Wingnut Wrapup

Infantile maunderings of the day, with appropriate explanatory comments:

Scott Wheeler: The Tyranny of Empathy
Obama missed an opportunity to be presidential and instead chose to play gutter politics and show himself for the hack that he is.

I'm also interested in such subjects as the Violence of Kindness, the Lovability of Hatred and the Veganness of a 32 ounce porterhouse. Oh well, Obama is nothing but a hack, right.
Scott, you are a prime grade asshole. Did you know that?

Dennis Praeger: The Speech President Obama Won't Give in Egypt
I need to say -- because candor is the highest form respect -- that America has....received little gratitude from the Muslim world...

First of all, the day Obama gives any speech anywhere written by the most dishonest talk show host on earth, Dennis Praeger, I'm switching to the Prohibition party.
Now, Dennis, can you explain to us exactly what gratitude we are due for invading the wrong country and killing several hundred thousand people? When you've answered that one, I have a few more questions for you.

Phyllis Schlafly: Socialism has virtually disappeared from our national lexicon since the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) collapsed because of Ronald Reagan's policies and the National Socialist (Nazi) Party was destroyed by the United States in World War II.

Phyllis Schlafly? Can she be still alive? Phyllis, really, you've been reading too much Jonah Goldberg.

Red State: A Climate of Hate "the left is trying to kill you. "

Oh. Okay, then.

Human Events: There are striking parallels between the world’s initial failure to stand up to Nazi Germany over 70 years ago and the West’s inaction today in the face of Iranian aggression.

Are there really? By the way, how many innocent countries has Iran invaded lately? In this article, you rail against Chamberlain at the Munich conference. By that time, Nazi Germany had invaded three countries in the previous two years. What country in the world today has invaded an innocent country which it continues to occupy? Hint: it's not Iran.

David limbaugh: Obama Knew What He Was Getting With Sotomayor

What, David, would you prefer it if he didn't know what he was getting, like Dubya and Harriet Meyers?

World Net Daily: The real danger of right-wing extremists

And what could that be, pray tell?

There's only one thing that could seriously, perhaps fatally, derail all the principled, well-intentioned, patriotic efforts currently taking place to rein in the shocking and unconstitutional power-grabbing by Barack Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress.

Oh, I see. The terrorism would be just fine, as long as it didn't stand in the way of you getting what you wanted. Thanks for this very helpful lesson in what it means to support your country.

But wait, there's more:

abortion activists nevertheless love to paint pro-lifers as "violence-prone." Why? Because abortion-clinic violence helps their cause...

Do you think maybe we like to paint pro-lifers as "violence-prone" because they are, uh, how should I phrase this, "violence-prone?" No, that couldn't be it. No. It must be because we're evil.

No sooner was Berlin's parliament building mysteriously torched in 1933 than Adolf Hitler moved with lightning speed to annihilate individual rights and ruthlessly consolidate his power.

I can't even begin to comprehend what this has to do with this post. I just included it to remind you that wingnuts can't get very far without bringing up you-know-who. They certainly seem to have some affection for the guy, the way they are always thinking of him.

World Net Daily: Government persecuting' jailed creation evangelist

.... Kent Hovind.... resides in a small federal prison cell in South Carolina – serving a 10-year sentence for failing to collect and pay withholding taxes, obstructing tax laws and other related charges.

Ah, yes. The Government is "persecuting" him for tax fraud. How terrible.
In further news from World Net Daily today:

IRS asked to review Americans United
'Group has become façade for liberal agenda, Democratic Party'

This, however, is an appropriate use of the IRS, since it is directed at liberals. Got it.

And now, a short note for Miss Pamela Geller: Pammy, you've been unusually stupid and boring lately. Snap out of it.

Anyway, goodbye for today. Have a nice evening.


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