Blue Dogs

Boy, does this put things right on the table. From a blog that is new to me called They Gave Us a Republic:

"Blue Dogs, you see, are not Democrats. They are repugs, pretending to be dems in order to play little "centrist" games that so entertain the Beltway Villagers. Blue Dogs are diapered infants who have to be the center of attention. They don't care about party loyalty; they don't care about their constituents, they don't care about policy, they sure as hell don't care about deficits (every single one of them voted orgasmically for Smirky's trillion-dolllar tax cuts and trillion-dollar war "supplementals" that exploded the deficit.)

Blue Dogs are political sociopaths: utterly amoral users with no empathy, no conscience, no remorse."

Exactly right, and thank you for the concise statement of the truth.

"...utterly amoral users with no empathy, no conscience, no remorse." I.e, as you point out, Republicans.


Poll P. said…
Good one!

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