Health Care- A Bad Thing?

I found this poll, on Town Hall's website so amusing:

Today's Poll

Are you in favor of universal health care?

Yes (4 %)
Graphical representation of votes
No (94 %)
Graphical representation of votes
Undecided (1 %)
Graphical representation of votes

Note that there is not a word about Government involvement in the question. Apparently, 94% of conservatives are against everyone having health care, i.e. they like the idea of a lot of people having no health care, no matter who pays for it.

Could there be a better example of the degree to which conservatives have been programmed to respond without conscious thought?


BB-Idaho said…
Of course universal healthcare is bad. Big pharma/insurance has worked very very hard to make us believe that. Sure, we pay twice as much as any other country and they blow us out of the water in every single category of healthcare measurement. But we
must be concerned that profits, big time profits, are the purpose of our system...not providing medical services. The US health care consumer is the dumbest and most ill-served patient in the civilized world...and they think it is great. *sigh*

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