A New Conservative Low

Joseph Farah, the founder of World Net Daily, who has gotten himself featured here before, outdoes himself, and perhaps every right wing liar, in a just-published article, about a speech delivered by our President:

"The speech was delivered at Buchenwald, one of the most notorious concentration camps operated by Nazis....

This is the shockingly unbelievable line that struck my attention – one that was in such poor taste that it couldn't possibly have survived scrutiny by competent speechwriters and editors unless there was some intention behind it: "We are here today because we know this work is not yet finished."

So, I ask you, am I really taking Obama's words at Buchenwald out of context? Or am I the only one seeing them in context? "

Yes, you are reading that correctly. A widely read conservative pundit, considered by other conservatives to be a responsible spokesman for their cause, is accusing Barack Obama of publicly committing himself to continuing Adolf Hitler's policy of exterminating Jews.

How can such an abominable, disgraceful lie even find its way into print? I have not been kidding you when I say that most decent people in this country simply have no idea of the loathsome stew of hatred and falsehood that makes up the staple political diet of, now, perhaps 20% of our population. If you think this bodes well for the future, you are deeply deluded.


Poll P. said…
I think we need to be shown it more -- on TV shows, as news items. Not sure how this could work without grossing people out, but I underdstand your point that it's hard for normal people to fathom how criminally creepy the nutty stuff has gotten.

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