Little Pammy Takes Early Dive into Filth

Didn't you know that we could count on Little Pammy Geller for a rational, dignified take on the right wing terrorist attack at the Holocaust museum?

"So let me understand this -- the Nazi Von Brunn ran into the Holocaust museum in DC and opened fire on security, and Shepard Smith is remonstrating with conservative bloggers who aren't drinking the Obama kool-aid?


I am watching Shepard's show dumbfounded. He is pointing his smug, short stubby finger at us for mistreating Obama (no mention of how Obama has treated the Consitution, Capitalism, and our allies). He is yelling at us for calling Obama a Muslim (he was born a Muslim, don't shoot the messenger, man), and for questioning the origins of his birth (vault copy, anyone?). But what does this have to do with the Nazi Von Brunn? I do not know."

Well, at least you don't want to know, Pammy. Remember that report on right wing terrorism you were all so angry about? Well, here's the second terrorist attack in one week, and it's still not enough to make you stop your smears and lies about Obama for six hours.

I don't really have the heart to go over her disgusting post line by line. Here's just one more sample. There's plenty more just as bad, if you care.

"And who can forget his leftist asshattery last month, when Fox anchor Shepard Smith, on a post-broadcast Webcast, lost it when discussing his opposition to waterboarding, etc — bellowing: "We are America!" (slamming the table) "I don't give a rat's ass if it helps. We are AMERICA! We do not f---ing torture!!"

Number one, Pammy, are you really accusing someone on Fox News of being a leftist? I promise you, this is going to come up in your impending insanity hearing, and it's not going to help. Now, more seriously, I am glad to hear you admit that not torturing people is "leftist asshattery." It's always been my position that common human decency is a leftist thing.

Once again, not a second in which this woman will confront the role of hatemongers like herself in generating this sort of thing, and the far worse that will surely follow if they keep it up.


Poll P. said…
It's true, "It's always been my position that common human decency is a leftist thing." Excellent. How well I remember the 'brother's keeper' example.

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