Wingnut Wrapup
Before getting down to business, I have a comment to pass along to all of those right wingers out there who are striving so hard to earn a place in Wingnut Wrapup: Guys, it is not enough to be obnoxiously racist or intolerant, nor is it enough to just repeat your usual lies. You've got to show true lunacy. Learn from the experts like Renew America and World Net Daily. They produce world class idiocy every day, and you can too if you just put a little more effort into it.
On with the day's winners:
First, a little cartoon that you might like:
All I can say is, at least they didn't shoot her from a helicopter.
Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: "Unions Meet With White House Officials Today"
Oh my God, they were right! Unions in the White House! Communism is here already!
Town Hall: "Biggest Waste of Money Ever—Obama Spends $18 Million to Redesign Website "
Really? How about the $1 trillion George Bush spent attacking the wrong country? I think that would be an even bigger waste. But then, I can compare two numbers and determine that $1 trillion is actually about 55,000 times larger than $18 million. Apparently, that sort of advanced math is beyond the mental capacity of right wingers.
The ever-lunatic Burt Prelutzky, Town Hall: "Speaking of voting, there were only two surprises in the House vote for the insane Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Bill. The first surprise was that, in spite of Obama’s arm-twisting, 44 Democrats had a sufficient amount of nerve and integrity to oppose its passage. The other surprise was that eight Republicans voted for it. If even just four of them hadn’t sold out America along with their principles, it would have been voted down."
This interests me. I never knew that trying to make companies clean up the messes they created was selling out America.
On the other hand, I do see how Republicans who supported it would be selling out their principles, which consist, as far as I have ever been able to tell, solely in giving corporations any damned thing they want.
Star Parker, Town Hall: "fresh out of the Republican convention, with Sarah Palin on board, the Republican ticket moved out front. They were in the lead."
For two weeks, Star. Until people found out who she was. Remember that?
"She of the inadequate brain" Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Al Frankenstein is Addressing Sotomayor
I will not live blog this, I don't have enough vomit bags -- Al Stanken, the twisted leftopath who stole the election right out from under Coleman is now on the judiciary committee .
Franken is projective vomiting - it's his fifth day in office and he is sitting up there."
Classy as ever, Pammy. Keep up your sincere efforts to make a responsible contribution toward our national discourse.
"it's his fifth day in office and he is sitting up there." What, he showed up for work? When will he demonstrate his responsibility and seriousness by resigning and going fishing?
And don't forget, girl, he may be Frankenstein, but he still beat your guy. Deal with it.
Newsmax: "Ex-CIA Boss Hayden: Congress Was Informed"
And who could be more trustworthy about whether the CIA is lying, than the guy who headed the place when the lying was going on?
Newsmax: "By claiming that the CIA lies to Congress, Democrats in the House are conducting a “jihad” to protect House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Kit Bond, the vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, tells Newsmax."
Thank you, Senator Bondenstein (see, Pammy, two can play that game,) for pointing out to us that "Democrat" is just the same as "Murderous Islamic Terrorist." That will help us in focusing on the issues all right.
Moshe Phillips, Renew America, "Who is Israel's Sarah Palin?"
A. Who gives a damn?
B. Let's hope for their sake that the answer is "No one."
Washington Examiner: "Political opposition is not a hate crime"
As of January 20th of this year. Before that, of course, it was.
Michael Barone, Washington Examiner: "Clarence Thomas: The courage of his convictions"
Or at least, the courage of Antonin Scalia's convictions.
And a last nice graphic before we're done for today:
On with the day's winners:
First, a little cartoon that you might like:

Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: "Unions Meet With White House Officials Today"
Oh my God, they were right! Unions in the White House! Communism is here already!
Town Hall: "Biggest Waste of Money Ever—Obama Spends $18 Million to Redesign Website "
Really? How about the $1 trillion George Bush spent attacking the wrong country? I think that would be an even bigger waste. But then, I can compare two numbers and determine that $1 trillion is actually about 55,000 times larger than $18 million. Apparently, that sort of advanced math is beyond the mental capacity of right wingers.
The ever-lunatic Burt Prelutzky, Town Hall: "Speaking of voting, there were only two surprises in the House vote for the insane Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Bill. The first surprise was that, in spite of Obama’s arm-twisting, 44 Democrats had a sufficient amount of nerve and integrity to oppose its passage. The other surprise was that eight Republicans voted for it. If even just four of them hadn’t sold out America along with their principles, it would have been voted down."
This interests me. I never knew that trying to make companies clean up the messes they created was selling out America.
On the other hand, I do see how Republicans who supported it would be selling out their principles, which consist, as far as I have ever been able to tell, solely in giving corporations any damned thing they want.
Star Parker, Town Hall: "fresh out of the Republican convention, with Sarah Palin on board, the Republican ticket moved out front. They were in the lead."
For two weeks, Star. Until people found out who she was. Remember that?
"She of the inadequate brain" Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Al Frankenstein is Addressing Sotomayor
I will not live blog this, I don't have enough vomit bags -- Al Stanken, the twisted leftopath who stole the election right out from under Coleman is now on the judiciary committee .
Franken is projective vomiting - it's his fifth day in office and he is sitting up there."
Classy as ever, Pammy. Keep up your sincere efforts to make a responsible contribution toward our national discourse.
"it's his fifth day in office and he is sitting up there." What, he showed up for work? When will he demonstrate his responsibility and seriousness by resigning and going fishing?
And don't forget, girl, he may be Frankenstein, but he still beat your guy. Deal with it.
Newsmax: "Ex-CIA Boss Hayden: Congress Was Informed"
And who could be more trustworthy about whether the CIA is lying, than the guy who headed the place when the lying was going on?
Newsmax: "By claiming that the CIA lies to Congress, Democrats in the House are conducting a “jihad” to protect House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Kit Bond, the vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, tells Newsmax."
Thank you, Senator Bondenstein (see, Pammy, two can play that game,) for pointing out to us that "Democrat" is just the same as "Murderous Islamic Terrorist." That will help us in focusing on the issues all right.
Moshe Phillips, Renew America, "Who is Israel's Sarah Palin?"
A. Who gives a damn?
B. Let's hope for their sake that the answer is "No one."
Washington Examiner: "Political opposition is not a hate crime"
As of January 20th of this year. Before that, of course, it was.
Michael Barone, Washington Examiner: "Clarence Thomas: The courage of his convictions"
Or at least, the courage of Antonin Scalia's convictions.
And a last nice graphic before we're done for today:

Here I thought it was due to the abundance of information that showed he was continuing his WMD programs and because there were a number of Al Qaeda members taking refuge inside Iraq's borders (Zarqawi)
"I never knew that trying to make companies clean up the messes they created was selling out America."
Yes, making America more dependent upon foreign energy, increasing energy costs by thousands of dollars for each American family, and creating a new huge tax, all just to hinder progress towards alternative fuels could never be selling out America. Never, never at all.
"Until people found out who she was. "
Until the mainstream media sunk its teeth in. Too bad Palin still has a better track record than Obama. She has accomplished more even though the odds have been stacked against her. Ever see what she did for Alaska? Wonders. What has Obama done? Except for desecrate the Constitution and hire a bunch of political hacks? Oh, and spend over six trillion dollars, thus doubling our deficit in one year (Bush spent the same amount in eight years, Obama did it in one. Wow.)
"And who could be more trustworthy about whether the CIA is lying, than the guy who headed the place when the lying was going on?"
Can say the same thing about the Congressional Dems, namely, Pelosi.
"As of January 20th of this year. Before that, of course, it was."
Last time I checked, the media never berated anyone for bashing Bush. All of the sudden, if you criticize Obama's policies and attempt to point out the truth, you are a liar, hater, bigot, or facist.
And yes, America is officially socialist.
Happy to see you back. I missed you for a few days.
You say, "abundance of information that showed he was continuing his WMD programs and because there were a number of Al Qaeda members taking refuge inside Iraq's borders"
First of all, there was no information showing that he was continuing his WMD programs. The U. N. inspectors determined that Bush's allegation was false, pure and simple, and they were right.
Second, Zarkawi's camp was in Kurdish territory, beyond the reach of Saddam. In fact, we allowed him to continue his actions, not Saddam. There was no Al Qaida presence in Saddam-controlled territory.
That's enough for now. Most of the rest of what you say is just patent Republican cant too. Come on, let's try to deal with reality here.
First of all, there was no information showing that he was continuing his WMD programs. "
The UN dossier, the UK dossier, and even Hans Blix said that Iraq was continuing their weapons programs.
Backing up what you say can do wonders. I find it funny that you claim the UN was right, but meant it that Bush was wrong. The UN and Bush agreed that Saddam had WMD. Also, we found WMD in Iraq. Sure, not everything we thought, but still a good amount.
"Second, Zarkawi's camp was in Kurdish territory, beyond the reach of Saddam"
In Iraq.
Again, you present no evidence. You libs really do hate facts and logic dont you? Especially when cornered.
No, I will not shut up.
Derek, that is a lie. Come on. We don't need things like that here.
"The UN and Bush agreed that Saddam had WMD.
That is also a lie.
Also, we found WMD in Iraq. Sure, not everything we thought, but still a good amount."
That is a further lie. No usable WMD's were ever found in Iraq, because there were none. Several long outdated shells from the Iran-Iraq war were found. The material in them was useless.
""Second, Zarkawi's camp was in Kurdish territory, beyond the reach of Saddam
In Iraq."
Again, you present no evidence. You libs really do hate facts and logic dont you? Especially when cornered."
Derek, you are an ignorant sucker. You apparently do not have the least knowledge of what existed in Iraq before Bush's aggression, and what's more, you don't care. It was the United States that allowed Zarkawi to exist unmolested, on land within their control.
This is not a schoolyard here, Derek. And it is not a place where insults and lies are welcome. I am not really interested in providing you with information that anyone should know before pontificating on a war in which we killed a million innocent people.
I would bet that virtually everybody that reads this blog knows these facts. Maybe you should find them out too.
Apparently you didn't read the dossier I posted.
"That is also a lie."
Didn't read the other link either?
"That is a further lie. No usable WMD's were ever found in Iraq, because there were none. Several long outdated shells from the Iran-Iraq war were found. The material in them was useless.'
The nerve gas was dated to be younger than the Iran-Iraq war. I just wrote a post you might like about liberal logic. You are following my theory to the tee. Note: calling me a liar means nothing. Proving me to be a liar actually does something. Prove it.
"It was the United States that allowed Zarkawi to exist unmolested, on land within their control."
So you are suggesting we already had troops on the ground in Iraq prior to march 2003? You are just making stuff up now. Or as you would say: You are lying.
"And it is not a place where insults and lies are welcome."
By my count, I never insulted you, unless you count "lib" to be an insult like I do.
". I am not really interested in providing you with information that anyone should know before pontificating on a war in which we killed a million innocent people."
Because you can't. See, this is your exit strategy. I have presented evidence of my claims, backed up my logic, and you cannot argue with it. So, like most liberals, you turn your tail. And i think you mean 100,000 according to the IBC.
"I would bet that virtually everybody that reads this blog knows these facts. "
First off, they aren't facts. If you want them to be accepted as such, you first need to present evidence that back them up, then you need to somehow dismantle my sources which contradict your claims.
Consider this a free lesson.
Please stop wasting his time. It's boring to read. Go to a serious library, and read and read and read, broadly, and deeply.
DE's done his homework, go do yours.
Apparently not, if he is making claims that there was no consensus on if there were WMD in Iraq. There clearly was reason to believe there was. Hence, read the dossiers I presented. That is your homework, as well as DE's.
The view that reduces everything to Democrat good, Republican bad... it's the view of a 10-year-old child, not an adult, and surely not an adult who thinks he/she is knowledgeable enough to comment on politics as if he/she were offering insights.
Whenever you can reduce someone's view of the world to
A = Good
Z = Bad
then that someone is surely not intelligent, insightful, or wise.
Opinions aplenty from Green Eagle! Too bad they're all poorly considered!
What, exactly, is your knowledge of the Republican party? I was a member of my Republican State Central Committee when I was 19 years old, and was picked to be national chairman of the youth campaign of a major Presidential candidate. I knew the national chairman of the Republican party, who had an office right next to mine. I was one of two people from my state being groomed for a greater role in the Republican party. I saw the light and quit, and the other guy ended up in prison on political corruption charges.
Now tell me your story.
And Derek, this is not school. Please find the truth about WMD's yourself. Saddam had WMD production facilities after the Iran-Iraq war. That is the simple truth- look at what Hans Blix or Scott Ritter had to say. I only have so much room on this blog, and I can't use it arguing about things that everyone should know.
Would greatly appreciate your continued participation. Thank you for your time in commenting.
The U. N. inspectors determined that Bush's allegation was false, pure and simple, and they were right.
UN inspectors like Richard Butler? Ray Robison?
Oooooh...Scott Ritter.
Actually, much of what the Bush Administration cited in building their case for war was from UN documents (I'm talking about the justifications made other than CIA claims on wmd).
Also, take a look at Hans Blix' Unresolved Disarmament Issues. Pretty alarming stuff.
Inspections were a cat-and-mouse game and not 100% full-proof from the decade of deception by Saddam. Furthermore, UNSCOM was never meant to be weapons hunters. UNMOVIC that replaced it was a watered-down version of its former incarnation. What makes you think "more of the similar" was going to make Saddam comply to UNSCRs, after 12 years of violations?
Second, Zarkawi's camp was in Kurdish territory, beyond the reach of Saddam.
It was in the Kurdish north, but was Saddam's means of influence in the north. He used Ansar al Islam as his proxy guerrilla force to attack his Kurdish enemies. And Ansar al Islam is part of the al Qaeda network.
Yep, pre-Iraq.
You caught me. That should have read: ""Saddam had NO WMD production facilities after the Iran-Iraq war."
I've been travelling, and obviously it has damaged my thought processes.
Wordsmith- Been There, Done That.
I have to tell you that I am old enough to remember a lot of this from when it happened. I've also lived in the mideast and dealt with Arabs first hand, and found their thought processes to be much less stereotyped than the way they are portrayed in the west.
I already proved that the reports said he did. You know, the ones that I linked to my comment in order to back up my statements?
Remind me, what have you provided as evidence to back up your claims GE?
"I've also lived in the mideast and dealt with Arabs first hand"
Was that before or after you went to the moon?
Thanks! Appreciate it. Would love to get your responses to the challenges posed to you.