My Favorite Comment So Far On My Blog

Charles F. Oxtrot said...I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone stupider than "Green Eagle" and nobody more deluded about what happens in American Politics.

Maybe you're right Charles. That's the thing about the internet. People can shoot their mouths off all day long without knowing a damned thing.

Isn't the twenty first century great?


Poll P. Olka said…
Stupid? Not! Well-informed, analytical and vituperative. What's not to like?
Derek said…
"People can shoot their mouths off all day long without knowing a damned thing."

Did Green Eagle just admit his ignorance?

Pinch me, I'm dreaming.
Green Eagle said…

No, Green Eagle just admitted that he is a loudmouth. Not such a big surprise, huh?
Derek said…
Nope, not surprised. But you still have yet to present any facts, so I'll take this as a confession as well.
Green Eagle said…
What, Derek, facts to prove that Green Eagle is a gigantic loudmouth?

Really, that is so unfair. I think I prove that every day.

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