A Note about Wingnut Wrapup

I want to tell the (few) regular readers I have that I am not going to bother with my wingnut wrapup today. Yes, the right wing is full of the same sort of laughable garbage as always, but all of this is pretty unimportant compared to the second right-wing terrorist attack in our country in a few days.

As some of you may have noticed, I have harped on the lethal irresponsibility of conservative propagandists, who deliberately foment this sort of thing, and then deny any responsibility for the wholly predictable results of their hatemongering.

I have seen this behavior all my life, but nowhere near as openly and unapologetically as in the five months of the presidency of a black man. I promise you, after over forty years of watching these people, that this is going to get a lot worse if these ideologues don't begin to face up to the consequences of their behavior.

This is going to be a rough ride, and I'm afraid that it is just beginning.


Poll P. said…
I know how important it is that this point gets made again and agani. I used this theme in a reply to a post on FB. just moments ago.

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