Too Ridiculous to Pass Up

I'm sorry. This doesn't seem like a very funny day to me, but some things are too good to pass up. From Red State's own Erick Erickson, the following:

"In Chicagoland politics, like third world thugocracies, opponents of government get gunned down, thrown in jail, threatened by the powers of government, etc. We saw this happen a few months ago when a bank executive wrote a letter to the editor in his local newspaper criticizing TARP. Barney Frank demanded he appear before Congress..."

First of all, Erick, Barney Frank is not from Chicago. Secondly, being invited to offer your expert testimony to a congressional committee is not quite like being gunned down or thrown in jail. Sheesh, Erick, get a grip.

Right below that helpful post is one titled:

"Has Anyone Checked to See if the Holocaust Museum Shooter had a DailyKos Account?"

As moronic as this notion is, it isn't what I want to bring to your attention. it's a link in the article to this Red State post from 2006:

"I'm sure that it's frustrating to most left-leaning bloggers these days that they can't seem to make the Democrats listen to them or win any elections. I'm sure that many of them are wondering why despite their best efforts, despite giving all their money, despite fighting and bleeding for the cause, they manage to make no headway."

Don't you think that they would be just too embarassed to bring this to our attention?


You're a self-important asshole whose blog nobody reads or gives a shit about.

Have a nice day.
Green Eagle said…
Dear Ms. Hatter,

I don't think you know me, but actually, I think you just about got it with the "self-important asshole" thing, as that's pretty much how I see myself. Isn't the internet wonderful?

You are welcome here any time, and I hope you will return with some actual comments on what I have to say, as predictable insults don't really leave much room to continue the discussion.
I mean that- I'd be interested in something more substantial from you and hope to hear from you again.

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