Wingnut Wrapup

More News You Don't Need To Read:

Allen Hunt: Roeder vs. Muhammad: Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up?

This Muhammad is the guy who killed a military recruiter a few days ago. Oh, I don't know, Alan, which one is the terrorist? The unbalanced loner, or the antiabortion "activist" with a two decade long history of violent actions and threats? Boy, that's a tough one.

Burt Prelutsky: Wanted: A Vaccine for Liberalism

Five months, and you still can't find anything real to complain about, huh Burt?

Star Parker: The Civil Rights Challenge of Our Time

Turns out to be "school choice," i.e. defunding our public schools to help rich people pay to send their kids to private ones. Or, with decent private schools costing upwards of $20,000 a year, do you really believe a $4000 "voucher" will enable poor people to send their kids to one of these places?

Capital Research Center: Media Ignores Global Warming Skeptics Convention

This just in: Corrupt Media Blacks Out Coverage of This Year's Flying Saucer and Alien Abduction Convention.

Pat Boone: Obama Sounds Like a President Without a Country

Pat Boone? What, Ted Nugent isn't annoying enough?

Wes Vernon: Can't say this, can't say that, or you're trashed by the state or its thugs — this is America?

I want to hear more about these thug trashings, Wes, I really do. Could you supply some examples? No? Oh well, I guess we'll just have to take your word for it.

WorldNetDaily Exclusive: Will Obama honor Farah? A move on White House open government site to do just that

This is not about Farrah Fawcett, but Joseph Farah, the head of (surprise) World Net Daily, and one of the leading birth certificate lunatics in the country.

So what do you think? Will the Obama White House honor him? My guess is no.

World Net Daily Exclusive: Chuck Norris reveals whether he will run for president in 2012

Another vitally important story from WND. You go, Chuck. That will be fun.

By the way, this is a good place to mention that, once again, World Net Daily has broken its own record by today featuring twelve, count them, twelve posts about Obama's birth certificate, breaking their previous record of eleven. Excellent committment, guys. I'm sure that White House honor for Joseph Farah is getting closer with every new post.

Gary Bauer: Obama Comes Out of the Closet on Islam

Great. A guy manages to imply that Obama is both Muslim and Gay, before he even gets to the body of his post. Who knows what is in the rest? Maybe Obama is a werewolf too. Hey, a gay, Muslim werewolf in the White House- what an idea for a sitcom, huh?


Poll P. said…
This just in: Corrupt Media Blacks Out Coverage of This Year's Flying Saucer and Alien Abduction Convention.
(This is my favorite.)
Anonymous said…
I take it back--this is my favorite:
Hey, a gay, Muslim werewolf in the White House- what an idea for a sitcom, huh?

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