The Hatred in our Midst

In order to demonstrate the depth of the right wing hatred and intransigence we face in this country, I want to reprint the following, which consists of a selection of comments on a single post from Gateway Pundit, one of the nation's more prominent "mainstream" right wing blogs:

"Any reports on whether or not the shooter is another Muslim yet?"

"Holy cow! Ralph Peters said that Obama's speech in Cairo meant Jews were fair game. Looks like that's the case."

"The longer it takes to find out the ethnicity of the criminal, the certainty he isn't white.
Just you wait"

"How likely the odds that this shooter spent some time in Yemen?"

These were the first responses, before they found out he was one of their own. Predictable, huh?

"Well, we do have acoustic weapons that can beam your voice into someone's head now. How hard would it be to convince someone who's already convinced they ought to do this that you're the voice of---Obama?"

Beaming Obama's voice into someone's head. Well, that would explain everything.

"The guy is 89 and goes into a Holocaust Museum and shoots security guards. What is up with that? Were they Jewish security guards? I mean, how can the media already start connecting dots when there isn't any sense to it."

I see. If he didn't kill Jews, how could he be antisemitic?

"I find it odd that a vet goes in to a museum to murder people a month or so after the Homeland Security report is released.
Which came first: the chicken or the egg?"

A likely theory- the Homeland Security report about right wing terrorism is actually responsible when the terrorism it predicted comes true. Once again, it's all the liberals' fault.

"Didn't they recently say the Muslim extremists were recruiting Nazis."

No, as far as I know they didn't. But apparently you are saying it. Good luck with that one.

"I am done with Shep Smith. He has shown his true colors, again. He has now somehow, through telepathy I guess, ascertained this man's religion,political affiliation, and his motives."

Not through telepathy, guy, through the internet. I did it too. It took less that two minutes. The jerk wasn't trying to hide what he believed. Poor Shep. He carries your water for years, and then tells the truth once, so out with him.

"White sepremists came out of the democrat party (KKK). Black sepremists established because of the democrat party."

Yes, white supremists came out of the Democratic party. And into the Republican party. That's because you wanted them and we didn't.

"Well, I dont believe for a second that Nazi's are right-wing, cause they were established on the left-wing Nationalist Socialist Party in Germany. Guess this ideology mustve rubbed off on some here, like the Southern Democratic Party."

I've spoken about this sick delusion before, so I'll just let it pass here.

"As for the shooter...
A 9-11 truther who hates Jews.
Two classic left-wing patterns, aren't they?
And a nazi, too. More leftist crap."

Did you bother to google the guy and read his website? No? But you know all about him, huh?

"After Obama's kiss up speech to Muslims we have a one dead and 3 hurt in a Hollocaust Museum. Does he comment on any of this -- nah"

Well, actually he had commented on it by the time you posted this. But of course, I see your point- Obama was sending secret messages to would be Nazis to attack museums. You should get together with the mind ray guy above and work this theory out.

White supremicists are socialists are leftists. No right wing involvement at all.

A leftist who was welcome in Hayden Lake, Idaho, who had decades long associations with numerous right wing causes and was hailed as a hero by other hard right wingers.

I am not reprinting these comments as a joke. Remember, they are all from one thread. We have a price to pay in this country for decades of failure to confront this ugliness, and allowing it to grow unmolested. The result is a disease that has infected a frighteningly large segment of the population. When I first started following these people in the late sixties, they were small in number, and mostly hid their ugly views from the rest of us. Now, they have major advocates with daily TV shows, people in congress inciting them in their idiocy, and a feeling that they are entitled to their hatred and violence. Every day this problem grows worse, and if you are so foolish as to believe that Obama's manifest success as President will make them think things through again, look around you. They are constitutionally incapable of admitting they could ever be wrong; and this belief in their own infallibility is constantly nurtured by their sick "religious" leaders. Success of Democratic alternatives only succeeds in enraging them all the more, and they are armed.

What we have seen so far is only the bare beginning. This is going to be so ugly.


Poll P. said…
nce again I have to say, this is so important. It needs to be heard and addressed. Why not write some letters to Keith and Rachel and the NY Times. Preaching to the choir, I know.

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