Ollie Shoots His Lying Mouth Off Again

Here's some typical moronic spin on Obama's speech in Cairo, from that great military genius, Ollie North, at Town Hall:

"WASHINGTON -- According to the mighty Wurlitzer in the White House press office, this week's penitent presidential venture to the Middle East has been "historic" and a "new beginning" for our relationship with Islam. Unfortunately for Mr. Obama -- and his campaign promise to make a major speech in a Muslim capital -- Osama bin Laden didn't play along."

Here's some other news, a little late but interesting: According to the mighty Wurlitzer in the Foreign Office, Winston Churchill claims that "we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

The speech was a total failure, because Hitler didn't play along.

Ollie continues: "
Though Mr. Obama's carefully scripted "grand gesture" before a thoroughly screened audience in Cairo was simultaneously translated into a half-dozen tongues and broadcast around the world, it wasn't enough to push the bin Laden commentary off Islamic Web sites. That's because bin Laden gets it and Mr. Obama doesn't. "

Because, as you so perceptively point out, Ollie, the only way Obama's speech could possibly be considered a success is if all of America's enemies surrendered immediately thereafter, and accepted their punishment.

This is one of the stupidest opinion pieces I have ever read. You know, if we need the opinion of a drug dealing, criminal military failure, maybe we'll get General Noriega out of jail. He's got to have something better to say than you.


Poll P. said…
I'm glad SOMEBODY remembers to consider Gnl. Noriega. too often overlooked.

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