Why ARE Professors Liberal, Huh?

Here's an article I would like to spend some time ridiculing:

"Groupthink: Marching to a Single Drumbeat
Why do the professors in a discipline think so much alike?
By George Leef"

I say "ridiculing," rather than "discussing" because I must confess that I didn't read the article. That is, no farther than to assure myself, as I expected, that the "reason" professors think so much alike is that they are all jackbooted intellectual stormtroopers of the pinko left.

I do, however, intend to offer my own answer to this question, and here it is:

The overwhelming majority of professors believe in global warming because it is true.

The overwhelming majority of professors believe in evolution because it is true. Actually, the world isn't 6,000 years old.

The overwhelming majority of professors believe that Bush and Cheney lied us into an unjustified war because they did.

The overwhelming majority of professors believe in Government involvement in medical care because our current private system is a massive failure at anything but generating profits.

The overwhelming majority of professors believe that Republicans are a pack of hypocritical thieves because they are.

The overwhelming majority of professors believe that the Nazis were right wingers because they were.

The overwhelming majority of professors do not believe in "trickle-down" economics because it is a self-serving lie perpetrated by the wealthy.

The overwhelming majority of professors do not believe that the "free market" is the solution to all of our problems because that belief is slightly less credible than Tinkerbelle.

I could go on, but I'm sure you've got the point here. People who actually know something tend to side with liberals because what the liberals believe is true. What conservatives claim to believe is a pack of lies. There. That was simple, huh?


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