Wingnut Wrapup- Renew America Edition

My heart really isn't in this today, as the whole pack of them could hardly hope to equal the lunacy of the single Frank Gaffney article reviewed below; so I thought I'd try a little experiment. All of the posts cited below came from one source- our most consistent provider of wingnut lunacy, Renew America. Let's see how they do:

Dan Popp: "Magical thinking
The U.S. government is dictating to businesses what products they can sell, where, to whom, and for what price.
....How could American business possibly thrive in such an anti-market environment?"

Finally! I am thrilled at last to see someone speak out for the long-oppressed heroin dealers of America. How dare the government tell them what they can sell, or to whom. How can they possibly thrive if you tell them they can't sell heroin to middle school kids?

Judie Brown: "Rants, raves, and radicals: the pill kills women!"

Well, apparently, it doesn't kill women, but it does kill their hours-old "fetuses." How do we know? Judie links to a post from the "American Life League" that says so.
Will you be surprised to discover that Judie is "president" of the American Life League?
Judie, out here in the real world, linking to yourself is not what we generally mean when we use the word "proof."

Warner Todd Huston: "Time tries to turn Obama into cute, cuddly Muppet"

Huston reminds us: "Gibbs seems to forget that many of Obama's key appointments are pulled from his Chicago mafia back home."

What, like Al Capone and Frank Nitti? Who knew? I thought they were all dead.

Jim Simpson: "WMD slam dunk never reported"

Russia moved all of Saddam's WMD's! How do we know? Here's an article from World Net Daily that says so! I guess that proves that, huh?

and not only that, but:
"....we now are confronted with a Washington political leadership of pure evil — bent on destruction of this country...."

Pure evil! We'd better put them in the Axis then. Iraq, Iran, North Korea and the United States.
And they say liberals hate America.

Curtis Dahlgren: "Can we really reverse Global Cooling, continental drift, moral decline, and Galloping Socialism?"

All at once?

A sample of his reasoning:
"a floating iceberg doesn't raise the sea level one iota when it melts, because the water it displaces is exactly equal to its volume when in liquid form. Sorry, but just the facts ma'am — even if that makes me a "climate change hysteria denier."

Oh boy, where to begin?
The guy finishes up with a conclusion containing the following. I'm not sure exactly what it has to do with global warming, or galloping socialism, but it caught my attention:

"Our forefathers came here because they CHOSE to come here. God sifted them out from all the rest."

Wait a minute, Curtis. You'd think that either they CHOSE to come here or God sifted them out. I don't really think you can have both. Think about it, guy.

Oh dear. What next?


Poll P. said…
What next, indeed. When yuo saw it was a foggy news day, you should have predicted that Kobe would be off his game.

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