Obama and Lebanon

I feel a little conflicted about quoting anything by Thomas Friedman, but he had this to say today:

"...in Lebanon it was the real deal, and the results were fascinating: President Barack Obama defeated President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. "

This plays into something I heard Keith Olbermann suggest last night. Is the stunning and utterly unexpected rejection of Hezbollah by the Lebanese People, at least in part the result of Barack Obama's total change in tone toward the Arab world, after eight years of mindless belligerence by Bush and Cheney?

I want to point out that a speech is just a speech. Obama has, so far really done almost nothing. I do not in any way mean to suggest that I don't heartily approve Obama's actions- only to suggest how much we can accomplish by just ceasing to deliberately do the wrong thing.


Poll P. said…
Hey, I said it before Keith did.

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