Jonah Goldberg, Trying for a New Low

Friom Media Matters, proof that Jonah Goldberg is still in the running for stupidest person in human history:

"People say, 'well, why should we be neutral on race when people aren't neutral about whose family gave more money to a school and all the rest?' And there's a longer answer, but a short answer is simply that, you know, we fought a civil war over race. We amended the constitution a couple of times because of race. We had the civil rights act because of race. Seems to me that race is different, and that we've learned from bitter experience with lots of dead people that government getting in the business of picking winners and losers by race is a bad way to go."

Leaving aside the other idiocies of this article, Jonah, I guess our government has never been in the business of picking winners and losers by whose family has the most money. And I guess you know, we never fought any wars over money (or oil, which is the same thing), we never wrote things into the constitution to protect people with money, we never passed any laws to protect people with money.

Jonah, besides being unbelievably stupid, you are also a cynical, lying son of a bitch. And by the way, speaking of the latter part, you owe your position entirely to whom your parent is. Although the rest of the paid right wing hacks give you a run for your money, there is no one on the right more sick and shameful than you.


Poll P. said…
Man, Pammy annoys you, but this guy really gets your goat!

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