Wingnut Wrapup

More of the usual from the Party of Losers:

Michelle Malkin, Town Hall: "Has there ever been a time when 18-term liberal Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman's nostrils weren't flaring indignantly at corporate executives and entrepreneurs?"

No, Michelle. That's why we keep sending him back to Congress.

Michael Medved, Town Hall: "Obama: Outright Evil, or Simply Wrong?"

I think Michael Medved's listeners came down about 30 to 1 in favor of outright evil. Well, that's what you get for Governing While Black.

Bobby Schindler, Town Hall: "Indeed, it was because of my family’s experience trying to protect Terri (Schiavo) that we realized how all persons with similar cognitive disabilities are completely vulnerable to state laws that currently make it “legal” to deny them the most basic care – food and water. "

"Cognitive disabilities." You know that would be funny if it weren't so sick. Terry Schiavo's brain had largely turned to liquid. That's not a cognitive disability. That is more commonly known by another term: dead. Yet here this sick bastard is, years later, still sucking up the public attention he has gotten by exploiting his sister's tragedy. And they wonder why we don't take them seriously.

Gateway Pundit, approvingly quoting Col. Bud Day, whoever the hell he is: "“You’ve got the black one with the reading thing. He can go as fast as the speed of light and has no idea what he’s saying,”

The black, no racism here.

Republican Lawrence Eagleberger: “I’ve never seen anyone who is as amateurish in the conduct of his foreign relations as this president.”

Apparently, you were born the day after George Bush left the White House. Really, guy, what could be more amateurish than invading the wrong country? Talk about a rookie mistake

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama Just Made the Student Loan Program a Student Gift Program (With Your Money, Of Course)"

Because what could be more unforgivable than giving poor kids a free education. By the way, of course this dick is lying- I'm sure you already figured that out. But now that he brings it up, it's not such a bad idea.

Kevin Price, Renew America: ""Unconstitutional" and "impeachment" are fighting words for members of Congress and are dangerous when you are talking about the Speaker of the House. That is the type of language Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is using in light of the actions going on in the Congress."

"Stupid" and "ignorant" are a couple of words that might be applied to Michelle Bachmann. Michelle, if you had spent five minutes with teh Google, you would have discovered that it was decided in 1799 that members of congress are not "civil officers" of the United States and are therefore not eligible to be impeached. The 1799 decision resulted from the one and only time that the House tried to impeach a member of congress; in the intervening 211 years, you are the only person who is a big enough dumbass to give it another whirl.

World Net Daily: "The Catholic League for Religion and Civil Rights has come out swinging in defense of Pope Benedict XVI, with its president, Bill Donohue, proclaiming "the pope is innocent." Even worse, Donohue told WND, "the pope is being framed" by his clearly anti-Catholic critics."

"Da Pope is Bein' Framed. And he has a real good alibi. He was playin' poker wid' his buds when da crime was committed. And Dat's my story. His lawyer will have him out of here in a couple of hours, and you're going to find yourself back walkin' da beat, copper."

Robin of Berkeley, American Thinker: "I've been feeling funky since Black Sunday, the day of the health care debacle."

Who cares? And who even believes you, given as how you are a pathological liar.

Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online: " So what if some nutcases happen to have right-wing politics?"

Yeah, so what? But what if they ALL have right wing politics? What then?


Not being greedy enough? Not hating enough? No, I think I'll go with the greedy thing. That really is the primary defect of leftist thinking. And a real abomination it is, too.

Astute Bloggers: "Basic surgical procedures that could improve the lives of thousands of people are being withheld by NHS trusts desperate to save money, according to some of the country's leading doctors. Even when the sick are referred to a hospital consultant they can be refused operations because trusts have "arbitrarily defined a number of operations that reduce pain, improve quality of life and prevent serious long-term complications as being of 'limited clinical value'".

This would absolutely NEVER happen under our present system of private sector insurance.

Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "Body Parts Turning Up At Medical Waste Facility. Pretty creepy. I knew stuff like this would start happening the minute they passed ObamaCare."

Man, were you right there. And before any of it has even taken effect. I just knew this would happen. Just like when we elected Obama. Every thing that happened was his fault the minute he was sworn in. And now, within milliseconds of the passage of this bill, body parts start turning up. If this isn't enough to make you into a teabagger, I can't figure out what would.

Cal Thomas, Town Hall: "What Would Newt Do?"

God, who gives a damn. I'll bet you this- whatever it was, it would be disgusting.

Larry Elder, Town Hall: "Against ObamaCare? You're a Fascist Racist Hater"

Finally figured it out, huh, Larry? Now how do you feel about carrying water for the man all these years? Pretty dumb, huh?

Lori Zagano, Red State: "Obamacare Bullies and Punishes The Children...The higher costs will pinch many people in their 20s and early 30s who are struggling to start or advance their careers with the highest unemployment rate in 26 years."

Let's just leave the other garbage out. How do you think most people in their early thirties would feel about being called children?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Chicago Law Prof on Obama: “The Professors Hated Him because he was Lazy, Unqualified & Never Attended any of the Faculty Meetings...Doug Ross reported this and more:

I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about “Barry.”...The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review..."

Of course, this highest tenured faculty member apparently isn't interested in having his name mentioned, so what we are left with is that Jim Hoft, one of the biggest liars on earth, claims that someone said this. Personally, I am a little suspicious. But then that's just me, I guess. I'm just not willing to give a guy the benefit of the doubt when he publishes anonymous smears about the President. A real character defect on my part, huh?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Violent anarchists are planning on infilitrating and sabotaging the Tea Party Protests on April 15th."

Of course, there is absolutely nothing in the "evidence" Jim publishes to indicate that these people are violent or anarchists, or that they plan to sabotage anything. Maybe he heard that from an anonymous law professor too. Or maybe he made it all up. What do you think?

Carey Roberts, Renew America: "White men stiffed by the Obama administration...That's exactly what happened last January in Massachusetts...That stunning upset underscored a lesson that continues to elude many politicians: in most elections, white males are the kingmaker."

And they were stiffed by not getting their guy in there, despite his having gotten way less votes. White guy thinking at its finest.

Carl P. Paladino, Big Government: The Hysteria of the political establishment and the media that covers it is incredible. I’m not a politician and I don’t talk like one. On March 23rd ,I went on the Curtis Sliwa Show on 970AM the Apple in New York City to discuss my opposition to Obamacare. Here is what I actually said: “This day, the day that that bill was passed, will be remembered just as 9/11 was remembered from history." Within minutes liberals were insisting that this madman from Buffalo had compared the passage of Obamacare with the tradgedy of 9/11. Any fair-minded person could see that I merely said both days would be widely remembered like JFK’s murder or the Space Shuttle Crash or the1929 stockmarket crash. Why would the pundits and commentators twist my words and seek to make me out an insensitive rube from upstate?"

"JFK’s murder or the Space Shuttle Crash or the1929 stockmarket crash." Hmm. I missed where you mentioned those things. As far as I can see, you only mentioned 9-11.

So, when you said "This day, the day that that bill was passed, will be remembered just as 9/11 was remembered " you didn't really compare the two things. No, of course not.

How stupid do you think people are, you lying pig?


flavor411 said…
Michelle Malkin is the LAST person who should be talking about nostrils flaring indignantly.

Hasn't she seen those video grabs from her tv appearances?
Infidel753 said…
Well, to be fair, there's an obvious reason why Republicans would be concerned about the rights of people with severe cognitive disabilities.
Green Eagle said…
The only civil rights action Bush initiated during his whole term was to forbid execution for the mentally retarded. I always thought that was done out of sheer self interest.

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