Wingnut Roundup

Not a real lot of wingnut trash today. So much of it centered on the terrorist assassination of Dr. Tiller, and so much of that was disgusting beyond being repeatable. Here's a small sample, along with some other typical stupidity from the Right:

Michael Barone: I think Republicans today should be less interested in moving toward the center and more interested in running against the center.

Do that, Michael. Run away from the center as hard as you can. Until you run into a wall. Really, it's the best thing for all of us.

Angie Harmon: “I do think McCain would have done a better job, only because I think he has more experience. I also think if W. or John McCain or Reagan would have gone and done a talk show, the backlash would have been so huge and in his face, and ‘What is our president doing? How unclassy!’ But Obama does it, and no one says anything.”

Remember Angie Harmon? She was the second chair lawyer girl on Law and Order a few years ago. Here's a perfect example of why we try not to judge political commentators on their looks.
Angie, you don't need the abuse. Stay Home. Really.

Rich Galen: Here's a good idea. Let's give the Feds and the UAW five or six years at the helm of GM and Chrysler to see how they do.

Rich, it took your guys several decades to ruin these companies. How come we only get five or six years? Come on, how about if you just shut up for five or six years.

Newsmax: Anti-abortion activist Randall Terry says his movement should not tone down its rhetoric despite the killing of abortion doctor George Tiller.
The gunman was wrong to kill Tiller, Terry said, adding that abortion opponents bear no responsibility for the action. Tiller was "a mass murderer and horrifically, he reaped what he sowed," Terry said.

Thanks for your understanding, Randall. Tough getting attention these days, huh? Have to go a little wacky to get any press coverage? Well, now you know the result.

NRO: Are the principles and example of Ronald Reagan still relevant for conservatives?

Conservatives are dismayed and baffled at the sight of Obama’s Latin American-style personality cult....

I just love these two quotes a few sentences apart. They are still trying to turn this dead President into a saint, and they are complaining about Obama's "personality cult?" Get serious, guys. You can do better.

By the way, here's the answer to your question. The principles and example of Ronald Reagan are still relevant for Conservatives, if they still want to continue driving the country into a depression. They are great for that. Otherwise, like the people that voted for The English Patient for best picture, you're going to be really ashamed of yourselves in a few years.

Eugene Volokh: I'll be speaking to the Philadelphia Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society on the topic "Is the Roberts Court Conservative?

Volokh is one of those "intellectual" conservatives. Eugene, as they say, "Is the Pope Catholic," or "Is Dick Cheney a filthy Scum." Look, as pathetic as you are, even you could answer a harder question than this one.

And a couple more Tiller responses:

Sadly, although Tiller should have been prosecuted by civil government for dismembering and killing babies in the wombs of their mothers, civil government instead protected this savagery and inhumanity.

we can understand the energy generated by the heinous nature of Tiller's crimes,

Now that a man identified as Roeder has murdered infanticide specialist George Tiller, the media finally has a politically motivated assassination it can get behind and hype.

You know I could cite hundreds of these contemptible, inhuman ravings. Of course, the people who incessantly say things like this, insist that they bear zero responsibility for the consequences of their behavior.

But then, they lie about everything else too, right?


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