waxman?”
I don't know, maybe the idiots who like a good congressman. What fools, when they could have had someone like Michelle Bachmann.
Andrew Klavan, Pajamas Media: "In Praise of Racial Profiling"
Here's the picture that was part of this article: Here's a question for you: Where do they get these black guys to write this kind of racist crap? Or do you think they just found a picture of any old black guy in a suit, and put it on an article that was really written by Karl Rove?
Frank J. Fleming, Pajamas Media: "Why All the Smart People Say Obama Is a Great President"
Because he is, Frank. That's why.
Gateway Pundit: "Local Deaf Student Asks Dem Officials: Will Disabled People Like Me Get Shut Out Under Obamacare?"
Unfortunately, when the Dem official told him the truth, he couldn't hear the answer. Not because he was deaf- because he was a Republican.
Gateway Pundit: "Change!... Israelis Protest Obama in Jerusalem...The protestors brandished banners that read: "Obama: the country of the Bible belongs to the people of the Bible."
Wow! There are ignorant religious wackos in Israel too. Who would have ever guessed?
Newsmax: "Israel's Lieberman Calls for UN Sanctions on Iran"
Does every country have a Lieberman? Oy vey.
Barry Farber, Newsmax: "It's time to recall my most unforgettable moment on radio in 49 years...It was Cold War time, the mid-1970s...On that magic night the main guests were two far-left American historians"
Once again, wingnuts have to go back to the 1970's and something said by someone nobody even remembers, to criticize the left. God, I find 15 stupid things a day that you guys say, and I don't even have to look that hard.
Tim Dunkin, Renew America: "Will the Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?"
Dream on, Tim. Right now, the Republicans seem to be intent on snatching defeat from the jaws of defeat. At least that's something they've had practice at, the last few years.
Dan Popp, Renew America: "Myth of the middle class- There is no "middle class" in America. It's not because George W. Bush killed it. There has never been a middle class in America."
The middle class never existed. Kind of like Obama's birth certificate, huh? Boy, these guys will believe anything. What a bunch of losers.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: " Think about this: Do you believe Joe Biden actually believed Barack Obama was constitutionally eligible?"
Actually, yes I do. Fancy that. I guess that makes me a sucker, huh?
World Net Daily: "Why eligibility story is still alive"
Because you won't shut up about it. That's the reason. That, and the fact that there are a lot of really stupid people in this country.
Human Events: "Michelle Malkin Latest Victim of 'Post-Racial' America"
She went on Fox News, and got a bunch of hate mail because she is Asian. And somehow, that's the liberals' fault. Go figure.
Enough already. Bye!
Thomas Sowell, Town Hall: " After many a disappointment with someone, and especially after a disaster, we may be able to look back at numerous clues that should have warned us that the person we trusted did not deserve our trust...When that person is the President of the United States, the potential for disaster is virtually unlimited."
Talking about Bush there, I assume. No, Obama? Oh, I understand now. The disaster under Bush was not "potential," it was unfortunately real. Too bad you didn't object back then.
Debra J. Saunders, Town Hall, "All American Kooks"
The birthers. After months of encouraging them, all of a sudden, in one single day, wingnut websites all across the internet are calling them crazy. Think of this, the next time you are tempted to think that there isn't someone behind the scenes pulling these guys' strings.
Ray Walser, The Heritage Foundation: "Honduras's Conservative Awakening"
I.e. military coup. How wonderful for them to be awake, after spending all those years sleeping through democracy.
Dennis Prager, Town Hall: "10 Questions for Supporters of 'ObamaCare"
I have only one question: Who in their right mind is going to listen to a compulsive liar like Dennis Prager?
Red State: “Who are the idiots that keep re-electing Henry Waxman?”
I don't know, maybe the idiots who like a good congressman. What fools, when they could have had someone like Michelle Bachmann.
Andrew Klavan, Pajamas Media: "In Praise of Racial Profiling"

Frank J. Fleming, Pajamas Media: "Why All the Smart People Say Obama Is a Great President"
Because he is, Frank. That's why.
Gateway Pundit: "Local Deaf Student Asks Dem Officials: Will Disabled People Like Me Get Shut Out Under Obamacare?"
Unfortunately, when the Dem official told him the truth, he couldn't hear the answer. Not because he was deaf- because he was a Republican.
Gateway Pundit: "Change!... Israelis Protest Obama in Jerusalem...The protestors brandished banners that read: "Obama: the country of the Bible belongs to the people of the Bible."
Wow! There are ignorant religious wackos in Israel too. Who would have ever guessed?
Newsmax: "Israel's Lieberman Calls for UN Sanctions on Iran"
Does every country have a Lieberman? Oy vey.
Barry Farber, Newsmax: "It's time to recall my most unforgettable moment on radio in 49 years...It was Cold War time, the mid-1970s...On that magic night the main guests were two far-left American historians"
Once again, wingnuts have to go back to the 1970's and something said by someone nobody even remembers, to criticize the left. God, I find 15 stupid things a day that you guys say, and I don't even have to look that hard.
Tim Dunkin, Renew America: "Will the Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?"
Dream on, Tim. Right now, the Republicans seem to be intent on snatching defeat from the jaws of defeat. At least that's something they've had practice at, the last few years.
Dan Popp, Renew America: "Myth of the middle class- There is no "middle class" in America. It's not because George W. Bush killed it. There has never been a middle class in America."
The middle class never existed. Kind of like Obama's birth certificate, huh? Boy, these guys will believe anything. What a bunch of losers.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: " Think about this: Do you believe Joe Biden actually believed Barack Obama was constitutionally eligible?"
Actually, yes I do. Fancy that. I guess that makes me a sucker, huh?
World Net Daily: "Why eligibility story is still alive"
Because you won't shut up about it. That's the reason. That, and the fact that there are a lot of really stupid people in this country.
Human Events: "Michelle Malkin Latest Victim of 'Post-Racial' America"
She went on Fox News, and got a bunch of hate mail because she is Asian. And somehow, that's the liberals' fault. Go figure.
Enough already. Bye!
You don't read much, do you? Zeyala was attempting to breach the Honduras Constitution by having a election so he could stay in power longer. Not only did the legislature vote to remove him, but the courts ordered him removed as well for breaking the Constitution.
He was tossed out, not overthrown.
"Here's the picture that was part of this article: Here's a question for you: Where do they get these black guys to write this kind of racist crap? Or do you think they just found a picture of any old black guy in a suit, and put it on an article that was really written by Karl Rove?"
That would be a photo of Henry Louis Gates Jr., the Harvard professor who was arrested in his own home. I think if you weren't so quick to judge and were a bit more cultured, you'd have realized that. Or if you read a newspaper in the past week or so.
This is Andrew Klavan.
"idiots who like a good congressman. "
Waxman is an idiot. Ever watch him on CSPAN? What a dunce.
"Because he is, Frank."
By all definitions I am "smart", and I think Obama is a horrible President. I have yet to see him truly succeed in any area. Ethics? Fail. Honesty? Fail. Economy? Fail. Fiscal responsibility? Fail. Maintaining friendships abroad? Fail. Respecting and upholding the Constitution? Fail.
"Right now, the Republicans seem to be intent on snatching defeat from the jaws of defeat."
Latest polling puts congress at about 50-50, and with the usual largely Republican turnout, those numbers could be tilted in the GOP's favor.
Sugar coat it all you want, a military coup is not democracy. I have read something which you, apparently, have not: the Honduran constitution.
Supreme courts exist to review decisions by lower courts, not to make up rules on their own, and certainly not to unilaterally decide who is president. No amount of blathering by someone who is not really familiar with the document can change a coup into democracy.
"He was tossed out, not overthrown." Come on, Derek.
Derek, you're right about the picture of Gates. I thought it was an author cut. Stupid me.
Derek, it's long past time that you move beyond canned talking points and gratuitous, lying abuse. Then, maybe, we'll see if you really are smart.
But it wasn't a military overthrow. Who is in control now? Not the military.
"Supreme courts exist to review decisions by lower courts, not to make up rules on their own, and certainly not to unilaterally decide who is president."
Of course they don't, but there are rules in place, which I will explain in a minute, and the Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to say when someone breaks those rules. The military must uphold the Constitution, hence their removal of the guy disobeying it.
"ARTICULO 239.- El ciudadano que haya desempeñado la titularidad del Poder Ejecutivo no podrá ser Presidente o Vicepresidente de la República.
El que quebrante esta disposición o proponga su reforma, asà como aquellos que lo apoyen directa o indirectamente, cesarán de inmediato en el desempeño de sus respectivos cargos y quedarán inhabilitados por diez (10) años para el ejercicio de toda función pública"
Translation: Zeyala wasn't allowed to run again because of the Constitution, so he tries to set up an election to amend the Constitution, even though the legislature has to amend it, not the people. Not only that, but the legislature has the power to hold special elections, not the president. He was trying to stay in power when he wasn't allowed, and was going against the Constitution by doing so. Continuismo is the word. We talked about it once in high school.
"Come on, Derek."
Read, GE, read. Don't read Kos or thinkprogress or any of those blogs. Read from a respectable news source how Zeyala was going against the Constitution.
Oh, and read the Honduran Constitution again, apparently you missed article 239.
"No amount of blathering by someone who is not really familiar with the document can change a coup into democracy."
Unfamiliar? I'm the one who quoted their Constitution and pointed out specifically where it said that he couldn't be president again. You are the one trying to claim that the removal of the president who was breaking the constitution was a coup. Who is in control now in Honduras? The military isn't in control, so no coup. They were enforcing the law, not breaking it.
"Derek, it's long past time that you move beyond canned talking points and gratuitous, lying abuse. Then, maybe, we'll see if you really are smart."
You makes statements like this all the time, but never show how they are talking points, never disprove them, and never show any evidence for your claims. The Gates photo is the first thing you ever admitted fault on, and it was petty. If you had any integrity, you would at least try to contradict me with a source or two from time to time.
"Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to say when someone breaks those rules."
Actually, no it doesn't Supreme courts are appellate courts, and their only duty is to review cases of lower courts, to assure their conformity to the law. Anything else is your dreaded "legislating from the bench" in its most virulent form.
Derek: I have read the Honduran constitution. I believe that what Zelaya did fell just short of calling for doing away with term limits- he did not call for that directly, he only called for a referendum to have the people speak on the issue. Nevertheless, this is something that needed to be adjudicated by lower courts, regarding the facts of the case; only then might it fall under the purview of the Supreme Court. Read the document a little closer, and you will see what I mean.