A Brilliant Comment on Saint McCain

I want to bring your attention to one of the most brilliant pieces of political analysis I have read in a long time, a post at Daily Kos about John McCain's denial that he ever called himself a maverick, and what that reveals about the Republican party and the suckers that buy their lies.

Here's a small sample:

" There is no point to the statement, and no profound advantage in saying it or not saying it. It is not something to be fact checked or tittered at. It is merely there, a dangling, glistening drop of verbal drool from a smiling, unimpeachably honest mouth. It is a blown kiss directed at you, the listener, whether you want it or not. It is a tiny act of intellectual assault; a minor act of thuggery sandwiched between one magazine page and the next; a noble monument erected by the speaker to himself so that the rest of you pissant little tyrants, you dime-store dictators of the lower classes, can look upon his greatest works and know your own place. The most precise translation is something like screw you, listener.

It is not a lie, of course, it is only a, shall we say... evolution of the truth. And that is the genius of the statement: it acknowledges fully that what is true and what is false, in politics -- scratch that, in America -- is completely irrelevant."

Believe me, the whole of this long post is a treat. Give it a try, particularly if you are not used to reading the number one liberal blog site in existence.


Leslie Parsley said…
Brilliant indeed. Thanks for the post and link. It was well worth the trip.
magpie said…
"The "news" is not the news, precisely speaking: it is merely the forum by which competing interests can cough up competing versions of reality."

I can't accept that. If it's got to that... then a lot of people need to be fired.

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