When Can We Call Them Brownshirts?

This is, I believe, a most important and disturbing story, from Think Progress:

"This morning, Politico reported that Democratic members of Congress are increasingly being harassed by “angry sign-carrying mobs and disruptive behavior” at local town halls. For example, in one incident, right-wing protesters surrounded Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY) and forced police officers to have to escort him to his car for safety.

This growing phenomenon is often marked by violence and absurdity.... much of these protests are coordinated by public relations firms and lobbyists who have a stake in opposing President Obama’s reforms.

A leaked memo from Bob MacGuffie, a volunteer with the FreedomWorks website Tea Party Patriots, details how members should be infiltrating town halls and harassing Democratic members of Congress...

Patients United, a front group maintained by Americans for Prosperity, is currently busing people all over the country for more protests against Democratic members. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), chairman of the NRCC, has endorsed the strategy, telling the Politico the days of civil town halls are now “over.”

There is more at the site, including excerpts from the memo mentioned above, and links to more information. If you read anything today, I urge you to click on the link and read the rest of this article.

Now, why is this important? First, a warning- anyone that is going to be upset if I talk about Nazis had better start screaming now and get it over with as soon as possible. Well, here goes. This is exactly how the stormtroopers got started. Their original purpose was to disrupt events of other parties. Yelling and threatening and marching around the halls soon turned violent, after Nazi leaders decided that, in the words of the guy above, "the days of civil town halls are now over." One thing led to another, and soon they decided that, since they could not win elections fairly, they would take power through violence toward anyone who opposed them. It was this violence that Hitler used to manipulate the German government into making him Reichschancellor, in the foolish hope that if they were "bipartisan" with him, he would abandon his undemocratic behavior.

Sorry, folks, I am not just one more blabber ready to shout "Hitler" at anyone who opposes me. I know what I am talking about, and I tell you with utter assurance that what we are seeing here is disturbingly familiar to anyone who understands what was going on in Germany around 1922 or 1923.

Conditions in this country are not as bad as they were then in Germany, so maybe it will all come to nothing. But, maybe not.

Update: Here's the original article from Politico. Lots more horror stories, if you can stomach it. This is not going to end well.


Derek said…
"Well, here goes. This is exactly how the stormtroopers got started. Their original purpose was to disrupt events of other parties. Yelling and threatening and marching around the halls soon turned violent, after Nazi leaders decided that, in the words of the guy above, "the days of civil town halls are now over." "

The democrats have been doing this for years. Code pink? Thinkprogress? Move on? They all do this, and in case you didn't notice, many of those groups sponsored riots outside the RNC this past August.

Besides, who do you think would be more likely to throw over the country and seize power? Republicans, namely conservatives, who prefer small government, liberty, and less government involvement in our lives, OR, democrats, namely liberals, who want the power of government expanded beyond what the Constitution allows, the socialization of American industries, and the silencing of their opponents with the fairness doctrine. I'm putting my money on democrats, but they won't get far, because we republicans have all the guns.
Green Eagle said…
Truth, Derek, truth.

It's time you learned some respect for it.
Poll P. said…
Derek, please tell your mother and father to turn off Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck and Michael Savage, and send you to a real school, which will teach you critical thinking and expose you to the lessons of history.
Derek said…
"Derek, please tell your mother and father to turn off Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck and Michael Savage, and send you to a real school, which will teach you critical thinking and expose you to the lessons of history."

Might I add that I gave four clear reasons as to why people compare Obama to Hitler and the Nazi's, and the best thing you guys could come up with against Republicans is that we angrily, albeit peacefully, protest?

I turn the table and show how Dems have been doing the same thing for years, rioting and attempting to hurl crap at Senators and Bush, and you say I am the one who needs to go back to school?

Truth indeed, GE.

And my mother is a diehard Democrat, and my father doesn't talk politics.
Green Eagle said…
I will give you one reason why people compare Obama to Nazis: Because they are shameless liars. That's it.

Join them if you want, Derek.
Derek said…
"I will give you one reason why people compare Obama to Nazis: Because they are shameless liars. That's it."

Hopefully you aren't eluding that I am one of those people, because I can go back through and name every single topic we've ever discussed, and at the same time, tell you every single topic I've proved you wrong on.

Just go back through the last few exchanges we've had. Look at how each of them end: You give a feeble defense, I prove you wrong using a number of sources, and you ignore me.

Again, you follow my theory on liberal debating tactics to the tee, GE.

Even some of the Nazis had a little thing called integrity.

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