Bernie Speaks Out

 Well, the inevitable is happening.  Already, public memory of the Hamas slaughter, burning of babies to death, raping and killing old women and dragging their bodies through the street, murdering of civilians at random, kidnapping children and putting them in animal cages on public view, the memory of all of that is being forgotten, while every attempt by Israel to strike back at the country that bred this monstrous behavior is portrayed as an abomination, as "collective punishment," as some sort of crime against humanity.  All the old lies about the history of Israel and the so-called "Palestinians" are being resurrected as though the horrors of the last week meant nothing.

I want to cite as a particularly abominable example someone who claims to be a Jew himself, Senator Bernie Sanders, as an example of how a perversion of anti-colonialism has produced a moral relativism that is monstrous, and only serves to promote the claim of moral equivalence between the left and the most ugly form of right wing hatred.  

"The group I side with are the innocent..."

Not the innocent Israelis that were slaughtered and taken hostage, however, as we shall see.

"For many, it is no secret that Gaza has been an open-air prison, with millions of people struggling to secure basic necessities," Sanders said in a statement issued on Wednesday."

This is of course a key component of the great Arab lie.  Gaza is an independent country.  Israel blocks its border to Gaza because of just the sort of mindless violence that it has experienced in the last week.  Sanders cares nothing for what would happen if the doors to that "open air prison" were thrown open as he suggests- what happened last weekend would become an every day event.  And the poverty of Gaza's people is one hundred percent the result of the theft of its resources by its own government.  This land along the Mediterranean could be among the most valuable on earth.  You need only compare the poverty stricken slums of Gaza to Tel Aviv, a city created out of empty land just thirty miles to the north.  Gaza could be like this today- one of the showplaces of the Mediterranean, providing a life of plenty for its residents.  Instead, its leaders have decided to live for their own financial wealth, by stoking hatred and violence.  Bernie utterly ignores the cause of Gaza's impoverishment.

Gaza could be like this, if its government and people would give up their hatred.

"Israel’s blanket denial of food, water, and other necessities to Gaza is a serious violation of international law and will do nothing but harm innocent civilians,”

Just like the Allies' denial of necessities to Germans during World War II.  It is an abomination, Bernie, to savage a country for not supporting those who want to destroy it.  No country on earth would ever be criticized for doing such a thing- well, no country except the tiny little one full of Jews.  And the so-called Jew Sanders goes along with this horror.

"But we must also insist on restraint from Israeli forces attacking Gaza and work to secure UN humanitarian access,” Sanders said. “Let us not forget that half of the 2 million people in Gaza are children. Children and innocent people do not deserve to be punished for the acts of Hamas.”

Of course, to Bernie, that apparently does not include the dead Jewish children and innocents slaughtered by Hamas. They apparently deserve to be punished. He has no time to call for Hamas to restrain itself from burning babies to death, or raping and killing old ladies, or kidnapping kids and putting them in cages.

"Sanders also reiterated his prior condemnation of the Hamas attack, calling it a "major setback for any hope of peace and reconciliation in the region – and justice for the Palestinian people."

Hamas butchery is a "major setback," but any Israeli response is a war crime.  In the face of Palestinian savagery, Sanders can only muster a call for "justice for the Palestinian people," but not one shred of concern for the lives of innocent Israelis.

"Sanders condemned Hamas’s brutal surprise attacks on Israeli civilians who were murdered at a music festival, while driving on the roads, waiting at a bus stop or while enjoying a typical Saturday morning at home..."The gunning down of young Israelis at a music festival is an image the world will not soon forget,” he said."

That is not a condemnation.  He says the world will not soon forget the images of dead Israelis, but he does not "condemn... Hamas’s brutal surprise attacks on Israeli civilians "  In fact, he does not say a word condemning what they did, but only regrets the publicity given to their crimes.

The United States dodged a bullet when Sanders failed to capture significant control over the Democratic party.  It is shameful that we have to rely on politicians with lifelong histories of weakness, like Joe Biden himself, to be forthright in condemning evil when they see it, while leftists like Bernie, who constantly congratulate themselves for their elevated moral stance, take only days to abandon slaughtered victims in favor of murderous religious fanatics.


Sam240 said…

1) The Israeli government honors the Lehi, Irgun, and Hagana terrorists who burned people alive and shot children in cold blood. These terrorists kicked 750,000 Palestinians out of their homes in the Nakba, and the Israeli government has been committed to making sure they never come home. As long as this happens, Israel is continuing the original terrorist attacks.

2) From the Wall Street Journal in 2009 :

'retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile's trajectory back to an "enormous, stupid mistake" made 30 years ago. "Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen'.

The Israeli government funded Hamas back in the 1980s as a way to prevent peace from breaking out. I have as much sympathy for the Israeli government as I do for the legendary parent-killer who plead for sympathy because he was an orphan. "Chutzpah" describes both.

3) Gaza is not an independent country - just ask the U.S. State Department. Neither, for that matter, is Palestine. For example, the Israeli government collects taxes and customs duties for Palestine - which means Israel is occupying Palestine.

4) I find it offensive that Green Eagle thinks there is only one valid way for a Diaspora Jew like myself to think.
Green Eagle said…
Sam, you have come on my blog so many times and lied and lied and lied, about a whole range of topics. I do not believe a thing you say, including your claiming to be a Jew. I think you are a Russian troll; you certainly act like one.

1) "These terrorists kicked 750,000 Palestinians out of their homes in the Nakba" That is a total lie. The vast majority of them left voluntarily, having been told by the surrounding Arab countries that the Jews in the area were about to be exterminated, after which they could return in triumph.

2) It was a great mistake for Israel to support Hamas, but this can only be seen in retrospect. Before 2005, Hamas, which also ran hospitals, schools and other humanitarian programs, was seen as a viable alternative to the violent, terrorist PA. As soon as Hamas took over Gaza, they revealed themselves to be an even worse pack of subhuman murderers than the PA, but the possibility that this would be the outcome was not seen by Israel at the time- as I say a gigantic error to think that any Arab ruler would be anything but a savage dictator. Making a mistake is not the same thing, however, as being a mass murdering religious fanatic.

3) Gaza is an independent country, no matter what anyone else says. The fact that you deny that shows how oblivious to reality you are.

As for your point 4, I spoke to that above.

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