

Of ocurse I am going to take the opportunity to talk about the Hamas attack on Israel.


First, I'd like to talk about my background, or baggage, regarding the country.  I have lived in Israel, some years ago.  This was not for religious reasons; I spent several months there working on a movie.  During pre-production, weeks of location scouting and shooting the movie, I was all over the country, and spent a fair amount of time in the West Bank, where we also shot.  This included a lot of places that normal tourists would not see, including predominantly Arab areas such as East Jerusalem, the Arab quarter of the old city, Ramla and the southern part of Jaffa, which is predominantly Arab.  It also included heavily Orthodox areas like Mea Shearim.  I dealt with Israeli Arabs, Palestinians and Bedouins. 


Here are a few things I believe I learned there:  First of all, the Palestinians I knew were perfectly normal people with the same interest in living a safe, secure life as people everywhere else have.  Sure, long established brainwashing tactics seem to convince a steady stream of young victims to give their lives in futile acts of terrorism, but these certainly do not represent the people I knew.  God knows, the right in my country has also succeeded in generating a seemingly endless supply of crazed terrorists, without them being anything but a tiny minority of the population.


Second, I saw a country that works better as a multiethnic culture than almost anywhere else I have ever been.  All Israeli citizens are guaranteed by law equal rights.  We have heard the word "apartheid" virtually welded to the name of Israel, but in fact, Israeli society and law represent the exact opposite of apartheid.  I spoke of Palestinian victims; let me now speak of the willing suckers throughout the world that, without a shred of personal experience of Israel, have accepted a malicious lie, one rendered even more hateful by the fact that every one of the Arab countries that surround Israel practices open apartheid, something of apparently no concern to a single one of these people who ignorantly spit out the calumny against Israel.


Is there racial prejudice in Israel?  Yes there is, as there is almost everywhere.  But let me tell you that it is nowhere as intense as, for example, another place I have visited to work on a movie: the Mississippi Delta.  Race hatred is many times worse there, but in the narrative, financed by billions of dollars of Arab oil money, Israel is the most hateful country on earth.  The accusation that Israel practices apartheid is a vicious lie.  But like all right wing lies, the constant repetition of it year after year leads many people to fall for it. 


What is the appropriate response to this war of hatred?  Here are my initial suggestions.


First, Israel has provided electricity and water to Gaza for decades.  It has now become intolerable for Israel to aid the war against them this way.  This is one action that has already been taken.  The Palestinians receive more foreign aid than the entire continent of Africa.  Let them use that money to provide these services, demonstrating for once that they are not subhuman savages incapable of living on their own, instead of extorting help from their enemies.  In particular, the Sinai desert, right across the Egyptian border, is an area ideally suited to the construction of solar power plants, such as we see in the desert now outside of Los Angeles.  These could have been built cheaply and easily over the years in cooperation with Gaza’s Egyptian allies. Why has Hamas not spent the money to do this long ago, removing a major dependence on Israel?  And much of Gaza’s need for water could have been met by the construction of desalinization plants, a technology developed in Israel, which Israel is happy to share with the world. Let Hamas prove they are capable of running their own country without extorting aid from its enemies.


Second, here is something that few people realize:  80% of Palestine’s foreign sales are to Israel.  This must stop immediately; Israel must make it a crime to purchase any products from Gaza.  Once again, the insanity that these people survive only through the largesse of their enemies must stop.  Let those who supposedly support the Gaza government buy their products.  This Israeli action will bring an almost immediate complete collapse to what is already a nearly dead economy, but that’s what happens when you gun down people at a concert, and rape and kill old women and drag their bodies through the streets, or kidnap children and keep them in animal cages, threatening to kill them. 


Third, it is time for the world to recognize that Israel left Gaza 18 years ago.  There is no Israeli “occupation” of Gaza; that claim is just one more insane piece of lying propaganda.  The miserable economic condition of the people of Gaza is totally the result of the corrupt theft of its resources by their own government.  It is the responsibility of the people of Gaza to deal with this situation.  Only a decent government will ever bring them a decent life; nothing Israel can do will change this.


Finally, no one, ever again, in the entire world, who talks about the “open air prison” or the Israeli “blockade” should be tolerated in decent society.  Anyone who claims that they cannot now see the result of leaving the border between Israel and Gaza open, or of failing to monitor boat traffic in and out of Gaza is a liar.  As long as Hamas remains in control in Gaza, Israel can never allow a single person or vehicle to enter or leave the country without being sure that it carries no military personnel or equipment.  It would be insane for any country to do anything different in the face of a genocidal enemy like Hamas; no country but Israel would ever be criticized for taking this action.


Finally, it is a fatal error to ignore the fact that the Hamas covenant calls not just for expelling every Jew from Israel, but it also calls for the extermination of every Jew in the world.  Hamas must change that, and acknowledge the right of Jews to live.  Otherwise, they are nothing but a genocidal cult of monsters, that are the enemy of every decent person in the world.


And that, in my opinion, is just the beginning.  Only the people of Gaza can truly stop this insane criminality.  Israel must do what is necessary to force them to face reality.  Notice that I have not suggested any military actions here.  I know I am incapable of making judgments about that, and I know that military actions in the past, even when clearly unavoidable, have failed to stop the perverted combination of fanaticism and corruption that drives the absentee Hamas leaders.  Where military action makes sense, I am sure the Israelis will act.  I am just trying to consider what non-military actions are possible.


And I would like to add one more demand to this list.  Throughout the world, refugees are defined as people who have themselves fled from wars, famines, or other intolerable situations.  Throughout the world, that is, except in Israel, where a perverse act by the UN group that handles Palestinian affairs has redefined the word to include all descendants of those people who actually fled, resulting in generations of helpless victims who are held by the millions in concentration camps run by their Arab brothers in surrounding countries, including Gaza, where they are subject by their own people to barbaric conditions that destroy their lives and fill them with hopelessness and hatred.  Meanwhile, the real Jewish refugees who were ethnically cleansed from all Arab countries were, decades ago, incorporated into Israeli society and enabled to move on with their lives. It is time to rectify this injustice.  The real “refugees” from Israel, insofar as they ever existed, are almost one hundred percent now dead. There is no “right of return” for the current millions of Arabs held in the most barbaric of conditions decade after decade.  These people need to be incorporated in the countries where their families have now lived for generations, not in concentration camps but as equal citizens, the way Israel did with its Jewish refugees. 


Well, probably a waste of time for me to have written this.  However, after only a couple of days thought, this is what I would like to see.






St. Joan said…
Profound and very important.
Infidel753 said…
I think it is worth writing. One can't leave the field entirely to the both-sidesers and excuse-makers who slither out from under their rocks every time the Islamists commit some new atrocity against Israel.

The "apartheid" accusation has always been absurd, with Israeli Arabs being able to vote and Arab parties holding seats in the Knesset. The trash who say such things don't know anything about Israel and don't need to. It's just one more calumny in the tradition that goes back to the blood libels, accusations of spreading the Black Death, "Christ-killers", and so on. It's no accident that the group which is the target of all these insane slanders today is the group that has been the target of the worst bigotry in the West (and the Middle East) for centuries.

You say that the real supporters of terrorism are only a minority of the Palestinian population, but what would you say about the fact that Hamas was elected to rule Gaza in 2006? Are the Gazans different from the West Bankers? Did they not know what Hamas was about (hard to believe if they already had that same charter then)? Certainly I've never heard of any serious attempt there to overthrow Hamas despite the oppressive nature of its rule -- no mass demonstrations such as there have been in Iran against the regime there.
Grung_e_Gene said…
I'll not attack or argue with you. I will note that many Israelis squarely place the blame on Netanyahu and his Likud fanatics and Netanyahu himself has stated their goal was to prop up Hamas at all costs.


And anyone arguing the Palestinian people in Gaza deserve what's happening to them, because of an election in 2006, is a psychotic murder loving asshole. Oh the Gaza people should overthrow their "government" and if they don't well then they deserve death. But, then those phony leftists who yearn to see Trans people or Palestinians die often cloak themselves in progressive clothing when in reality they are Reactionary.
Green Eagle said…
Infidel, I think unfortunately, when you look back at the early 2000's, Hamas was a religious organization that had a history of running schools, hospitals and other charitable operations, and was seen as an improvement over the PLO, which was nothing but a pack of vicious terrorists with a long history of abominations to their credit. It certainly was a lack of vision on the part of Israeli leaders to not see how, once Hamas gained power in Gaza, they would strip off the mask and become even worse that what was in the West Bank. I suppose the message of this is that history has proven that Islamists always prove to be monsters, and none of them should be trusted.

Gene, I guess it is okay with you if Jews die at the hands of the Gaza government, but not okay if the people of Gaza, who are in the end responsible for ending Hamas' rule, suffer in any way. Nobody on the left that I have ever known wants Trans people to die, although as Infidel has now documented for years, many Trans people do want anyone who disagrees with them to die. This is sort of a reflection of the situation in Israel: Israelis almost universally want to live in peace and just be left alone, while the PA and Hamas governments constantly provoke genocide. Israel is, of course, continually accused of the same thing, in a perverse both-siderism, but we all know that this is a malignant lie. Israel cannot eradicate Hamas while it is massively financed by other countries, and while its leaders live in safety and luxury in other Arab dictatorships. I have proposed a number of non-military ways to force the people of Gaza to deal with their government. You will have none of it, and will have none of military responses either. There is only one alternative, which is the one I presume you support: for all Jews to simply lay down and die, and allow Hamas to finally complete the final solution.
Dave Dubya said…

I hate terrorism and condemn Hamas. I also hate fascism and condemn the Netanyahu regime.

I wish there were no Hitlers, Putins, Kims, Dick Cheneys, or Trumps.

I wish there was no such thing as radical Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim fundamentalism and nationalism.

I wish there were no such terror organizations like Hamas, al-Qaeda, the Taliban and ISIS. I wish there were no such thing as Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and other American neo-Nazi groups. But they are emboldened by the party of Trump, as we witness open insurrection and Blacks, American Jews and Mexican Americans gunned down.

I wish it were true that Palestinians are not being forced from their homes, and there were no illegal Israeli settlements. I wish it were true that Palestinian citizens who have the right to vote are free from discriminatory policies and actions.


The fact is not all Palestinians ARE Israeli citizens.


I wish people would try to understand why Jimmy Carter sees apartheid policies in Israel.

I wish there was no systemic racism in the US. I wish we didn't have the party of Trump that sees CRT and "anti-white racism" as the real threat, instead of poverty and racism against minorities.

I also wish it were true that African Americans, who have the right to vote, are never subjected to "driving while Black" police stops and harassment.

I wish having "equal rights" means equal treatment and equal justice under law.

I wish it were true that Native Americans were not slaughtered and forced onto reservations only to see their homelands stolen and children taken from them and forced into white indoctrination schools.

By today's standards Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were the "terrorists" of their time weren't they?

I wish I knew how to tell Native Americans why Israeli Jews have the right to evict others to reclaim ancestral lands but they do not.

I wish the human race would stop blaming victims instead of the authoritarian rulers who abuse their power.

I wish the human species would evolve into expanding and developing education, understanding, consciousness and conscience instead regressing into fear and bigotry.

I wish I had more answers than wishes...

Green Eagle said…
The only answer I can give you is this: If you have not lived in Israel, you do not have a clue what life is really like there. The opinions you express are based on malignant lies about Israel spread through billions of dollars of propaganda financed by Arab oil dictators. The lives of Israeli Arabs, their guaranteed rights, their income levels, their guarantee of education, health care and open participation in the political life of the country are vastly greater that anything that exists in the Arab world. You will find nobody who has more contempt for Netanyahu, who I have opposed since the late 1990's long before he came to the attention of American liberals, but remember, though born an Israeli, Netanyahu got into politics in the United States, as a worker for Mitt Romney. He is far more a Republican mole in Israel than he is a true Israeli politician. Unfortunately, Israelis were not prepared to deal with the cynical political manipulation that is the standard Republican way of governing, and they have sadly fallen for it. Nevertheless, Israel still offers its Arab citizens far more than their cousins in the surrounding Arab countries can ever expect in life. I am not going to deal with a lot of your comments in detail because they are based on false information. But when you use these lies to essentially justify the most depraved barbarism on the part of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, you are venturing into very dangerous territory.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Gaza is not a Nation your constant screaming that it is must be because you want to allow Israel to treat them as a Nation-state thus justifying the overwhelming indiscriminate use of force against an OPEN AIR PRISON. It's too bad your blinds about Israel leads you to the conclusion Arabs are less than human. Israel is not the plucky little heroes you wish them to be; Hamas isn't responsible for IDF war crimes. Hamas horrific attack does not justify the murder of children. But, many innocents will die this year because Extremists love it. Ben SShapiro likewise believes he can transfer the entire blame onto Hamas and thus absolve Israel for launching missiles and killing children.
Green Eagle said…
Gene, Gaza has been an independent country since 2005. If last weekend does not convince you that Israel is right to close its border with Gaza, there is only one explanation: it is you who consider people less than human, and the people you consider less than human are Jews, whose deaths justify no more retaliation than if you killed the aphids in your garden. It is in fact, you who dehumanize Arabs at that same time, by treating them as so subhuman that they cannot be expected to act like civilized human beings. Hamas is a genocidal government, yet you have no anger for their constant murderous abuses, including making the entire population of Gaza victims of their insane lust for power and money. I have no more to say because I believe your mind is closed to the reality of life in Israel.
Dave Dubya said…
I've never lived in Israel, but I think I can reasonably say life in Gaza and the West Bank isn't comparable.

I share every decent person's shock, revulsion and outrage at Hamas. They embody the worst of fundamentalist religious fanaticism and hate. They should be exterminated, but the question remains how.

What I don't understand is the dismissal of people like Jimmy Carter for seeing the apartheid nature in Israel.

Even Israelis can see it.

In August, former Northern Command head General Amiram Levin denounced West Bank "apartheid" policies and charged that the IDF was "rotting from the inside" by its participation in war crimes and normalized repression.

Do these references make ME a liar?

I cannot see why Netanyahu's strong-man authoritarian behavior, Israeli war crimes, Palestinians evicted from their homes, and IDF brutality is off the table for discussion.

I guess war is no time for context, and war seems eternal for Israel. The massive humanitarian crisis will only breed more hate and lead to more deaths. Calls for non-violence are now vehemently rejected by both sides.

This is what tribalism and religious nationalism does. We see this same ugliness in American radical Right white nationalists calling for civil war. Add the self-serving brutality of authoritarian leaders and we have the fatal flaws of humanity. But I guess that discussion is also off the table.

The fact remains that far more innocent Palestinians are killed in this endless madness, and I refuse to cheer their deaths as if they are all "subhuman animals".

And I'm disappointed that I am accused of lying, with no citation or corrective information offered.

Green Eagle said…

"Do these references make ME a liar?" No. But they do make you one more person who has been deluded about what apartheid is. I wrote a fairly detailed post about the real definition of apartheid, and the fact that it does not exist in Israel. After all the talk recently, I think I should repost it, which I will do now. Read it and tell me what you think.

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